Longer than normal shipping times

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  • MN_Snuser
    • May 2008
    • 354

    Longer than normal shipping times

    I finally got my roll of general white portions that was shipped on the March 23. Purchased at buysnus.com. To be clear I am NOT blaming bysnus.com, they always treat me right, and send very fresh snus. I have never waited this long, what's going on? Is it swedish post, or US postal service?
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    More likely U.S. Customs. So who are they under now, Homeland Security?


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Most likely USPS.

      I have waited 3-4 weeks before with deliveries from Toque (UK), V2 (Denmark), and Buysnus (Sweden).

      That is why I draw my conclusion to pin it on USPS. Heck, One time I made an order from one place in California and Buysnus at the same time. Buysnus arrived 2 days before California.

      USPS = Fail


      • superdevil
        • Jul 2008
        • 158

        My most recent order with buysnus has been my longest wait so far. I ordered on 3/27 and received yesterday 4/04. Still not as long as your wait, but longer than I'm used to.


        • Sal1000us
          • Jan 2009
          • 384

          Xobeloot is right and I believe the situation will be worse as USPS plans to cut 100 million work hours this year and also switch to five-day delivery if it's finances are not improved.

          The U.S. Postal Service is taking drastic steps to close a multibillion-dollar budget deficit, but experts and postal officials say even those actions might not keep the Postal Service solvent through what could be a long recession.
          The Postal Service plans to cut 100 million work hours this fiscal year. It wants Congress to change the way it pays for its retirees’ health benefits, a move that could save about $2 billion this year. And it asked Congress for permission to switch to five-day delivery if its financial condition doesn’t improve.
          Those steps would help to plug a deficit that will almost certainly hit $3 billion this year, and could reach as high as $6 billion, according to some experts. But if mail volume continues to drop, or if legislators don’t approve the changes — they’re very resistant to five-day delivery — the Postal Service will have to pursue even more drastic changes.
          The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) estimates the switch to five-day delivery could save about $2 billion a year. The Postal Service’s internal forecast is more optimistic: It predicts about $3 billion in savings.


          • Selenolycus
            • Mar 2009
            • 43

            Originally posted by superdevil
            My most recent order with buysnus has been my longest wait so far. I ordered on 3/27 and received yesterday 4/04. Still not as long as your wait, but longer than I'm used to.
            My Northerner order was shipped on 28 March 2009. The USPS' incompetency is going to force me to order from Northerner rarely and in large quantities.

            I'm sure the package is within twenty miles of me, it just takes them a few days or so to figure out where it's supposed to go. :roll:


            • Norwester
              • Dec 2008
              • 178

              My Nicotine Rush order shipped from FL on the 28th of March and just got here on the left coast today. 9 days!


              • BrianC
                • Dec 2008
                • 463

                Times have been longer recently, from northerner and buysnus. It is a bit annoying. I am anxiously awaiting my roll of thunder frosted, the thing that sucks is I am pretty much out of sterk portions (which might be adding to my irritation ) I have been waiting 7 days now, which isn't bad, but it is longer than normal, orders from northerner have been taking 8-9 days as well. Not as bad as some of you, but still annoying.


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