Taxes and snus choice

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  • Elvijs
    • Apr 2009
    • 16

    Taxes and snus choice

    Hello. I have a question about taxes. I live in Latvia (European Union) and I would like to order snus from My order looks like this:

    Price: € 22,09
    Tobacco Tax: € 7,93
    Delivery cost 1: € 6,44
    EU Sales Tax (25%): € 9,12
    Total: € 45,57
    Charged in USD: $ 59.22

    I heard there are some extra taxes in European Union. So, my question is: will my order cost 45.57 euro or I will have to pay extra money? It's just very cheap and that's strange. I ordered 8 cans from for 40 euro, but it was lower quality snus. (Service was great.)

    Another question is about snus. Right now I am using Lucky Strike and Knox. Lucky Strike is little bit too strong for me and I don't like taste too. Knox is better, but taste is too mild. I don't feel any flavour. So, on my next order I want different snus. I picked these:
    Skruf Cranberry, Portion 2 € 2,19
    Röda Lacket, White Portion 2 € 2,22
    Probe Whisky, Portion 2 € 2,19
    General Wintergreen, Portion 2 € 2,22
    Catch Eucalyptus, White Portion 2 € 2,22

    Any suggestions what to order? Your experience about shipping from northerner to EU? I would be happy for any recommendations. And sorry for my bad english.

    Elvijs, new snuser.
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Welcome to the forum!

    Yes, your order will be EUR45 as it includes EU Sales Tax (25%): € 9,12 & Tobacco Tax: € 7,93.

    You think that is cheap? Probably in comparison to cigarettes, but still a heck of a lot more than what our friends in the US are paying

    What type of taste do you prefer for snus? Tobacco flavoured or mint/fruit flavoured? The Skruf Cranberry is very good IMO and goes well with light beers.

    Personally I find Röda Lacket too sweet, but a lot of people here like it a lot.

    Catch Eucalyptus was the first can of snus I couldn't finish. Just terrible.

    I cannot comment on the General WG or the Probe as I haven't had either.

    I would suggest getting

    Skruf Cranberry portion
    Skruf White Original Portion
    Gotlands Yellow Portions
    Grov Original Portion
    General Original portion
    Röda Lacket white portion
    Göteborgs Rapé No2 white portion
    Pall Mall white portion or Pall Mall Original portion

    Ps: Northerner is really good in the EU. On average I get a package in 3-4 days.


    • Elvijs
      • Apr 2009
      • 16

      Thank you very much, KarlvB. I prefer mint/fruit flavoured snus. Lucky Strike is tobacco flavoured and I don't like it very much. Too spicy for me. I will order Roda Lacket and Skruf Cranberry for sure. I have to choose 3 other brands now. Right now I am thinking about KarlvB's recommendations and General WG, Probe whisky and maybe Catch.


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        Originally posted by Elvijs
        I prefer mint/fruit flavoured snus. I will order Roda Lacket and Skruf Cranberry for sure. I have to choose 3 other brands now.
        In that case I would suggest adding the following to your order

        Gotland Green Portion (delicious!!)
        Göteborgs Rapé No2 white portion
        Jakobsson's Icefruit Portion


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Ettan Lös would be my suggestion. Pure tobacco and slightly peaty and smokey, but certainly different from what you have tried before.

          Probe Whiskey Lös also is worth a try, but not everybody likes it. You gotta use it for two hours to slightly taste tobacco-undertones.

          LD Black Portions if you like sweet liquorice and tobacco-taste isn't for you at all.

          Mocca Pomegranate Miniportions, if you just want something totally candy-like.

          These brands all have enough nicotine.

          Hope this helps!



          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            Originally posted by KarlvB
            EU Sales Tax (25%):...
            Fack! Is that anything you buy from another EU country? Americans (myself included) start bitching when sales tax goes above 5%... Plus there is no sales tax on out of state or country purchases at all!


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              Originally posted by RobsanX
              Originally posted by KarlvB
              EU Sales Tax (25%):...
              Fack! Is that anything you buy from another EU country? Americans (myself included) start bitching when sales tax goes above 5%... Plus there is no sales tax on out of state or country purchases at all!
              Just go to buysnus and switch to "ordering from inside the EU" to get an idea. Sweden's VAT is pretty high with 25%, but 5% VAT are something to dream about in the EU. No EU-country from which I import regularly has less than 20%.

              We can only hope that it doesn't get worse. The theoretical possibility that the snus-ban someday gets lifted and at least the Swedish tobacco tax could be spared and the VAT be slightly lower is maybe the best we can hope for, but it seems to be utopian.



              • Elvijs
                • Apr 2009
                • 16

                Thank you all for suggestions. Right now my choice is:
                Röda Lacket, White Portion 1 € 2,22
                Skruf Cranberry, Portion 2 € 2,19
                Göteborgs Rape No2, White Portion 1 € 2,22
                Gotland Green, Portion 2 € 2,25
                General Wintergreen, Portion 2 € 2,22
                Goteborgs Rape, Loose 1 € 2,21
                Ettan, Loose 1 € 2,01

                More recommendations are welcome. I just want to make good order this time and try new brands.


                • bigmacemd
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 43

                  hey there,

                  I've been ordering to Poland for a few years and I have to recommend SnusButiken,com, the prices are a bit cheaper than both northerner and buysnus and the delivery and service is trouble free.

                  I know it sounds a bit like an Ad for them but I suggest you take a look at the site and compare prices.

                  I also recommend skruf portion and Catch Eucalyptus portion as great starter brands


                  • Ant66Ant
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 64

                    Yes the taxes are high but I'd rather pay the Swedish Govt. my money than to Gordon Brown's squandering Labour party! Still cheaper than cigs and nowhere as unhealthy.

                    Hey, there's no lös in your order. Give lös a try you may love it. So if you like flavoured snus, buysnus has single cans of Nordströmmen lös special edition in many flavours on offer. I've yet to try, am waiting for my order. Happy snusing


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      Looks like he is getting Göteborgs Rapé and Ettan lös. Good choice.

                      I like the selection a lot, except maybe the General Wintergreen.

                      Let us know what you think when you get your order Elvijs


                      • Elvijs
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 16

                        Thanks for suggestions guys. I will order all stuff monday. Interesting:
                        SnusButiken price - € 45,94
                        Northerner - € 48,67
                        SnusButiken seems like Northerner's filiation. The design of page is very similiar to Northerner's. I have never seen that page before but I have already profile there. Profile is similiar to Northerner's Anybody have ordered from SnusButiken?


                        • MrAbstracto
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 389

                          Ive ordered from them and when i go to my order history at Northerner, that order shows up there.


                          • Elvijs
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 16

                            However, the order prices are made up different. Northerner have EU Sales Tax (25%): € 9,74. SnusButiken don't have but they have price for handling (3.63). I am little bit confused right now. And yes, I am very pesky I just want to know all about ordering snus.


                            • embe
                              New Member
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 4

                              Hi Elvijs! Pls be so kind and let me know about delivery of your order. I´m from Prague - Czech Rep., have ordered 2 rolls+ on on Apr. 14th and still haven´t recieved my order:-( Fu....g Czech Post Service
                              Thanks embe


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