Tip for Northerner on American Dip.

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Tip for Northerner on American Dip.

    I really think you guys should carry Copenhagen.

    To American Dip users its similar to how swedes love General.

    It really personifies old school " Spit " tobacco.

    Its the American Flavor, hoenstly.

    I just see you have a lot of " Straight " flavors which are really sweet, and may just make everyone think we love sweet tobacco, lol.

    Think you guys should really consider.

    Also, nice selection btw. I even saw a few flavors i never see in stores here and thought they went extinct.

    Wish I could try some Skoal Classic, they never sell it here in GA.
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Ok, I am confused. When I go to the Northerner site I can see Copenhagen Straight Long Cut. Is that very different from the regular Long Cut?

    I've actually been debating whether I should try some dip just to see how it compares to snus.

    What is the Timberwolf Long Cut Straight like?


    • EsotericPC
      • Mar 2009
      • 166

      Originally posted by KarlvB
      Ok, I am confused. When I go to the Northerner site I can see Copenhagen Straight Long Cut. Is that very different from the regular Long Cut?

      I've actually been debating whether I should try some dip just to see how it compares to snus.

      What is the Timberwolf Long Cut Straight like?
      Long cut straight is pretty good. Personally, I love Skoal or Cope. They are the best in terms of the "straight" taste, in my opinion.

      If you are trying it for the first time, I would go with pouches so it doesn't get everywhere. No matter what you do, I wouldn't get fine cut. Who uses fine cut (and if so, why)?

      I see they have Kayak on there.. I can buy that stuff 10 cans for $7 here. It leaves much to be desired!


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by EsotericPC

        Long cut straight is pretty good. Personally, I love Skoal or Cope. They are the best in terms of the "straight" taste, in my opinion.

        If you are trying it for the first time, I would go with pouches so it doesn't get everywhere. No matter what you do, I wouldn't get fine cut. Who uses fine cut (and if so, why)?

        I see they have Kayak on there.. I can buy that stuff 10 cans for $7 here. It leaves much to be desired!
        Around here, almost anyone the uses Copenhagen uses the original fine cut. I'm not a dipper, so I can't give the ins and outs of each style, but if I were a foreigner buying dip, I'd get the original Copenhagen snuff. It may or may not be the best/easiest to use, but it's the oldest style that's still in production, and what all the other brands are based off of. It's the American version of Ettan.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          Straight is a flavor descriptor in dip.

          Like saying another adjective for flavor.

          Straight is very different than original coppenhagen long cut.

          "Straight" is much sweeter and one taste of each will be enough for you to notice the distinct flavor difference.

          Comes down to personnel preference.


          • Quemador
            • Apr 2009
            • 83

            Originally posted by EsotericPC

            If you are trying it for the first time, I would go with pouches so it doesn't get everywhere. No matter what you do, I wouldn't get fine cut. Who uses fine cut (and if so, why)?

            Copenhagen original fine cut is (and as far as I can tell will always be) my favorite tobacco product. I prefer it for several reason, but the main reason is the taste, it tastes the best. To me, the taste (and smell) differs even from the long cut. Another reason is I don't use as much of it; the pinch/dip I take of fine is smaller than long cut. With long cut anything, I always find myself taking a gigantic dip, juicy as eff, lip sticking out 4 miles.... which is nice occasionally, but I'll always have Copenhagen fine cut around as long as I use tobacco.


            • gubasmark
              New Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 12

              The Bear!

              Kodiak Wintergreen, nothing comes close to the burning bear!


              • EsotericPC
                • Mar 2009
                • 166

                Originally posted by Quemador
                Originally posted by EsotericPC

                If you are trying it for the first time, I would go with pouches so it doesn't get everywhere. No matter what you do, I wouldn't get fine cut. Who uses fine cut (and if so, why)?

                Copenhagen original fine cut is (and as far as I can tell will always be) my favorite tobacco product. I prefer it for several reason, but the main reason is the taste, it tastes the best. To me, the taste (and smell) differs even from the long cut. Another reason is I don't use as much of it; the pinch/dip I take of fine is smaller than long cut. With long cut anything, I always find myself taking a gigantic dip, juicy as eff, lip sticking out 4 miles.... which is nice occasionally, but I'll always have Copenhagen fine cut around as long as I use tobacco.
                That clears that up for me. Thank you for explaining!


                • Grim
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 850

                  Straight Flavored American Dip, no matter the brand, is always sweet.

                  Its definately nothing like the real Copenhagen Flavor from the Long Cut or Fine Cut varieties.

                  Anyone outside the US who can not get American Dips but love them, please email Northerner and ask for them to carry Copenhagen Fine Cut and Long Cut.


                  • gubasmark
                    New Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 12

                    I need the bear!

                    I live in Canada, you can't get Kodiak Wintergreen here as much as I wish I could. Anyone know of a good cheap place that offers Kodiak and will ship discreetly here?



                    • ShaulWolf
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 495

                      I remember Copenhagen Long Cut from last summer fondly. It's the only American dip that tastes like it if I recall. Everything else is like candy to me, but Copenhagen LC was just right. It's much sweeter than anything Swedish made, but it's still quite nice, and the nic buzz you can get from it is second to none. I'd like to see them carry it, even though I wouldn't buy it, just to see it offered to others who may enjoy it.


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        I've actually been using a lot of Skoal Classic lately. Tastes alot like Copenhagen but doesn't go stale within 2 days.


                        • Ainkor
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1144

                          Originally posted by Xobeloot
                          I've actually been using a lot of Skoal Classic lately. Tastes alot like Copenhagen but doesn't go stale within 2 days.
                          I had a can of Copenhagen in my glove box for like almost a year once. I opened it up and it still smelled great but looked nasty as all hell.

                          In fact, I bet it's still there!


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            I just saw Copenhagen Long cut on the Northerner.



                            • Grim
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 850

                              Nice to see.

                              Copenhagen Fine Cut would be nice too but at least they have the long cut.

                              Im also glad to see they have smooth hickory and the other flavor as well.

                              For all you swedes or others in the EU PLEASE make sure you try Copenhagen Long Cut, its wonderful and full of flavor.

                              Nice selection gathering over at the northerner.


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