Custom to expensive

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  • -General-
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 9

    Custom to expensive

    Hello. I live in Norway, and there the custom on snus is way to high! the price on one can of snus is around $10. I was therefore thinking that maybe some of you on the forum could have any ideas of how I could buy snus online, and then get it into my country without paying the tax. Thank you very much! : )
  • EsotericPC
    • Mar 2009
    • 166

    Hmm, is customs stopping the mail that comes to you? I thought I remembered someone mentioning a website that will ship to you without taxes or something of the sort, I just do not know of the best way to get around customs.

    Anyone else know a possible solution?


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome to Snuson -General-

      One option s to have it shipped to someone else outside of the EU, then have them send it to you, but that s no guarantee. Reality, it is usually unwise to try to evade customs, you will get burnt.

      Another option is for you to just go to Sweden, buy as much as you are allowed to bring back for personal consumption


      • -General-
        New Member
        • May 2009
        • 9

        Yes, the custom stopps the mail that comes to me. Could you possible get the link to that website? Because I'm very interested trying something like that out.

        Thank you for that! I see, but I dont know who I could send it too, and driving to sweeden takes many many hours from where I'm living.

        Thank you very much for the help so far!


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Yeah, but you are so much closer than me!!! :lol: :lol:


          • -General-
            New Member
            • May 2009
            • 9

            Haha, true


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090


              Does customs allow you to import snussats without heavy taxes? I know a lot of Swedes that complain about taxes use them.

              At one time you could import 5 cans at a time without paying extra taxes into Norway. Has that changed?


              • -General-
                New Member
                • May 2009
                • 9

                The rule is that if you have spended more than 24 hours in sweden, you are allowed to bring either 5 cans of loose snus, or 10 cans of portion snus, back to norway without paying taxes. But again, if I go to sweden just to buy 10 cans of snus, it will again be very expensive because of the costs to get there.


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  How about something like this:

                  Link - Swedmax

                  Snus Pack 1.0 kg [201] 400.00kr

                  Snuspack 1,0 kg ger 2,5 kg färdigt snus
                  Snus Pack provides 1.0 kg 2.5 kg finished snus

                  Unik Tobaksblandningen från Rydbergs snusfabriks originalrecept från år 1863.
                  Unique tobacco blend from Rydberg snus factory original recipe from the year 1863.

                  Komplett sats för egen snusberedning innehållande 1,0 kg finmald råtobak av utvalda sorter samt alla erforderliga ingredienser, beredningsanvisning och värmetålig beredningsburk.

                  Complete kit for self snus preparation containing 1.0 kg finely ground tobacco of select varieties, and all the necessary ingredients, preparation instructions and heat-resistant processing jar.

                  Snabb och enkel beredning ger färdigt snus på 1,5 dygn. Denna snussats ger 56 dosor färdigt snus. Snuset smakar utmärkt naturellt men kan med fördel kryddas med någon av våra snuskryddor.

                  Quick and simple preparation makes perfect snus in 1.5 days. This snus kit gives 56 cans finished snus. Snus tastes excellent natural speaking, but can usefully seasoned with one of our snus spices.

                  Nu följer även vår runda snusdosa med varje snussats.
                  Now follow our round snuscan with each kit.

                  Innehåll: 1,0kg mald råtobak i värmetålig plasburk, Koksalt, Natriumkarbonat, Propylenglykol+Glycerol, beredningsanvisning, snusdosa.

                  Contents: 1.0 kg ground tobacco in heat resistant plasburk, cooking salt, sodium carbonate, Propylene glycol + Glycerol, processing instruction, snuscan.
                  Even if you pay tax on raw tobacco.
                  1 kg raw tobacco = 2.5 kg finished snus
                  So you pay less than half the tax.


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Here's another link

                    kjøpe snus på nett [Arkiv] - Norsk Freakforum


                    • -General-
                      New Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 9

                      Hmm, I think that the quality of the snus you make yourself wont be far as good as the one you can buy.
                      But "EsotericPC" said that he had heard of a website that sent without taxes, and that would be perfect, so if anyone else know of that, please tell me.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        It's buried in a thread somewhere. When I have a bit more time later, I'll find it for you


                        • -General-
                          New Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 9

                          Okey, thank you very much! : )


                          • -General-
                            New Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 9

                            Anyone else have any ideas? All help is appreciated : )


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by -General-
                              But "EsotericPC" said that he had heard of a website that sent without taxes, and that would be perfect, so if anyone else know of that, please tell me.
                              I think I found out who they were talking about.

                     tried using a loophole in the tax system and apparently failed to make it work.

                              Even if you find someone to ship you snus, if Norway customs gets your package you'll pay
                              e) Snus: kr 0,60 pr. gram av pakningens nettovekt.
                              There's one loophole, find someone serving in NATO in Norway to order it for you.
                              § 3. Det gis fritak, refusjon eller ytes tilskudd for avgift på varer som:

                              f) selges til eller innføres av NATO eller NATOs hovedkvarter, styrker eller personell i den utstrekning dette følger av internasjonale avtaler Norge er forpliktet av. Fritaket omfatter på tilsvarende vilkår også styrker fra landene som deltar i Partnerskap for Fred.
                              Link - Avgift på tobakkvarer (kap. 5531 post 70)


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