Just got this in an email from northerner.com

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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226

    Just got this in an email from northerner.com

    New First Priority Mail REK service reduce shipping cost by up to 50%
    The new First Priority Mail REK service is 100% Tax Free (now no tobacco tax on Snus orders)
    All Snus and food orders are shipped out within 24 hours
    Sounds like a cool deal!
  • theoldsearock
    • Jun 2007
    • 77

    Re: Just got this in an email from northerner.com

    Originally posted by alex
    New First Priority Mail REK service reduce shipping cost by up to 50%
    The new First Priority Mail REK service is 100% Tax Free (now no tobacco tax on Snus orders)
    All Snus and food orders are shipped out within 24 hours
    Sounds like a cool deal!
    Well, I gave it a test drive!

    I placed a good order, should last me for months. Looking forward to trying Diplomat, Ettan, N&J and the Skruf Strong Portions (work snus).

    Thanks for the information, all.


    • theoldsearock
      • Jun 2007
      • 77


      1 week and no snus received via "New First Priority Mail REK" service from Northerner.com .

      Given that I received a confirmed shipment email on Monday, July 23 - I'll say that it takes at least a week via REK; perhaps more.

      Not a problem. This is my first shipment of snus bought outside the US. My hopes were to have snus on Friday (5 day shipping time); that's why I ordered on a Friday - to give it a week.

      REK may not be the best choice when shipping from Northerner to the US.

      I sure wanted to try some N&J this weekend! I'll have to open another can of General loose, I reckon.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by theoldsearock
        Given that I received a confirmed shipment email on Monday, July 23 - I'll say that it takes at least a week via REK; perhaps more.
        Have you really reveived a shipment-confirmation? Usually, Northerner only sends out order-confimations, at least with my previous orders (the last was in June).

        But you can check their support-page to review the status of your order.

        Sometimes it lasts a few days, till all brands are in stock again and ready to be shipped.

        BTW, the last time it took four days for my snus to arrive, after it has been sent via First Priority Mail, and Germany is a neighbour of Sweden.



        • theoldsearock
          • Jun 2007
          • 77

          Originally posted by chainsnuser
          Originally posted by theoldsearock
          Given that I received a confirmed shipment email on Monday, July 23 - I'll say that it takes at least a week via REK; perhaps more.
          Have you really reveived a shipment-confirmation? Usually, Northerner only sends out order-confimations, at least with my previous orders (the last was in June).

          Chain, you're correct; I looked back and what I got was indeed an ORDER confirmation. ops: The order confirmation said that my order was shipped on Monday, Jul 23rd. By using the REK method of shipping, there was no tracking number - I referred to the Northerner site and best I could tell, only UPS comes with a tracking number.

          Sideline Story: Why choose REK? WTH was I thinking?


          I've got some buddies who are "Cuban Cigar Freaks". Because of an embargo (right/wrong/indifferent), Cuban cigars aren't available in the US unless one orders from overseas. These guys have much more money than sense, IMO. Spending $10 for a cigar is nuts except on very special occasions. But I digress....

          In the last couple of weeks, US customs agents have been targeting packages from Austria, Switzerland, Hong Kong and other countries and either confiscating the Cuban cigars and sending "first warning" letters to the intended recipients of the cigars - or, in some cases there have been fines! BIG FINES. Apparently the repeat offenders are being fined severely.

          UPS, FedEx and DHL have been the main carriers targeted for contraband/non-taxed cigars because the expense of the cigars dictates some method of tracking and insurance for the retailer as well as the end user.

          Why this started all of a sudden, I have no clue. Like most other governments in the world, the US Government is consumed by their passion for taxation. Bastids, vampires, greedy vermin.

          So -

          I had the snus shipped by REK thinking that maybe that shipment might get here quicker and under the UPS radar. I don't even know what REK is but it sounded subversive so I went for it. :wink:


          • theoldsearock
            • Jun 2007
            • 77




            Since snus isn't considered 'contraband' in the US, I don't see an issue.
            Since I don't give a rip about Cuban cigars, I have no issue. :lol:

            I'd love to try some MonteCristo portions, however. :cry:


            • theoldsearock
              • Jun 2007
              • 77

              My order from Northener arrived today - so, it was 10 days for REK shipping. Not bad at all. Kudos to Northener - the order was intact!


              • La Cusiniere
                New Member
                • Aug 2007
                • 9

                Originally posted by theoldsearock

                I'd love to try some MonteCristo portions, however. :cry:
                Too bad you Yanks can't get it :cry: I've tried the Romeo y Julietta portion and it was a beautiful experience. Nice and juicy, lots of nicotine. I've got a tin of Montecristo on the way.


                • theoldsearock
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 77

                  Originally posted by La Cusiniere
                  Too bad you Yanks can't get it :cry: I've tried the Romeo y Julietta portion and it was a beautiful experience. Nice and juicy, lots of nicotine. I've got a tin of Montecristo on the way.
                  You should really enjoy that Montecristo, LC. From what I've read, that's the fuller of the two Cuban tobaccco snuss'.


                  • think
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 21

                    My first order arrived from Northerner via REK yesterday. With an order date of 8-20, and delivery on 8-27, it took 7 days to arrive. Unfortunately, my package was delivered to Mississippi, where I live, but I'm in North Carolina at a client site until Friday, so no snus for me until then. I'm really looking forward to trying some real snus after about 10 cans of Camel original. My order:
                    Landstroms, Loose
                    Roots Pilsner, Loose (probably will regret this one)
                    Ettan, Loose
                    Nick & Johnny, Loose
                    Probe Whiskey, Loose
                    Grov Snus, Loose
                    General, Loose
                    Tre Ankare, Portion
                    Lucky Strike, Portion
                    Skruf Stark, Loose
                    and a Prismaster
                    All but the Roots was ordered after reading reviews on this site. Thanks to everybody for the info.


                    • The Cook
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 166


                      WTH is REK? Apart from UPS, it is the only shipping method available from Northerner, and it's bloody expensive. They used to offer Swedish post 1st class mail at a much more reasonable cost. My problem is that I live in Canada where tobacco taxes are obscenely high and I have to make small orders (eg 5 tins at a time) so as to avoid the customs radar. But my last order from Northerner, the shipping cost ($13) equaled the cost of the snus. What a ripoff :cry: Looks like I'll have to do my ordering from BuySnus instead, which is a drag, because they don't offer some of my faves.

                      I've been reading a book about social democracy and its economic system in Sweden, and the author says that collusion between competing firms is common in Sweden, even encouraged. So, BuySnus and Northerner have slightly different inventories, thus guaranteeing business from the same group of customers seeking different brands of snus. Maybe it works for them, but it doesn't work for me. :roll:


                      • phish
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 265

                        Originally posted by think
                        Landstroms, Loose
                        Roots Pilsner, Loose (probably will regret this one)
                        Ettan, Loose
                        Nick & Johnny, Loose
                        Probe Whiskey, Loose
                        Grov Snus, Loose
                        General, Loose
                        Tre Ankare, Portion
                        Lucky Strike, Portion
                        Skruf Stark, Loose
                        Looks like a great selection....apart from the roots :P I've got a lucky strike in the freezer that I can't wait to try


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Re: REK

                          Originally posted by The Cook
                          WTH is REK? Apart from UPS, it is the only shipping method available from Northerner, and it's bloody expensive.
                          REK seems to be a new service by the Swedish Post Office.

                          As I already assumed in another thread, quite a long time ago, it looks like Northerner needs some certificates for tax exemptions, which only UPS and REK can provide. Therefore, they don't offer First Priority Mail anymore for customers outside the E.U. They did before, but added the E.U.-taxes, in case you chose First Priority Mail.

                          I'm not sure, if Buysnus doesn't need any special documents, but their prices differ very much from Northerner's, so maybe they have a mixed calculation.

                          Some more informations are in this thread:



                          • Subtilo
                            • Dec 2006
                            • 524

                            Not to hijack the thread or anything ... but did anybody buy lottery tickets from Northerner?


                            • The Cook
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 166

                              Lottery tickets

                              I bought a couple, but I almost hope that I don't win. I calculated that 365 tins would weigh about 9 kg - that's just portion snus, and I would end up paying around $1,500 in duty and taxes to Her Majesty's Government of Canada. It would be cheaper for me to buy snus from Northerner by regular order. Sigh :roll:


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