Which Snus Supplier Is Best For Me?

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  • mwood72

    Which Snus Supplier Is Best For Me?


    I think the key is here to go with which supplier works best for you from experience. This can vary from time to time from person to person due to location and expectations.

    We have always had a free speach policy here and so everyone's views/experiences are welcome.

    ~Mike | SnusOn Moderator
  • ctimb2002
    • Apr 2009
    • 483

    So mike...From what your saying I assume we are still allowed to post are opinions and concerns? I think it also should be said that we don't always read carefully what someone has said and misinterpret their opinion. I know I have done this on occasion and had to change what I said. Not only is it frustrating but it can be hurtful to that person who has no idea why you were just rude to them.


    • mwood72

      ctimb2002 - I know from experience it is possible to take e-mails/IMs/posts etc the wrong way sometimes as the person you're speaking to isn't there with you, you can't read their body language and can not be 100% sure whether you have both understood what each other are saying. Emoticons can help to a degree to indicate that you are just being light-hearted etc but not all the time. This has happened to me a few times at work where an e-mail chain has turned nasty for no apparent reason but I find a quick phone call or meeting usually clears things up. As we don't have those possibilities here possibly a good way to handle this would be to PM the person you feel has taken something you said the wrong way and iron things out that way. Usually it's just down to misinterpretation.

      I hope this helps.


      • ctimb2002
        • Apr 2009
        • 483

        Yea. It's all good. I just got very frustrated the past day or two and really feel that people are getting emotional out there and not taking the time to read very carefully thought out words. Today has been a much better day and I believe what I wrote above was a final letting out of steam. Thanks.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          btw, good to see you here Mike.


          • Hoovie
            • Nov 2008
            • 109

            wait, this board has moderators?!?!?!

            learn something new every day!



            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Group hug?? I just showered, LOL


              • ctimb2002
                • Apr 2009
                • 483

                lol...sometimes after a spat we just all have to come together...have a manly group hug and then run away...very very quickly


                • mwood72

                  Originally posted by ctimb2002
                  lol...sometimes after a spat we just all have to come together...have a manly group hug and then run away...very very quickly


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by Hoovie
                    wait, this board has moderators?!?!?!

                    learn something new every day!

                    We do, but they are rather, shall we say, hands off. :lol: :lol:


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