Shipping Time

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  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    ^^^Lucky bastards, the both of you. :P


    • crankerstordard
      New Member
      • Feb 2008
      • 4

      Finally got around to ordering a few cans from Buysnus, and I have a question: should I be looking for a brown UPS truck or do they use USPS?

      It shipped 6/15/2009 6:48:34 AM, the anticipation is killing me :lol:


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Originally posted by crankerstordard
        Finally got around to ordering a few cans from Buysnus, and I have a question: should I be looking for a brown UPS truck or do they use USPS?

        It shipped 6/15/2009 6:48:34 AM, the anticipation is killing me :lol:
        Unless you paid extra, USPS.


        • crankerstordard
          New Member
          • Feb 2008
          • 4

          Originally posted by justintempler
          Originally posted by crankerstordard
          Finally got around to ordering a few cans from Buysnus, and I have a question: should I be looking for a brown UPS truck or do they use USPS?

          It shipped 6/15/2009 6:48:34 AM, the anticipation is killing me :lol:
          Unless you paid extra, USPS.
          Mail already came today, time to wait a bit more Oh well, the wait will be worth it methinks.


          • 9 Jack 9
            • Apr 2009
            • 84

            Last week I put in orders at both Northerner and Buysnus on the same day, just to see which would get here first. I was expecting to see stuff later this week, but lo and behold in my mailbox today I see two envelopes from Northerner.

            from Sweden to Boston, MA

            Ordered: June 16
            Shipped: June 16
            Arrived: June 22

            That's the damn quickest turnaround time I've ever seen from Northerner. I am impressed.

            And the second envelope turned out to be the order I put in on May 20th but never received.

            Now I have more snus than I was expecting today!


            • beja
              • Jun 2009
              • 164

              I placed a two Northerner orders on Monday the 15th. One order from their Swedish facility and one from their U.S. location.

              I received the US order on Wednesday the 17th and the Swedish order on Saturday the 20th.

              Needless to say, I was happy.


              • Scuba Steve
                • Jun 2009
                • 77

                Ordered from

                From Sweden to Texas

                Order Shipped:6-16
                Order Received: 6-22


                • captncaveman
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 924

                  Well the Canadian Government finally released my snus and received it today. They had it for awhile and strange enough they didn't ding me any customs charges.. strange!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077


                    So freakin typical. But glad you have your snus!!!


                    • sheilalynn
                      • May 2009
                      • 1103

                      Ordered from on 6/17/09 (Wed)
                      Shipped 6/18/09 (Thurs)
                      Received in New Hampshire, USA on 6/23/09 (Tues)
                      Swedish Post


                      • MasterGuns
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 312

                        My worst time with ordering snus...I'll only relate the shipment from sweden:
                        Northerner shipped May 25th via Swiss Post
                        arrived June 11th.
                        Not as bad as some stories I've read, and I never got a customs bill or anything. Just plain slow. This is NOT par for the course with Northerner or even Swiss Post as far as I know, but that is yet to be discovered as I am approaching the 10 day mark on my most recent order. Hope it gets here in 9


                        • Lucky Striker
                          • May 2009
                          • 280

                          On Friday 6/12 I ordered from:

                          Buysnus (came the following Saturday 6/20) 9 days
                          Getsnus (came that Monday 6/15) 4 days
                          Snus Worldwide (came that Tuesday 6/16) 5 days
                          Northerner (MIA)

                          Now, Snusworldwide has always shipped Swiss Post and it has always come in a matter of days. Northerner, even when they shipped Swedish Post always took weeks to get to me. I really don't think Swiss Post is at fault here.

                          Placed another Getsnus order Monday 6/22 received today, Wednesday 6/24.


                          • MasterGuns
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 312

                            Hmmmm... Where are you located, lucky striker?
                            I'm still timid to blame Northerner as they were never late until now. I am a little miffed though, since I just found out the stuff I ordered from the US warehouse was actually lumped in with my order from sweden. The site never prompted me to indicate which warehouse I wanted it shipped from... So longer wait all around for me. I wish Svandal or someone would check out this thread and spell things out for us


                            • Lucky Striker
                              • May 2009
                              • 280

                              I live in SC. What you described is exactly what happened to me. My girlfriend ordered some General (to be shipped from the US warehouse) in order to tide her over while the Swedish shipment came through, but it all came straight out of Sweden even though she payed to have it come out of the US.


                              • crankerstordard
                                New Member
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 4

                                My snus arrived today, and they threw in a free can of 1847 white portion! GREAT SUCCESS :lol: Wonder why they threw it in, is it because its a new product?

                                Ahhh, the nic hit from the General Onyx is nice...this stuff tastes NOTHING like Camel Snus that I'm familiar with....but it tastes good, better than dip.


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