Cheeky UK customs wrote in ball point pen on the opposite side of the parcel "snuff? naughty boy" along with a little frowny face : ( underneath it. This was after holding my package for seven days before releasing it. Cheeky, but still bastardly. :lol:
UK customs aren't interested to check exported consumer goods. Certainly someone else has written that.
It never would have been touched by the British. Outgoing mail doesn't go through customs, just inbound.
This would seem to refute that. As far as I understand, all outbound parcels in the UK that aren't letter sized or postcard are subject to customs inspections, just like the US.
I see nothing in there that says outbound packages are inspected. I see clearly, first line... All postal items that enter the United Kingdom may be examined by Customs. For outbound packages, it just says that customs forms must be completed. What legal right would customs have to inspect an outbound package?? Perhaps certain electronic items that are on a banned export list. But other than that????
Sorry to hear about the damage in shipping. Have you lodged a claim? If you return the damaged tins we will happily replace, refund your postage and claim from the Royal mail.
Nah... what's the point? We are only talking about $10 (5 tins)... it's not worth my time and it's no big deal. Besides, I already pitched the tins.
I did save the mix of St. Clements, Raspberry, Cherry, Blueberry and Grapefruit. I call it "Fruit Loops." Not to bad actually :!:
I knew something was wrong when I took the package out of the mailbox and was hit with the smell of fresh snuff. :shock: By the looks, something very heavy must have been dropped on the package. The 5 tins were not only crushed, but the snuff came out of the plastic bags that enclosed the tins (good idea doing that by the way).
I'll be making another Toque order soon though... I really want to try a cherry vanilla coke :P All I've been able to make so far is a vanilla coke. BTW, I agree with others that the coke tastes more like Pepsi.
In any event, thanks for your concern Roderick. Other companies should take a lesson from you and post here. It's a good PR tool and gives their prospective customers a sense that they care.
Oh... almost forgot... :idea: if you ever come out with the flavors "Buttered Popcorn" or "Fresh Baked Bread," I may give-up snus for just snuff
If you have any problems with my posts or signature
I have placed 1 order with snuscentral and that was because they had just gotten in "real" Camel snus. It took about a week to get here in Tx. and the Camel was really good, but I doubt I order again.
All other orders have come from Getsnus because they carry what I use, shipping time is 3 days, and the Mystery cans kick ass. No problems with either place to date.
It's possible it was US Customs, but the overall tone of the scribble was very British in nature.
Please could you explain this comment? How can 'scribble' be 'very British in nature' ? I am British and so would be interested to know what you mean by this.
It's possible it was US Customs, but the overall tone of the scribble was very British in nature.
Please could you explain this comment? How can 'scribble' be 'very British in nature' ? I am British and so would be interested to know what you mean by this.
I meant no offense. I'm just saying that I could much easily see a Brit saying "Snuff? Naughty boy!" than I could an American. Plus the fact that it was spelled correctly leads me to believe it wasn't an American that wrote it.
So as I mentioned earlier, I placed orders with Northerner, Getsnus, Toque, and Nicotine Rush all early in the morning on July 1.
First one to make it to my door is package from Nicotine Rush, two days from ordering!!
So, I figured I would have tobacco waiting for me in the mail box this morning, and was right, but what it was blew me away. The Toque!!!
So to review.... everything ordered early morning of July 1
July 3 - Nicotine rush arrives
July 6 - Toque arrives.
STILL waiting for Getsnus. As I have said, this is my first order and suddenly, less than impressed. When snuff from London gets here before snus from PA, kinda sad I think. I do have a 2nd order coming from Getsnus that was placed this weekend, so they will have another opportunity to impress.
Everyone knows I have never drunk the Getsnus cool aid. I think their selection sucks, and know they generally, or at least often, sends out old snus. Generally, time is no issue for me, so I save money (northerner IS cheaper btw, did another order compared 3 way, and Getsnus about $2 more than Northerner.
BUT....I am kinda cutting it close, only have one more can Super sterk, so last order, Split it between Northerner and Getsnus. All I ordered 9in this order) was a roll of Odens. Like $30 or so.
So this is the 1st, as I posted earlier, not here this morning. hell, my Toque from London got here faster. I come home this evening, and notice from UPS that I missed them.
WTF, I didn't choose UPS. I PAID for shipping, and chose who I WANTED. I have no desire for UPS, or at least wouldn't have them ship it to my home address.
Not the end of the world, got online with UPS and now have package redirected to my work, so should get it tomorrow
But i am done with Getsnus. I can't imagine letting myself get to this situation again where slightly faster shipping matters to me. But no hell way I will EVER do business with a company that doesn't follow through and do as they promised. I PAID for postal service, what I expect. I know some folks will call Getsnus after placing an order just to make sure they ship t the way they want. no hell way I would bother. If Getsnus can't get it right with me following up and babysitting them, they obviously don't want my money