lack of insentive to order larger quantities at getsnus

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  • artsnus
    • Jun 2009
    • 71

    getsnus has 13 (not including offroad) different original 8mg portions, 10 white 8 mg portions, 9 strong portions and 15 different loose types. Most of them are major popular brands.
    To me this is satisfectory variety of the bouquets of flavors and tastes while I am consuming a desired amount of nicotine at any point in time.


    • Lucky Striker
      • May 2009
      • 280

      Originally posted by Badfish74

      I'm getting sick and damn tired of people trying to give suggestions and a certain someone always butting in and starting arguments!

      And yes Lucky Striker, I'm talking about you! You came here under bullshit circumstances, and do nothing but use these threads to argue and shove your opinions down other's throats!

      Sorry to everybody else for the cursing, but I've reached my limit with him!!
      Badfish, I hate to say this to you, but shut the **** up, you whiny little piss ant. You've reached your LIMIT with me? What are you, a ****ing day care worker? Quit swinging on my nuts. I don't care for what you post but I leave you be, and don't try to antagonize you because quite honestly I have bigger fish to fry. (Pun intended). GO **** yourself and rot in hell. You're a butt-****ing cocksucker. **** you and your mother, you stinky douche. Every time you try and argue with me on this forum I will talk shit about your mom and tell you how fat your wife is. Keep at it, I can get nasty. :P

      Anyway, apologies on the bonus point system. It used to be that only a select few brands carried ten points, I see that isn't the case now. Hat's off to Northerner and all that.

      Oh and Sage, don't forget to add that extra 3.50 to your Northerner order since you ordered two cans of US shipped General. That makes your Northerner order more expensive than Getsnus.


      • Badfish74
        • May 2009
        • 1035

        Lol@ LS! You crack me up so bad! Evidently you are not originally from the south or you would know that we don't settle things with words! :lol:

        I'm not here to get into a pissing contest with you, or see who can sling the most clever string of obscenities. I really could care less about what you think of me, my wife, or my mom! True southerners know that's the kind of bullshit that only pussies spout off!

        So if you really wanna get your point across, step out from behind the safety of your keyboard, and come see me! I'm not hard to find, hell I'll give you step by step instructions!

        All I'm asking is that you man up, and stop acting like a child! You don't need a manual on how to be a man, like I said come on to Hartsville, and I'l train you myself! Just remember, no pain, no gain!


        • Mamafish83
          • May 2009
          • 165

          Every time you try and argue with me on this forum I will talk shit about your mom and tell you how fat your wife is.
          You can kindly keep your opinions of me out of any arguments you have with anyone but ME! Insults about mothers and wives who you have no current dealings with are at best childish. I'm not fighting this "battle" so you can keep me out of your delightfully foul mouth!
          I hate to say this to you, but shut the **** up, you whiny little piss ant.
          to play on your level...right back atcha!


          • Lucky Striker
            • May 2009
            • 280

            All I was saying is that if you want to throw insults at me, I can throw them right back, usually more profane and cutting than the ones you threw at me originally. You got a problem with me? PM me and tell me all about how horrible I am. Other than that, if you don't have anything to add re: Getsnus vs Northerner, quit wasting space on this thread.

            And, no, I'm not a true southerner. I was born and raised in Sweden, but grew up here in the south. Therefore I'm torn between slapping you in the face with a glove and challenging you to a duel, or... nah, not going there. :lol:


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Originally posted by artsnus
              getsnus has 13 (not including offroad) different original 8mg portions, 10 white 8 mg portions, 9 strong portions and 15 different loose types. Most of them are major popular brands.
              To me this is satisfectory variety of the bouquets of flavors and tastes while I am consuming a desired amount of nicotine at any point in time.
              But they don't have my two favorite snus, Retro white and Camel white, nor do they carry my favorite flavored snus, LD Black.

              Using snus is not about "settling", using a flavor that is "close". It is about having exactly what I want when I want it.

              If you have never ordered from anywhere else but Getsnus, you have no idea how good some of what you haven't had is. Your business. But if you had, you wouldn't have posted what you did.

              Originally posted by Lucky Striker
              Oh and Sage, don't forget to add that extra 3.50 to your Northerner order since you ordered two cans of US shipped General. That makes your Northerner order more expensive than Getsnus.

              And LS, you are pathetic. You just can't help but try and contradict something I post. I point out you are wrong and you just HAVE to come back with something else trying to paint yourself as still being right if you look at it a certain angle. Just get over it will you??

              You obviously don't pay attention. Frank posted here that bug was fixed months ago. Now, i can have General shipped from Sweden if the rest of my order is from there, so no two shipping charges. Again, that has been fixed for months but you keep posting like it still is. What I posted was copied from the final screen before I plug credit card in. No "hidden" additional shipping charges...LOL


              • covetousjew
                • May 2009
                • 375



                • Lucky Striker
                  • May 2009
                  • 280

                  Not going to fight anymore. Not worth it.

                  Look, you guys, it's been fun here. Now, I'm off to whence I came. I tried to bring rational conversation to this forum, but as I end here, I see that it's exactly the same as it was when I started. Sage is still defending Northerner to the death for some strange reason. Trolls are still trolls. Xobeloot has set up shop at another snus forum due to the assholes here, and I can't say I blame him. People still don't understand or appreciate my honesty, and that's fine too. But I see I was right, this forum is going to end with two or three guys patting each other on the back over how big an asshole they happen to be, and how successfully they ran everybody else off. That's cool, I don't need the negativity in my life. I'm going back to Sweden, and you guys can bitch and argue about how great your favorite online store is while I'll be buying it fresh from the cooler.

                  Cheers, fellas. Try to look like you have some self-respect and not talk shit about me in a thread you know I'm not going to respond to.


                  • covetousjew
                    • May 2009
                    • 375



                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by Lucky Striker
                      A Other than that, if you don't have anything to add re: Getsnus vs Northerner, quit wasting space on this thread.
                      When did this become Getsnus Vs. Northerner. It's NOT!!!. Go re-read the first post, this thread was NEVER about Getsnus vs Northerner.

                      Until YOU showed up and tried to make it that way. And once again, stirred up crap. What you do LS. What you do.

                      I am done responding to you. EVER. You are nothing but a troll and I am too old to waste my time responding to trolls.. I will leave it up to everyone else to decide if you are worth responding to. All I will say is I really hope they don't.


                      • Mamafish83
                        • May 2009
                        • 165

                        couldn't resist


                        • covetousjew
                          • May 2009
                          • 375



                          • Badfish74
                            • May 2009
                            • 1035

                            God help Sweden!!

                            And until I hear it straight from Xobe's mouth, I'm calling bullshit!

                            I don't think it's proper etiquette to speak for someone else! :P

                            Let the frivolity and suggestiobs resume please!

                            Oh wife's not fat!


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              You did notice that he didn't even bother responding in turn, he went back and edited his comment to add all of that AFTER I posted. But he couldn't bear to actually respond to what I said so then he went off and posted like he was getting out of it before my post showed up.

                              But once again, seems some people aren't bright enough to catch that their post will always show WHEN they edited it.

                              So basically, what he did would get him banned from most forums I am on, Not allowed to edit posts to change the meanings of a thread.


                              • Badfish74
                                • May 2009
                                • 1035

                                Oh well, the true lovers of snus will remain! Those that I respect understand the actual purpose of snuson, and I'll continue to respect them!


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