lack of insentive to order larger quantities at getsnus

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  • artsnus
    • Jun 2009
    • 71

    lack of insentive to order larger quantities at getsnus

    8 cans incl mystery - 2.95 shipping, USPS , arrived in two days
    11 cans incl mystery - 4.95 shipping , UPS, arriving in 7 days

    This doesn't make any sense that the more I order the more the mystery can costs me, the longer it takes. I should have just placed two separate 5 can orders, gotten them in two days and got two mystery cans.

    From now on - all my orders will have exactly 5 tins in them since this is the minimum to get a mystery can (I think).
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Don't have that issue with Northerner. :wink:


    • artsnus
      • Jun 2009
      • 71

      I have created a sample 10 tin order at northerner and I have either 3-day UPS option for $25 or swiss post for $8.36.
      The actual snus costs about the same as it does at getsnus. Am I missing something?


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Yes, Northerner's bonus program that basically works out to a free can of snus that YOU choose for every 6 cans you order. The bigger your order, the more bonus points you earn.


        • sychodelix
          • Dec 2008
          • 280

          If you order at least $50 worth of snus, Getsnus has free shipping. So if you are buying 2 rolls or more or something, it'll end up saving you some money a lot of the time.


          • Lucky Striker
            • May 2009
            • 280

            What do you mean no incentive in placing a large order at Getsnus? How about free shipping? No customs to deal with? Cheaper overall price? Here in two or three days compared to two or three weeks?

            Look, I understand people saying shop Northerner for selection, but please show me somebody making the same order between Getsnus and Northerner and it costing less at Northerner. I think it's great that people are afraid to shop new stores and whatnot, but don't make shit up to make your chosen store look superior.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090


              I understand your point.

              If you pay more for shipping, then it shouldn't take longer.
              Going to Northerner doesn't solve that problem.

              You can request that GetSnus ship only by USPS which may speed delivery.
              But one caveat over a certain weight it may go as a parcel instead of first class. I don't know what the weight limits are.

              Best solution is like sychodelix said $50 and shipping is free, you just have to plan ahead.


              • artsnus
                • Jun 2009
                • 71

                I appreciate you pointing out that the $50 orders are free, I forgot that.
                I was just saying that ordering 3 more cans in my consequent order caused it to ship UPS and the delivery was $4.95, still with one mystery can.
                Thus unless I am placing a $50 order it appears that it is better to place two $15 orders than it is to place one $30 order.

                Lucky Striker - I order almost exclusively from getsnus and there is no reason for me to make anything up. And I agree with you that there is no price win going to northerner.


                • Lucky Striker
                  • May 2009
                  • 280

                  Originally posted by artsnus
                  Lucky Striker - I order almost exclusively from getsnus and there is no reason for me to make anything up. And I agree with you that there is no price win going to northerner.
                  No, brother, I wasn't directing that towards you. I just get sick of hearing how much cheaper Northerner is when that's just not the case.

                  Yes, Northerner's bonus program that basically works out to a free can of snus that YOU choose for every 6 cans you order. The bigger your order, the more bonus points you earn.
                  Not really. If you order brands that come with points and happen to order at least six of them, and if you like one of the limited brands you can choose from in the bonus program, then you still have to buy more snus than you would at Getsnus in order to see a return.

                  Getsnus clearly has the superior bonus system, at least to me.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by Lucky Striker
                    What do you mean no incentive in placing a large order at Getsnus? How about free shipping? No customs to deal with? Cheaper overall price?
                    Simply not always true. Depends on how much you order, if you go over $50, and even then not a guarantee.

                    A random order comparing both. Just grabbed some things I usually order...


                    Shopping Cart
                    Product Price Qty Total
                    Original Portion (24g)
                    Single Can
                    In Stock $3.20 $6.40
                    Skruf Original White Portion
                    White Portion (24g)
                    Single Can
                    In Stock $3.75 $11.25
                    Oden's Classic Cinnamon Portion
                    Original Portion (22.6g)
                    Single Can
                    In Stock $3.00 $12.00
                    FREE Mystery Can will ship with your order.
                    Sub-Total $29.65
                    Shipping $4.95
                    Sales Tax $0.00
                    Order Total $34.60


                    Order contents

                    Product name Quantity Price
                    Skruf Original White 3 $ 3.12
                    Odens Kanel, Portion 4 $ 2.68
                    General, Portion 2 $ 3.30
                    Price: $ 26.68
                    Delivery cost 1: $ 5.57
                    Total: $ 32.25
                    Charged in USD: $ 32.25

                    So please, before we get into another supplier war, let's at least refrain from posting things that *may* not be true. Getsnus has faster shipping, YES. Northerner has better Selection..YES. But let's leave price out of it. What may be true today, won't be tomorrow.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by Lucky Striker

                      Not really. If you order brands that come with points and happen to order at least six of them, and if you like one of the limited brands you can choose from in the bonus program, then you still have to buy more snus than you would at Getsnus in order to see a return.

                      Getsnus clearly has the superior bonus system, at least to me.

                      Every snus you order comes with points attached. There is no snus that doesn't make you points. In fact, ALL appear to earn you 10 points each.

                      So if you are accustomed to making big orders as I am, and I order 50 cans from Northerner, I get 500 points. And Northener has at least 3 snus available for bonus points that I order every order. So that 500 points would get me 8 cans of snus (500 / 60) I know I like vs 1 can from Getsnus I may, or may not like.

                      Please explain how Getsnus is "better"


                      • Badfish74
                        • May 2009
                        • 1035

                        The only brands that don't get u 10 points are American products like Grand Prix, which nobody buys, at 5 points. And OR at 8 points. Big whoop 2 pts difference!

                        I say order from the site that you're most comfortable, and quit flaming people that just happen to order from northerner, or some other site that you bear a personal grudge against.

                        I'm getting sick and damn tired of people trying to give suggestions and a certain someone always butting in and starting arguments!

                        And yes Lucky Striker, I'm talking about you! You came here under bullshit circumstances, and do nothing but use these threads to argue and shove your opinions down other's throats!

                        Sorry to everybody else for the cursing, but I've reached my limit with him!!


                        • RobsanX
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 2030

                          Don't forget that Northerner snus is fresher...



                          • covetousjew
                            • May 2009
                            • 375



                            • artsnus
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 71

                              I am personally fine with getsnus selection. I did buy Lucky Strike original portion elsewhere and I am glad I did. But I think general original and ettan will do adequately if I don't have lucky strike.


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