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  • amdusias
    • Jul 2009
    • 265

    I have placed a couple more orders from them and had no problem with age varification since I sent them a picture of my ID. Monday I ordrered 20 cans and they will be delivered Friday.


    • paulwall9
      • Nov 2008
      • 743

      Getsnus is a great webstore for Americans!LOL I still personally use swedish retailers, only because I notice from them my snus is always at least 2 mths fresher than getsnus expiration wise! As well, I just buy a lot of rolls and would rather build points and get every 6th roll half off than keep buying rolls anyways and not bve rewarded!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Paul, Getsnus has really fixed most of their inventory issues. Snus these days from them is much fresher. Why, now, they see, to struggle with keeping things in stock, still working on finding that 'perfect" middle ground.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          Thanks for the rply Sage, I will have to make an order with them soon! My concern is plausible though right? I mean i just don't want to order say 2 rolls of snus that expire in a mth!


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I "sorta" understand. But Getsnus heard all the whining, everything I have gotten (not much, they still don't carry much I use). But what I have gotten has been fresh as anything else.


            • Anthony
              • Jul 2009
              • 249

              Better old snus than no snus...


              • paulwall9
                • Nov 2008
                • 743

                Alright I will have to at least make a 1 roll order! Especially if they have convinced "YOU" especially since you absoulutely could not stand them when they first came out!


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Paul, reason why I leap to defend Getsnus where I see it as appropriate.

                  I have posted this elsewhere, but I have continued to watch Getsnus *try* to keep getting better. I think they absolutely must be recognized for the work they have done in that manner.

                  Unfortunately, they just don't carry much I use, but have made use of them at least 4 times now.


                  • reshumate
                    • May 2008
                    • 94

                    They would be a lot better if they stopped giving me free cans of General Wintergreen. Give me something that isn't totally repulsive. A pen would be better.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      I hear, if you sent them an e-mail, they will put a note on your accounts as such. Never needed to do that, but have heard others doing it with success.


                      • drjohn
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 8

                        Originally posted by paulwall9
                        Getsnus is a great webstore for Americans!LOL I still personally use swedish retailers, only because I notice from them my snus is always at least 2 mths fresher than getsnus expiration wise!
                        In order to REALLY get the freshest snus, you'd have to place monthly orders at Swedish companies. That would add up to, say, $500 shipping costs/year.

                        Better to buy from Getsnus twice or three times a year, get a great deal, not pay shipping, freeze the snus, and enjoy your affordable snus!

                        (If you freeze it, it will be good way past its expiration date. I don't understand the emphasis on freshness (then again, maybe I haven't really had superfresh stuff, so I'm not in a position to judge).)


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          my views...

                          getsnus is a great way for americans to start off...and for users of other sites such as northerner or buysnus to have a quick order to last em till their main order gets there

                          and once the new guys venture out thats what they start doing


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            Getsnus has a new mixed sampler deal, Odens ES and Thunder 4 cans total for $9.95. I thought that was a decent deal and got it. Added a can of Rothbirx Classic Brown Pouches to try, and make it 5 cans.

                            But I really need to take a buy break.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              This is what's happened to me. It's no big deal, and I still love getsnus.

                              But I ordered a Portion can of Phantom Brown in my last order. To try it out. Well, they sent me a can of the Loose instead.

                              I told them, they understood, and said they'd send me a replacement can of Portion.

                              Well, today I got the replacement can, and well, it was Loose again!

                              I sent them an email.


                              • BabaBooey
                                New Member
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 6

                                Even though I have only place two order with getsnus since northerner raised their prices so much and shipping ended up costing more too. So now I use getsnus. It gets to my door within two to three day, depending what time of the day I order.

                                I have never had a problem with the id verification. And although I only purchase two rolls at a time, they have always been fresh with at least 3 months away from the best by date.

                                The only thing is of those two orders, one of my surprise cans was a month away from expiring, but the other order the can was over 3 months away from expiring. Which does make sense if you think about it. They probably just have a stockpile of cans that either came loose from rolls or whatever and they place them in a bin to give out for free. So the dates can vary.

                                The free general can that anyone can get, I just received a few days ago. I realize that they have been offering it for quite some time. So that is probably why when I got it, it was 2 days past the best by date.

