PACT Act of 2009 - S. 1147

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  • dupee419
    • Aug 2009
    • 398

    PACT Act of 2009 - S. 1147

    I've created a petition to protest this bullshit bill. Please sign it if you live in the US and use snus.

    Don't Pass S. 1147 - PACT Act
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to Snuson dupee419

    This has obviously been a topic much discussed here. I am happy for any attempt to stop this nonsense. Still, myself, and I think a lot of folks here, after a period of craziness as the FDA bill passed, have just decided to be ostriches and keep our heads in the sand. Kind of feel like I have zero control, so will just wait to see how everything is sorted and I am tired of being frustrated over these issues so just refusing to even think about it any more,

    But I will at least sign your petition.


    • dupee419
      • Aug 2009
      • 398

      pass the word


      • geeeeoffff
        • Jul 2009
        • 81

        petitioning online is probably not going to do anything. if you really want to do something find out who your rep is and CALL them.

        if you call during 'business hours' you'll probably talk to an aide/intern who will take down your name/location and your statement. One of my reps actually checked in the database to see if i was in their district.

        Congressmen are interested in hearing from the people who can vote for them. An online petition is nice, but even if they see it they have no idea how many of those 'signatures' are from people they care about.

        It only takes a few minutes and it might just have an effect. I'm less optimistic about online petitions.

        Here ya go:

        Also, i would suggest coming up with a plausible reason for not liking the bill. preferably something other than "i order online all the time!" maybe something about how some brands are unavailable here, or you like to send gifts or something.


        • kizh
          • Jul 2009
          • 18

          Congress doesn't meet until sept 8, and even when they do pass it we have 90 days till it is enacted. So stock up. I'm afraid no petitions or calling representatives are going to stop this one. This was the house vote:

          The totals were 397 Ayes, 11 Nays, 25 Present/Not Voting

          Just face it, we're screwed!

          I wrote to my representative about supporting a bill that would allow medicare to pay for anti anxiety meds like xanax. He sent a nice letter back to me saying there are alternatives to sleep medications. Its like he missed the point entirely.

          They don't take the time to make informed decisions, especially against something as American as the ANTI TERRORIST tobacco law HR 1676! You certainly don't like terrorists do you?


          • elespectrol
            • Mar 2009
            • 45

            One thing about the bill that hasn't been disscused hw
            Here is that the senate passes very few bills every year while the house passes quite alot. any bill has little chance of making it through the senate those guys like to vote no , unless they can make money off it. Such the bill has yet to cover . This isn't the first bill of it's kind to pass the house . I realy am scared of the possibility but looking at it in this light I'm very optimistic.


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              I emailed both my Senators and they sent me form letters back by snailmail. I don't think either one understood, but of course, they didn't read the email themselves.

              Right now they're all too eager to pass anything they perceive as being anti-terror and bipartisan. We don't have much of a chance of stopping it. And just like everything else they do, the next several years will be spent straightening out the mess they passed.

              Why can't we elect intelligent people? Because intelligent people want nothing to do with the shithole that is Congress.


              • dupee419
                • Aug 2009
                • 398

                ya know it's a pity that everyone in america is willing to just roll over and take it like a bitch. I'm starting to think I wasted my time trying to help. It's like we have Billy-Bob standing in the corner screaming about how great america is while uncle sam is ****ing him in the ass, and no one seems to give a shit enough to do a damn thing. That petition is set up to e-mail your senators a letter about Native American tobacco companies (who make most of their money on the net, and account for a fair number of the internet, phone, and mail-order tobacco sales yearly). It's a better argument than "I order online all the time" by far, but i suppose no one read the thing before the shit talking started (typical american bullshit).

                I figured it was a better option for a country of people that re-elect a moron and don't know who their rep is 90% of the time, let alone have the balls to tell them how to do their job.

                I'll believe america is great when the population grows a spine.

                Until then, sign the petition, call your rep, do whatever but stop taking it up the ass without a fight.


                • dupee419
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 398

                  and sundog, you're right, intelligent people don't run for office very often partially because there's better shit to do with a brain than read verbose otherwise pointless shit.


                  • sundog
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 311

                    I'm not giving up and rolling over. But I am a realist. Online petitions are ignored by politicians. Just ask one. They'll tell you that they can't tell who is signing it and whether the person signing it is one of their constituents.

                    Both of my Senators and my Representative are conservative Republicans. For the most part they vote my way 95+ percent of the time, just not this time. I've done my part. I can't vote in every election in every state.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Dude, thanks for your concern, but you just joined here and have 4 posts, and then you start bitching at us, cuz we all didn't storm the gates to the online petition. I just don't think that's right.


                      • dupee419
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 398

                        my angst isn't really directed entirely at snuson users by any means, and I'm quite sorry if it seems that way. I'm just finding myself more and more pissed off with the american people by the day. Frankly, I joined sheerly to get the petition to as many people as possible.

                        No one here can argue that the american people as a whole don't just take whatever the gov't throws at them silently.

                        Again, my apologies for appearing to be ripping on snuson users directly, only a portion (the part about the shit talking) was directed at users, and in all actuality only 1-2 users.


                        • dupee419
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 398

                          sundog.... Thank you. I'm glad to see someone that is actually trying. I've had fairly good luck with this particular venue for petitions in that they require verifiable addresses for signatures. As I said in a previous post, I don't care how people raise a stink on this, only that they do so.


                          • sundog
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 311

                            I'm stinking . . . . I'm mean raising a stink. :lol:

                            The anti-smoking movement has created so many people who are now anti-all-tobacco that it's nearly impossible to get them to listen. It's almost like they have the belief that if they get within 10 feet of somebody using tobacco in any form that they'll die of cancer. And remember, those morons vote.


                            • dupee419
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 398

                              i'm painfully aware that they vote..... all the time. I know exactly what you mean about the people. I live in hawaii and down here you can't smoke within 20 feet of a window or door of any business. Now they're trying to ban smoking from the beaches; which in a way I support simply cuz I've seen tons of butts in the sand, and equally as many parents taking said butts from their small children just before they try to jam 'em in their mouths.

                              So don't get me wrong, I understand both side, but we're getting ****ed w/o lube here.

