PACT Act of 2009 - S. 1147

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  • digitalerik
    • Aug 2008
    • 126

    Originally posted by dupee419
    ya know it's a pity that everyone in america is willing to just roll over and take it like a bitch. I'm starting to think I wasted my time trying to help. It's like we have Billy-Bob standing in the corner screaming about how great america is while uncle sam is ****ing him in the ass, and no one seems to give a shit enough to do a damn thing. That petition is set up to e-mail your senators a letter about Native American tobacco companies (who make most of their money on the net, and account for a fair number of the internet, phone, and mail-order tobacco sales yearly). It's a better argument than "I order online all the time" by far, but i suppose no one read the thing before the shit talking started (typical american bullshit).

    I figured it was a better option for a country of people that re-elect a moron and don't know who their rep is 90% of the time, let alone have the balls to tell them how to do their job.

    I'll believe america is great when the population grows a spine.

    Until then, sign the petition, call your rep, do whatever but stop taking it up the ass without a fight.

    You're right. Far too many americans have been consumed by electrical impulses and radio waves. I'm sure you've seen night of the living dead, that's pretty much how people are. They're living, but they're dead. Far too consumed with getting that new HDTV, or new ipod, to even bother fighting for their rights as a human being. It's over man. All you can do is make sure you don't fall victim, and hopefully you'll meet others who are the same.


    • dupee419
      • Aug 2009
      • 398

      i thought this thread was dead... wow.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Threads never die at snuson!

        Honestly though, while I am absolutely positive that someday the anti-tobacco lobby will prevail, it will not be in the near future. This bill ain't going nowhere, like al the other bills.

        Also, if they make it illegal, I will find a way around it. Because that's the American way.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          And I can still get Montecristo shipped to me, so I'm not worried about PACT.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by chadizzy1
            And I can still get Montecristo shipped to me, so I'm not worried about PACT.
            How do you manage to get that shipped to you? I thought customs would snatch it up.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Just browsing SnusCentral and a new article is up about the PACT Act. I know we've kinda stuck our heads in the sand about this, but it looks as though action is about to be taken and it is moving forward.


              Nov 5, 2009: Committee on the Judiciary. Date of scheduled consideration. SD-226. 10:00 a.m.

              It looks as though 5 Nov 09 at 10 Am something will happen....don't know if that's a vote or not...but it has a calendar date now for SOMETHING. I guess a date to consider if they're going to vote on it or not.


              • kjoerup
                • Sep 2009
                • 48

                Originally posted by chadizzy1
                It looks as though 5 Nov 09 at 10 Am something will happen....don't know if that's a vote or not...but it has a calendar date now for SOMETHING. I guess a date to consider if they're going to vote on it or not.
                What it means is that Senate Judiciary Committee will either adopt or reject the bill. If it is adopted (and given the makeup of the current Judiciary Committee, it more than likely will be adopted), S.1147 will then be sent to the Senate floor – at which it can either pass (and signed into law) or not.

                The PACT Act sailed through the House with little opposition. Expect a very similar vote in the full Senate. This bill is sponsored by some of the most heavy-hitting Senators (Kohl, Leahy, Schumer, Specter, Feinstein), at the behest of major multinational tobacco companies. The sound bite phrases attached to this bill are "tax revenue," "think of the children" and "prevention of terrorism."

                It's a lock, really. Some powerful interests are intent on getting this thing signed into law during this Congressional session, and this idiotic bill will probably be rammed through the Senate at lightning speed.

                Here is the full agenda for the Executive Business Meeting for November 5, 2009:



                • TheOneandOnly
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 616

                  Someone give me quick facts about this bill

                  Mailing any type of Tobacco is illegal? So no more getting orders from Northerner, Getsnus or Buysnus? So will all those companies like Northerner, will go out of business?

                  Will prices of local snus go up in any way? Will prices of any other tobacco products go up in any way?


                  • pedro
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 14

                    Son of a biscuit!! I'm going to order 40 cans right now before the sheet hits the fan


                    • snupy
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 575

                      I have no worries whatsoever, until and unless they find some way to tax or ban the baccy plants in the front yard. Now, where did I put those files that have the snus recipes?


                      • MrSnusNSnuff
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 280

                        The Senate has bigger fish to fry ATM with Obama care and all, so this bill will probably die.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by TheOneandOnly
                          Someone give me quick facts about this bill

                          Mailing any type of Tobacco is illegal? So no more getting orders from Northerner, Getsnus or Buysnus? So will all those companies like Northerner, will go out of business?

                          Will prices of local snus go up in any way? Will prices of any other tobacco products go up in any way?

                          A) It's not going to happen

                          B) If it did, SM would just start selling more in American tobacco stores, a move which they are already in the process of.

                          A can of snus/american dip is about 6$ nationwide. That won't change.

                          This is really a non-issue as sage has pointed out many a time. We still live in a semi free market society, and SM will just start shipping more snus varieties to American stores.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            LOL, sgreger1 and I on the same page on something, pigs must be flying somewhere today. :wink:

                            But it really is a sign for folks to take some bg breaths and relax. WORST case scenario. You will have to sign for a package and will pay whatever your state tax is at the point of sale. Big whup. Sure, if you order like 2 cans at a time, paying for UPS will be expensive. So don't. Make larger orders so the added cost per can of shipping really isn't that much.

                            The place I order pipe tobacco already insists on only using UPS and I have to sign for packages, it is not really a big issue. I get a choice of 1 day UPS, 2 day UPS, 3 day UPS, or ground. UPS. The Ground is about $2 more than USPS would be.

                            Please folks, this is NOT the huge issue many folks keep making it out to be. Our snus is not gong away.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Lol, yah the stars must have alligned just right sage.

                              But really guys, a pack of cigs in CA is like 7$ nowadays, and a can of dip/snus is like 6$. Sure, I like getting it tax free from sweden, but realisticly I am not going to stop snusing if it cost me 6$ a can. I mean I started dipping American and that's what it cost. Price isn't my deciding factor when it comes to snus, although it is nice to pay less, Snus has too many benefits for me to stop buying it, regardless of what the beurocrats do to try and regulate it.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                Wow sgreger1, that's twice in a week I have agreed fully with everything you posted. :wink:

