These guys are either the hardest working people on the planet or they're full of s***.
So last night I decided to try out some lös, and having had a good experience with Northerner in the past I placed an order with them.
About 5 minutes later I notice they have a warehouse that ships from the US. Being the impatient bastard I am, I decided to cancel my order and order that way (I later found that their US selection is terrible and I read a couple of horror stories on here about the shipping still being slow).
I look everywhere and do not see a "cancel" option anywhere, so thinking it either does not exist or I'm just an idiot I fill out a contact form letting them know that I would like to cancel the order I had just placed (and paid for) so that I could order from their US warehouse. At the time I hit "send" on that form about 7-8 minutes have elapsed and it's about 12:40 am in Molndal, Sweden - where the orders are shipped from.
So now that I've realized their US selection blows I go over to and pick up 3 tins of lös, as well as a couple bags of the new 'Discreet' stuff because they're only a dollar. Not to mention I get a free mystery can (which looks like it might be General Wintergreen from the looks of other posts).
I check my email this morning and I have a Re: from Northerner. I've been informed that it's too late, my order has already shipped. :shock:
How is it that in less than ten minutes, at 1 am, on a Sunday night they were somehow able to pack my order and stick it in the mailbox? My guess is they fill all the orders and check their email later in the day. That's fine, but then there should be a "Cancel My F***ing Order" option.
On the bright side, the only cans that would have been duplicates between my Northerner order and my GetSnus order was B/O by Norhterner. So I've got like 7 can of lös coming. Better hope I like it.
Sorry for the long vent.
So last night I decided to try out some lös, and having had a good experience with Northerner in the past I placed an order with them.
About 5 minutes later I notice they have a warehouse that ships from the US. Being the impatient bastard I am, I decided to cancel my order and order that way (I later found that their US selection is terrible and I read a couple of horror stories on here about the shipping still being slow).
I look everywhere and do not see a "cancel" option anywhere, so thinking it either does not exist or I'm just an idiot I fill out a contact form letting them know that I would like to cancel the order I had just placed (and paid for) so that I could order from their US warehouse. At the time I hit "send" on that form about 7-8 minutes have elapsed and it's about 12:40 am in Molndal, Sweden - where the orders are shipped from.
So now that I've realized their US selection blows I go over to and pick up 3 tins of lös, as well as a couple bags of the new 'Discreet' stuff because they're only a dollar. Not to mention I get a free mystery can (which looks like it might be General Wintergreen from the looks of other posts).
I check my email this morning and I have a Re: from Northerner. I've been informed that it's too late, my order has already shipped. :shock:
How is it that in less than ten minutes, at 1 am, on a Sunday night they were somehow able to pack my order and stick it in the mailbox? My guess is they fill all the orders and check their email later in the day. That's fine, but then there should be a "Cancel My F***ing Order" option.
On the bright side, the only cans that would have been duplicates between my Northerner order and my GetSnus order was B/O by Norhterner. So I've got like 7 can of lös coming. Better hope I like it.
Sorry for the long vent.