Northerner vs GetSnus

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  • Urko23
    • Aug 2009
    • 20

    Northerner vs GetSnus

    Another newbie question, which is better to buy from? I see GetSnus has some form of mysterycan deal? How does that work out? Does Northerner offer anything similar? Which is cheaper, etc?

    Thanks in advance again
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I say Getsnus, it's in the US, it's cheap enough, they have a decent selection, and the mystery can is like free shipping. I only ordered from Northerner once, from their US warehouse when I wanted to try out some American snus'. But they do have snus that getsnus doesn't have. But in my opinion, as a newbie, getsnus has more than enough to start on.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      But now I see you are in the UK. Does getsnus ship to the UK? For UK, or European users, I don't know which is best. I was thinking from a US perspective.


      • RobsanX
        • Aug 2008
        • 2030

        Northerner has a bonus point program that I use frequently. I have no idea if Getsnus deals outside the U.S., but if they do, you might be able to avoid a bunch of taxes...


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Getsnus doesn't carry many things. My two favorite snuses of all time for example. That is a HUGE issue for me.

          Buysnus and Northerner carry every thing. Prices, all three are competitive. Northerner's bonus program was great, it worked out to one free can for every 6 you ordered. But they have been messing with it lately, less generous, and not many choices available


          • derango1
            • Jul 2009
            • 46

            I've only ordered from Getsnus. They seemed to be the cheapest for what I ordered consistently. Since I spend $50 per order roughly, my shipping is free and I get the mystery can.

            I also have had nothing but good experiences with their customer service. They forgot a tin I ordered once, and sent me 2 to replace it as well as a General sampler. My most recent order had the infamous Nick and Johnny's in it which was on backorder. Rather than delay the shipping of the rest of my order, they sent the bulk of it immediately. When Nick and Johnny comes in, they'll ship that too for no charge. Then I can try this oft talked about Snus lol.

            Plus they send me cool pens all the time haha.

            I'm sure as I expand what I'm ordering, I'll inevitably jump to one of the other sites, but for now my exploring can be satisfied by


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I order from time too sometimes. But know you are missing out on some great snus.

              I have ordered from 4 sources in 2 1/2 years. Northerner, Buysnus, Getsnus, and most recently, Snuscentral. Prices move all over the map. Best thing, EVERY order. Run it through all 4 companies. Last order, I saved $20 using Snuscentral over the other 3 (who each were within $2 of each other. Next order?? Who knows. So just check all every time.


              • derango1
                • Jul 2009
                • 46

                Originally posted by sagedil
                I order from time too sometimes. But know you are missing out on some great snus.

                I have ordered from 4 sources in 2 1/2 years. Northerner, Buysnus, Getsnus, and most recently, Snuscentral. Prices move all over the map. Best thing, EVERY order. Run it through all 4 companies. Last order, I saved $20 using Snuscentral over the other 3 (who each were within $2 of each other. Next order?? Who knows. So just check all every time.
                Haha, I know. But there is only so much room in my freezer. I've pretty much exhausted, with this order at least, the last of the brands I'm interested in trying. I will most likely be placing an order with Northerner next.


                • Urko23
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 20

                  Thanks for the replies, but can anyone clarify whether GetSnus ships to the UK or EU?


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I couldn't find that information. You could contact them to ask. Personally, I think you'd be better off going with Northerner, or Buysnus. Traditionally Northerner's had better prices on orders with all singles, with Buysnus being best for rolls. You'd have to double check prices and shipping to confirm that's still the case.


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      im not impressed with getsnus. i had to order over the phone because my age couldnt be verified, then the girl on the phone kept ****ing up my order. i wanted one roda lacket loose, and she put in 4 cans of roda whites. then i wanted the expired skruf snus, and she put in the regular priced kind. it was kind of annoying, i just had to keep repeating myself like 4 times on every part i walked her through. then they didnt send me a mystery can, and i emailed them, they said oh were sorry we'll send you one on monday. that was 2 weeks ago. so all in all, im a little put off by getsnus for now. though im none too happy about northerners prices or the bonus points abomination.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by derango1

                        Haha, I know. But there is only so much room in my freezer. I've pretty much exhausted, with this order at least, the last of the brands I'm interested in trying. I will most likely be placing an order with Northerner next.
                        All I try to encourage folks to do. Hell, use Getsnus 3 out of 4 times even. But you are just missing out on some really good snus if you never leave the Getsnus Ghetto.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          I started with Getsnus, and now order from both. Getsnus for reorders of favs., and Northerner for new stuff.


                          • cyrax777
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 290

                            Originally posted by Veganpunk
                            I started with Getsnus, and now order from both. Getsnus for reorders of favs., and Northerner for new stuff.
                            thats what i do. I can order staples from get snus ie Got rape and thunder. and i can get other stuff from northener. also getsnus mystery can is a decent deal now that northener doubled the amount of points needed to get a free can.


                            • Maahk
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 75

                              It all depends on what Im ordering and where I need it sent too at the time.

                              For my everyday generic needs; Swedish Match stuff that I inhale by the roll (General ES Los, Nick and Johnny, Gen WG) as well as Skruf Los, I use my go to I cant say enough great things about them. They have always done me right in every sense. The prices are always WAY lower for the products I buy from them than any other place. Also, I check out the site often for the deals they run; $.99 can of expired or close to expiration date, buy 5 get 2 free on certain snus, seasonal samplers that are heavily discounted. Also, I KNOW that it will be on my doorstep in 3 days...including the day I place the order...that goes a long way with me. I just cant go wrong with getsnus.

                              For my other needs, for things that are not so "mainstream", it pays to shop around. Serriously, ALWAYS place test orders with other sites. Prices change a lot with Northener, Buysnus, Snuscentral...not so much at getsnus though.


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