"Pro Snus" is the other brand made by the folks who brought us Discreet, the best American snus so far (in my, and many other poster's opinion). I am interested in trying Pro Snus, since there are many other flavors. Anyone know of an online store to order it from?
Pro Snus
Originally posted by bakerbarber"listens" attentively....
(they have grape)If their Discreet flavors were any indicator, that grape flavor will be awesome!
However, most online shops seem to only carry Discreet, and it is making me wonder if Pro has even been released yet :cry:
Originally posted by asnider123I emailed Tom (the owner of the plant) who said they plan to introduce the "Pro" line once their Discreet line has taken hold of the market share. Does that help? I hope so :lol:
I doubt he has the size, but wide scaled bar promotions would do a lot to get Discreet out there. Winter's coming up, and many places don't allow smoking in bars anymore. The small packages would be great for a night out, and the price is right. They're 99ยข a package now? I don't think $2 is unreasonable for a bar price, and it keeps you out of the cold. A lighted case by the liquor rails, or perhaps a low lighted case on top of the bar, and I bet they'd sell like hot cakes; especially with some eye catching graphics.