So, in the time since I have started snussing I have only used one vendor! I am mainly writing this review for the new people on the forum who are not sure where to order from and hope that this may set there minds at ease on at least one vendor!
On with it, BuySnus like northerner has a BIG selection of snus (if not every snus there is!) and it is all very well organized and catergorized on there above mentioned website. They have an easy process for signing up an registering there new consumers while making it kinda exciting at the same time because of there selection( especially for noobs). There site is pleasant, at least in my opinon, to look at and find what you are looking for. They always have annoucments and specials/deals in an easy to find area that ensures you see it when you log on!
What about delivery times and customer service you ask? Well it has been my expirence in that I have never recieved a parcel later than 6 days after I ordered. If you want it even faster order at like 5 am as that is when they are getting up and ready for work. If you do this you almost be 100% postive that by 10:30 your time you will recieve an email saying your order has been processed and shipped! As for custromer service, the staff at BuySnus has never ever been anything other than pleasant and enjoyable to deal with! Hell, I even leave them special thk yous in the notes/comments section when I make an order because they are THAT good! I will even dare to say that if any thing goes wrong and you are reasonable and truthful they WILL help you fix whatever mistakes or mishaps that occur even when they are not reliable or at fault. They really really value your buisness at Buysnus!
Now, for the vets or semi new people out there who may not have tried BuySnus yet I have something for you as well! It is my opinon that the Point system over at buysnus is supreme. If you know what you like and want to buy rolls Buysnus is the way to go! why you ask? Well because, you get rolls half off after buying so many rolls! For example, when I order I get 1 roll of General extra sterk, 1 roll of Jak's Ice Fruit, and 1 roll of Thunder Frosted. That there folks is three points already so my next order I will get one roll half off which is awesome especially since i am going to buy those rolls anyways. But, say I don't get three rolls my next order and i only get 2 well now I can get any 1 roll for half off because i have 5 points. If you don't know what that means here is an example you can get a 40 dollar roll of onyx for 27-28 dollars shipped now tell me that isn't kick ass!
So in conclusion, as you can tell I like BuySnus, and I can see myself doing my buisness with them as often as i can for as long as they are available to me! I hope my opinon s has helped anyone looking for that perfect place to order from, as well as removing any doubt in there mind about the credability of the place.
Hope everyone is doing well!! SNUSON 8)
On with it, BuySnus like northerner has a BIG selection of snus (if not every snus there is!) and it is all very well organized and catergorized on there above mentioned website. They have an easy process for signing up an registering there new consumers while making it kinda exciting at the same time because of there selection( especially for noobs). There site is pleasant, at least in my opinon, to look at and find what you are looking for. They always have annoucments and specials/deals in an easy to find area that ensures you see it when you log on!
What about delivery times and customer service you ask? Well it has been my expirence in that I have never recieved a parcel later than 6 days after I ordered. If you want it even faster order at like 5 am as that is when they are getting up and ready for work. If you do this you almost be 100% postive that by 10:30 your time you will recieve an email saying your order has been processed and shipped! As for custromer service, the staff at BuySnus has never ever been anything other than pleasant and enjoyable to deal with! Hell, I even leave them special thk yous in the notes/comments section when I make an order because they are THAT good! I will even dare to say that if any thing goes wrong and you are reasonable and truthful they WILL help you fix whatever mistakes or mishaps that occur even when they are not reliable or at fault. They really really value your buisness at Buysnus!
Now, for the vets or semi new people out there who may not have tried BuySnus yet I have something for you as well! It is my opinon that the Point system over at buysnus is supreme. If you know what you like and want to buy rolls Buysnus is the way to go! why you ask? Well because, you get rolls half off after buying so many rolls! For example, when I order I get 1 roll of General extra sterk, 1 roll of Jak's Ice Fruit, and 1 roll of Thunder Frosted. That there folks is three points already so my next order I will get one roll half off which is awesome especially since i am going to buy those rolls anyways. But, say I don't get three rolls my next order and i only get 2 well now I can get any 1 roll for half off because i have 5 points. If you don't know what that means here is an example you can get a 40 dollar roll of onyx for 27-28 dollars shipped now tell me that isn't kick ass!
So in conclusion, as you can tell I like BuySnus, and I can see myself doing my buisness with them as often as i can for as long as they are available to me! I hope my opinon s has helped anyone looking for that perfect place to order from, as well as removing any doubt in there mind about the credability of the place.
Hope everyone is doing well!! SNUSON 8)