problem with getsnus

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  • Maron
    • Sep 2009
    • 49

    problem with getsnus

    In a different post , ( ) I listed my purchases of my very first snus orders . I couldn't order from getsnus last night , their age verification software couldn't verify me and told me to call to order . .......... :x I even went to the software manufactures ( IDology ) website to see if I could verify directly with them if you were having a problem , no dice . I would think that IDology , providing a service like that , would allow a person to verify or provide them needed info to avoid or remedy a situation like this .

    Sooooooo ... I just got off the phone with . Gave them my info and the girl said it isn't verifying me . Well no shit , I just told you that was the reason I was calling . So she sends me to a customer service rep . Same thing , now this lady tells me I need to fax a copy of my DL to them to prove I say who I am . I told her that it honestly was not worth the hassle when I was already getting snus from Northener and buysnus . I explained that I wanted to try them out because they were an American company and I would rather give them my money than a foreign company . Now she is starting to get a very annoyed tone about her . Continues to tell me that this is the only way they can verify my age since their software program can't . I told her I didn't really see the problem when you have to be 18 to have a credit card issued in your name . I also asked her if they were aware that the state of Michigan requires all tobacco deliveries to be signed for by an adult . They were aware of this and it still does not mater . I told here that I appreciated her time and even though I was looking forward to ordering my 15 cans of snus from them , I would have to take my business elsewhere . She says , fine whatever then .... click :shock: :shock: :evil:

    This must be a personal preference for them to do this . And I commend them for it . But when the software they use is flawed and they lose business because of it , I just have to scratch my head ... If this happens with just 5% of potential orders , they could stand to lose a fair amount of money . Not a sound business practice in my book .

    I have been ordering tobacco online for well over 10 years now . I have bought between 100 - 150 boxes of cigars from more online stores than I can remember , 99% of them located in the USA . This is the first time I have ever been told I need to fax them a copy of my drivers license to verify my age . Also the first time I have seen this IDology age verification thing . I will avoid any sites that use this like the plague now .

    Sorry about the rant . But , for some reason this just frustrates me to no end . I was really looking forward to trying some Discreet portion snus . Oh well , I guess thats the way the pris crumbles ..... :roll: :?
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    that is weird. i primarily use GetSnus to buy snus because they have the best prices online. i've never had a bad experience, and when i had an order that was slightly less fresh than what i was used to they offered to replace it immediately and gave me excellent customer service.

    as far as your ID issues, i don't understand that or why it isn't verifying. the age verification step at the last part of the purchase, did you check the box to confirm your age and click okay/send?


    • ProudMarineDad
      • Aug 2009
      • 573

      I wonder if I will have problems when I order from them. In February, I celebrated my sweet sixteenth birthday for the third time. :lol:


      • Maahk
        • Jul 2009
        • 75

        Bummer. Not the first time people here have had issues. I know they are frustrated with the system, its not as if they like turning away customers..that would be silly. I know some of them frequent here and will see this. They value people's opinions here very much and appriciate it when people post stuff like this so they can work the issues out.

        If you are still willing to get it worked out there try shotting Jill and email @ Whenever I have had an issue of any sort she has gone all out for me.


        • Maron
          • Sep 2009
          • 49

          yup , they even tried to do it over the phone when I called . I guess this happens "occasionally" .


          • ProudMarineDad
            • Aug 2009
            • 573

            Is Getsnus the only site to order Discreet from?


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432


              and BuySnus is the only site you can get Thunder Blue from.

              every site has at least 1 thing that no one else has.


              • Maron
                • Sep 2009
                • 49

                Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                I wonder if I will have problems when I order from them. In February, I celebrated my sweet sixteenth birthday for the third time. :lol:
                Too funny ..... you made Pepsi come out of my nose ... thanks for the good laugh

                I was hoping buy posting this here , someone from getsnus would see it and might be able to help me . I will wait and see if Jill posts on this . If not I will try to email her before I put my order in elsewhere . Thanks for the heads up Maahk .


                • Redbeard
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 390

                  I had the same problem the first time I attempted to order from GetSnus. The CSR I spoke to was quite friendly and also asked for me to send a fax or email of my ID. A quick digital camera upload and email later, my order was confirmed. It was a one time thing and all of my orders since have been met satisfactorily.


                  • ProudMarineDad
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 573

                    Originally posted by Maron
                    Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                    I wonder if I will have problems when I order from them. In February, I celebrated my sweet sixteenth birthday for the third time. :lol:
                    Too funny ..... you made Pepsi come out of my nose ... thanks for the good laugh

                    I was hoping buy posting this here , someone from getsnus would see it and might be able to help me . I will wait and see if Jill posts on this . If not I will try to email her before I put my order in elsewhere . Thanks for the heads up Maahk .
                    That's one thing I am good at. Problem is it don't pay enough for snus.


                    • Maron
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 49

                      Originally posted by Redbeard
                      I had the same problem the first time I attempted to order from GetSnus. The CSR I spoke to was quite friendly and also asked for me to send a fax or email of my ID. A quick digital camera upload and email later, my order was confirmed. It was a one time thing and all of my orders since have been met satisfactorily.

                      I didn't think of taking a picture and emailing it .


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077


                        Once they get you verified over phone that one time, should never be an issue after.

                        And be a bit patient. This is a brand new company (relatively speaking) I am sure they opened on a shoe string too. Trust me, I have blasted Getsnus with the best of them, am generally not known around here as a big Getsnus supporter.


                        I keep watching them improve. I keep seeing that they seem serious about fixing these little issues. I do think it is important to have a presence here in the states. And I want to see them be successful.

                        But be a bit patient, they are still learning this business. I expect next year, they will just be that much better.


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          yeah i recommend going through with sending them your drivers license picture, its a one time inconvenience, but at some point you might need snus in a hurry, or getsnus might have the best prices at the time, theyre definitely still working out some kinks, but i really like them, theyve been pretty cool to me and seem to work hard to earn our business. (other than hanging up on you, thats pretty lame.)

                          sorry for the run on sentence.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            I had the problem too, though they verified my age over the phone. (It was Jill who did it.) I agree with the others, make the one inconvenience and all will be well later.


                            • heppycat
                              • May 2009
                              • 220

                              I had a problem with their age verification system as well. Likely due to my name being different on my DL. I scanned my passport and DL and emailed it in. Got a prompt reply asking for my SSN. I informed them that it is illegal to ask for a SSN unless they have a specific authority from the Social Security Administration to do so. A few minutes later I was verified


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