problem with getsnus

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    New Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 3


    Let me first thank you for your interest in! We read with interest your post on this forum regarding our service and our age verification procedures. Please be advised that for us to sell tobacco products over the phone or over our website, we must have the confidence that the purchaser is over the age of 18.

    More importantly, as for the treatment you received when you called us, I sincerely apologize for this. We are a customer service driven company and do not tolerate that sort of treatment of our customers. Any information you can provide us with on this call would be greatly appreciated.

    Any questions or comments that I can further assist you with, you may send to, or you can feel free to contact me directly

    We also apologize for having to use SnusOn for a customer service issue, however, we had no other way of contacting you and do not like to leave this sort of thing unresolved.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by

      Let me first thank you for your interest in! We read with interest your post on this forum regarding our service and our age verification procedures. Please be advised that for us to sell tobacco products over the phone or over our website, we must have the confidence that the purchaser is over the age of 18.

      More importantly, as for the treatment you received when you called us, I sincerely apologize for this. We are a customer service driven company and do not tolerate that sort of treatment of our customers. Any information you can provide us with on this call would be greatly appreciated.

      Any questions or comments that I can further assist you with, you may send to, or you can feel free to contact me directly

      We also apologize for having to use SnusOn for a customer service issue, however, we had no other way of contacting you and do not like to leave this sort of thing unresolved.
      now THATS customer service!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Someone is watching us. :lol: :lol: :lol:

        At least they see me stepping up to defend them as warranted. :wink:

        Seriously, really nice to see you posting here We have other vendors who read and occasionally post here as well. Frank from Northerner, Patrick from V2, Roderick from Toque. It is good you guys are reading, and please feel free to step in when y'all think it might be appropriate.

        I really am happy to see how much you guys are working to get better and better. Lord knows I have not always been the friendliest to you (Still hate your forum, you should dump it and just send folks here). But seeing how much work you guys have done to keep improving really has won me over. And now use you occasionally, 4 orders I think in the last 6 weeks even.

        So please do step in and say hi sometimes, we <usually>> won't bite.

        And A+ for your customer service with this issue. Well done.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          yeah Frank stepped in and personally wrote me a PM about my experience and apologized and everything.

          i'd like to see Phillip Morris do that if someone got a bad box of Basics.

          snus, FTW!


          • spirit72
            • Apr 2008
            • 1013

            Originally posted by chadizzy1
            i'd like to see Phillip Morris do that if someone got a bad box of Basics.
            I won't hold my breath :shock:

            But yeah, no doubt about it, Frank is an absolute 1st Class Guy. He likes Hamburgers, too. Case Closed!

            The whole age verification thing looks to be a great big PITA if it goes wrong. I've been lucky with it so far. But when you have the whole Anti-Tobacco Witch Hunt going on like it is in the U.S. right now, it's hard to blame GetSnus for doing as much 'CYA' as they have to.

            And ditto what Sage said, we're absolutely glad to see reps from manufacturers and retailers posting here. It's a Good Thing.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Given how dangerous the anti-tobacco Nazi nuts are, I have to admit, I get kinda pissed when I see folks complaining about age verification here. Getsnus is in the States, they have to cover their a**. You think it is too much of a bother, shut up and use a Swedish company who isn't under the same type of gun.

              One screw up, and they could shut Getsnus down I fear.

              So patience folks, it isn't as if they are trying to make your life harder.


              • spirit72
                • Apr 2008
                • 1013

                Originally posted by sagedil
                Given how dangerous the anti-tobacco Nazi nuts are, I have to admit, I get kinda pissed when I see folks complaining about age verification here. Getsnus is in the States, they have to cover their a**. You think it is too much of a bother, shut up and use a Swedish company who isn't under the same type of gun.

                One screw up, and they could shut Getsnus down I fear.

                So patience folks, it isn't as if they are trying to make your life harder.
                Yeah, I pretty much kinda concur..

                I worked as a convenience store clerk for a couple of years during college--and at a convenience store ON CAMPUS, no less.

                I was really sort of a jerk about ID's when it came to alcohol and tobacco. But it was because I HAD to be, not because I wanted to be.

                I saw more than a couple of co-workers get pinched for **completely unintentional** underage sales. Most of them were via decently faked ID's.

                Trust me, being on the receiving end of an underage sale citation is not a shiny, happy place to be. Losing your job is the easy part of it.

                I remember one day in particular--I don't remember the specifics of the law that was passed, but this was in the mid-1990's, and there was a law passed that required ID checks for anyone who basically looked like they might be under like age 30?

                Well...on the day after it took effect, one of the local anti-smoking outfits actually had a person IN OUR STORE, at the counter, 'helping us to ensure that people were complying'.

                Tell me, fellas. Have any of you stood at a cash register for 8 solid hours, trying your hardest not to cave another human being's face in with your bare hands? :twisted:

                Required all the moral strength I had in me, and then some...


                • spirit72
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 1013

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  One screw up, and they could shut Getsnus down I fear.
                  And just as a Postscript---YEAH..

                  When the Feds are looking for any reason they can find to shut down tobacco by mail order, GetSnus really *has* to mind their P's and Q's on this.


                  • mlkramer
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 393

                    As I've said before. A company sets itself appart by what it does when something does go wrong.(which in this case is more of am inconvienence, exluding the poor phone skills that seem to have happened)
                    in every case including my own here, get snus has stepped up to the pump to make it right. We should note that they have done this without the need for escallation. So many companies seem to have a "don't give in unless they yell" attitude.
                    I can't be as kind with northener this week! See earlier posts. I for one am hoping they get enough business to expand selection so I can give them more of my business.


                    • Maron
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 49

                      I spoke with Jill through email and she was great !! I was able to email her a photo of my license . Her show of genuine concern and great customer service , has made my first choice for buying snus .

                      As I stated in my first post , I applaud them for verifying the age of first time customers . The reason I said that it wasn't worth the hassle for me to go to a store and fax a copy of my DL is .... well , because it really is . I have permanent nerve damage in my back . I usually dont tell people this because I dont want pity , or for anyone to think I am fishing for pity . I am new here and I don't want anyone to think that I am just to lazy to go to the store . It really would have been a pain in the ass ... literally :lol: .

                      Jill took care of me and provided 5 star customer service . They have made me a life long customer . I already put my order in !!!


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Maron, many of us have our own personal issues here. We learn about each other cause we like each other, and just want to know what folks are dealing with. Don't worry though, we usually don't do pity :wink:

                        I applaud Getsnus for taking care of you. And keep using them for *most*.


                        Don't make them your sole supplier. There is so much snus they don't carry. You will be missing out big time if you don't also, occasionally at least, order from elsewhere.

                        Maybe one day, Getsnus will fix this. But not yet.


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          i would be tickled pink if getsnus started carrying more F&L products. more... do they carry any? i dont remember.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            I wish they carried Camel White......oh yea. (Bite Me) you RJR!!!!!! :wink:


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Originally posted by daruckis
                              i would be tickled pink if getsnus started carrying more F&L products. more... do they carry any? i dont remember.
                              No, major issue for me. I checked the other day. I am a strange guy I suppose, but I use NO Swedish Match products. Why I am always belly aching about Getsnus inventory


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                Like the issue with Lucky Strike, maybe Camel(Sw) could change the name for US sales, like Phantom/Rothbrix. They could call it Hump snus. I mean, if they and Lucky had enough US buyers to make it worth it, then why not? Phantom did it.

