We had to update our bonussystem since there was a bug and people could order free snus and still keeping the same points. We have fixed that now but it hurted us. But we plan to go back to a similar bonussystem which we had in a near future.
*misses old northerner bonus page*
Originally posted by Northerner.com.. when I'm speak with Americans in other states and tell about our warehouse in pennsylvania they kind of smile and say "pennsylvania..." is it something with that state that US people think is funny or like "country folk state".. I'm just curious..
I just wish I can get away with an amish beard=\.
Northerner.com : Thank you for taking the time to post, I think its awefully crappy that people would take advantage of that fact. But thats the way the world turns, hard to trust anyone nowadays. Look forward to seeing the new revised point page in the future!