A question for the Michigan snussers . Do you have to sign for any of the packages that are delivered to you ? I am really wondering about the one I have coming from getsnus , being that it is located here in the U.S. . I have orders coming from Northerner and buysnus as well . If you haven't guessed yet , yes these are my first snus orders . Northerner is still not here . Going on 12 days now . :evil: :x :cry:
Oh , and my mailman is a real douche bag . If I need to sign , he won't knock . He'll just stick a note in my box . He will never get another Christmas gift from me again !!
Oh , and my mailman is a real douche bag . If I need to sign , he won't knock . He'll just stick a note in my box . He will never get another Christmas gift from me again !!