First Priority REK Mail Question

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  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    First Priority REK Mail Question

    I just placed a fairly large order with the Northerner. I usually order it sent Priority Mail, but that wasn't an option with as many cans as I was ordering. I just had an order come via UPS and several days later got the infamous handling fee sent to me, so I decided to go for First Priority REK Mail.

    Can someone fill me in on what this is, and how it will get from Sweden to Indiana? Is this handled by a third-party service (e.g., DHL or something similar) once it gets stateside? How long does it take, on the average?

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    The 2 orders I've made from the Northerner, and Buysnus have both been sent via REK. I think it's the mailman that brings it, but I'm not sure. Both orders came in under 7 days, and no one asked for taxes or other charges.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      I guess, it's a premium-service of the regular post, probably used for customs-, tax-redemption- or tracking-reasons.
      The package should reach you just the way, the first-priority-packages did.


      • KentuckySnusser
        • May 2007
        • 109

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        The 2 orders I've made from the Northerner, and Buysnus have both been sent via REK. I think it's the mailman that brings it, but I'm not sure. Both orders came in under 7 days, and no one asked for taxes or other charges.
        Exactly. Your order should arrive via U.S. Mail and not from any outside courier. No signing for the package, it just wonderfully appears in your mailbox and you're good to go.


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Well, it magically appears in your mailbox if your mailbox is big enough. I live in an apartment building and our boxes are tiny, so I always have to pick up my snus at the post office. I don't mind though, as the post office is only 7 blocks away and it's a lovely little walk. They just leave me a pink piece of paper that says my package has arrived and that I can pick it up at my leisure.

          I've always used the REK and I haven't gotten hit with any extra taxes.


          • jqlynch
            • Sep 2007
            • 132

            Thanks to everyone for the responses. I'll be watching the mailbox.


            • jqlynch
              • Sep 2007
              • 132

              I think if it hadn't been for Columbus Day and the resultant catching up that USPS has to do after a day off, I might have gotten my order today. As it stands, though, it looks like I'm going to have to dip into my reserves until the order gets here.

              I suppose I was originally hoping that it would come regardless through an independent carrier like DHL or something like that, but if it's USPS, I'm going to be out of luck for the day. And as I'll be out of town during the day every day this week, I won't have the time and convenience that I would ordinarily have had for sampling and proper handling.

              Oh, well. I hope this is only the worst complaint I have this week. Next time I'll just spring for UPS and pay the customs handling fees if I need it on an actual schedule.


              • PseudoSwede
                • Sep 2007
                • 71

                Northerner Order

                I receive my order from Northerner yesterday. I placed the order on 10/5/07...10 days.

                I ordered two rolls (RL & Goteborgs Prima Fint) and one tin of Goteborgs Rape' (all loose).

                That was my second order from Northerner. To date, I haven't received any "bonus" bills from anyone. Hopefully, this trend will continue.



                • jqlynch
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 132

                  My order came in today. Everything's in the freezer now. I have some cans of lös that I'm keeping in the fridge, but everything else is frozen for now.

                  I got mostly old faves, but picked up some new ones to try out. So far, I have no complaints.


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