he said that he will throw in a bunch of freebies if we make a order i am gonna order a couple of cans and see how it goes he is in the state below me so it should get here pretty quick
I'll put in a small test order tonight. As the others have said, get some Discreet in there along with some brands Getsnus doesn't carry and you'll have an instant winner.
i hate to rain on dudes parade but getsnus has general at 20 cents cheaper. the shipping prices at clubsnus seem great though. im pulling for ya man, but im a broke ass dude, and i really will spend some time scouring for the best deal, and i gotsta have my F&L and JTI. but ill echo what others have said: pick up things getsnus doesnt have, and your business will flourish. i personally wont be buying from you until you give me reason to. the snuses i want, you dont have, and even if i wanted general, i can get it at getsnus cheaper with the gotland products ill be getting anyway.
good luck, and i hope you get to the point of earning my business.
Just tried to order and failed. The site uses a type of third-party checkout system that looks similar to Paypal; it denied my card probably since I had not completed the registration process. I don't know......I am wary of checkout systems like this.
I'm going to research the site a little more and try again tomorrow.
Has a nice IceTool selection and good prices. Club Snus, look at getsnus.com and then northerner and other swedish sites and make a list of the snus they have, that getsnus doesn't, and get those. I think most of us like getsnus, except they don't carry alot, but if you filled that hole, I think that would be to your benefit.
I wanted to post a response to all of those who are commenting on the selection of the snus that is on the site. I am currently working on getting all of the major brands that many people have requested. The process to get them is very difficult and we are eagerly working on obtaining the correct agreements to sell the most popular brands. I will have discreet snus on the site in the next day or two and will update everyone when the new products come available. Should not be too long. I appreciate the comments and encourage everyone to come by the site and place an order. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to earn your business. Thank you all and I hope to do business with you in the near future.
I'm so jealous of all you people that still get to order online. I would love to try this new site, any chance of opening a local store here in Seattle so I can buy from you too? (I know I know, I am screwed)
Word to y'all, enjoy this while you can, once PACT passes at least us WA and UT residents will have company in our misery, but on the bright side, more local choices will be available.
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