Super snus service

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  • Sigg
    • Sep 2009
    • 161

    I thought I was a bit influenced by what I had already read regarding the windex smell, so I had a friend that has never heard of snus smell the can and tell me what he thought it smelled like - sure enough "Windex".

    Don't let it put you off though, it's quickly becoming one of my favorites. I've only tried the blue los so far, and the portions seem to get the majority of the negative reviews. I plan to throw a can of those and some of the classic/brown in my next order.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Well, the smell of the Blue did put me off, and the reviews I read didn't help, so I never put it in my mouth. Plus, I really only like straight up snus. I did try the Phantom Brown White Portion, and didn't like that. I did keep a Phantom Classic Loose, which I haven't tried yet. But I figured I would not like the Phantom Classic portions, so I dumped them before I tried them, because I really don't think I'd like it, and I'm trying to make a dent in my stockpile.


      • Sigg
        • Sep 2009
        • 161

        Yea - Its probably not something I would recommend based on your posts/preferences. It has a lemony taste to it (sort of like gotlands yellow) but much more muted and somewhat sweet as opposed to herbal.


        • Maron
          • Sep 2009
          • 49

          Getsnus' customer service is just the best . Jill is great to work with , not to mention she's hot too ops: ( i am assuming thats her in their videos) .


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by Veganpunk
            Never tried any of the phantoms. I really wanna try this "Windex" one everyone was talking about a few months ago.
            It's interesting, I put a can in the hell box. (of the portions)


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Thanks to whomever moved this thread to its proper home.

              What you guys are saying about suffering through bad snus vs. throwing it away, I'm sort of on the horns of that dilemma with a couple of cans. They aren't so awful that I *can't* finish them, and every one used is a better snus saved for later. Plus I'm--er--tight. So there is that.

              On the other hand it'd be great to say "life's to short to take snus I don't enjoy", 'cause it's true. For now though, I'm suffering through now and then, one or two baddies a day and shove 'em back in the fridge.

              Not today, though; I've needed the moral support of good snus all day today.

              If I get anything really awful, it's going in the bin. The worst I have to deal with right now is the remains of some Elixyr Original (I don't get this at all; nor did I choose it; it was part of a buysnus mixed roll), and most of a can of General dry mini mint (I've had this before, but this time it was a getsnus mystery can; it tastes okay but it's too sweet, and leaves a sickly aftertaste. That, I'm guessin', is the artificial sweetener, another issue I have with this snus).

              WRT to the Phantom, I bought a can of the classic minis and liked them so much I ordered a can of the regular portions (well, Rothbrix from getsnus). There *is* a sort of "hi, I'm not quite a top-quality snus" overtone to them (as with the Elixyr and Thunder, ISTM), but I still like them now and again.

              (edit: s/original/classic/)


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