First northerner order

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  • Terminator1066
    • Sep 2009
    • 23

    First northerner order

    I put in an order with northerner last monday in the evening. It has not arrived yet , when should i start to worry. It was for a roll of phantom i dont think many people on here like it much but i do and it's the right price. The last snus i bought got here in 4 days from snus express but i cant use the right now as my credit card does not like their new verify visa thingy so there we are and on problems with northerner . If it does not turn up in the post tomorrow i'll be very disappointed. I'm in the uk .
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Where do you live? I live in Alabama, and it can take up to 3 weeks for me to get my Northerner order. The no tracking it kinda is kinda scary too. I usually put in a order with Getsnus, while I wait for the other one.

    edit - I put my Northerner order in last Monday night as well!


    • Terminator1066
      • Sep 2009
      • 23

      I'm about 16 miles from nottingham. I maybe worrying over nothing , hopefully tomorrow i'll be posting it's arrived. I just dont trust all the postmen out there and at northerner it said 4 to 7 days. I might use fedex next time. Swiss post is cheap though.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Terminator1066, "standard Northerner order wait time these past 4 months even to the UK seems to be about 10 -12 days A very few take a bit shorter, a few more take a bit longer. But that time frame represents about 90% of the deliveries I know about. Not as many posted about in the UK, but a few.

        So nothing to stress yet. If not there in 2 weeks (14 days), e-mail northerner.


        • Terminator1066
          • Sep 2009
          • 23

          3 weeks is a long time to wait when you consider it's only 9 hours on a plane. Maybe it comes to you on a boat.


          • Terminator1066
            • Sep 2009
            • 23

            Thanks for that info sagedil. I may have to wait a week yet then. When i'm down to 3 cans i'll order again next time or 4.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Or just do like me. Always order when you are down to 20 or less. :wink:


              • Terminator1066
                • Sep 2009
                • 23

                I think i'm gonna have to move to sweden. At least in the states you can buy your snus in shops here in the uk we dont have the freedom to do that. It's order from sweden or go without.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Terminator1066, no.

                  Yes, we have a few shops where you can buy 4 kinds of General. And shops you can buy the largely useless Camel. And two states where you can get the wonderful American, but still not Swedish Triumph

                  So really, no, and I never have walked into a shop to buy snus.

                  But I don't care!! Buysnus, Northerner, even Getsnus a bit, and soon, clubsnus all take care of any snus need I have ever needed. I have never gone so smoothly having something I love every day, from Sweden no less, going on 3 years now. All my needs are met, what do I care.

                  But one of my favorite things, when showing someone my snus for the first time, explaining it a bit. I love saying it is sent to me direct from Sweden, showing off the cans with their Swedish labels. Not sure why I dig that so much, guess it proves I don't do this by accident.

                  Yes, I would love to vist Sweden just to buy off the shelf, For fun. But I have been getting what I need, always regular, for almost 3 years. Ordering from Sweden has given me great pleasure.


                  • Terminator1066
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 23

                    Yes i know what you're saying i tell people i import it from sweden and you cant buy it here. I used to be a heavy snuffer but thats tailed off a bit now i've started snusing. Just wish i was not so paranoid about my orders going astray. Have you ever had an order disappear?


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      No. no has ANY order EVER not eventually been filled here. Just doesn't happen that way. Maybe a few, over two years, got lost, but both Buysnus and Northerner fixed those. So really, relax, the snus will come, it always does.

                      ALL my orders, over close to three years have been "standard" bar one from Buysnus almost 2 years ago that got caught up in their ill fated attempt to switch to Swiss Post. That order took 3 weeks, I ran out, reason I have always hoarded snus since then.

                      But it still came, it just always does. For everybody!!!


                      • Ulsterman



                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          I got my Northerner order today!!! I'm with you Sage, I love telling'showing people snus. I'll go to a gas station and ask them (knowing they don't) if they sell snus. They'll look around slightly confused and say yea we Camel. I'll show them whatever can I have with me, and tell them they should order this. They all know me, and don't really pay attention to me anyway. Oh well. Yea I get to try LD tonight!!!!!


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by Ulsterman
                            I'm in London Terminator, and I had one go missing recently with Swiss Post and it's not pleasant.
                            You got taken care of in the end, yes??


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by Veganpunk
                              I'll go to a gas station and ask them (knowing they don't) if they sell snus. They'll look around slightly confused and say yea we Camel. I'll show them whatever can I have with me, and tell them they should order this.
                              Camel? (..evil laugh..) :twisted:
                              That's not snus. (..showing him your snus...) Now THIS is snus.

                              <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>


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