skoal and snus sweeeet

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  • vikels
    New Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 2

    skoal and snus sweeeet

    Hey guys.
    Snus is gooda nd you can get it shipped easily to all over the world, but does anybody know where to order skoal? I live in Latvia and I was in U.S. for awhile and I loved it, I would be amazingly happy to find out how to get that thing shipped over to Latvia.
    please, help me out fellas!
  • PseudoSwede
    • Sep 2007
    • 71

    Try looking up U.S. Tobacco. Their website is They may have a listing of retailers for you to choose from.

    If I might be so bold to ask...why do you want Skoal? I ask because you're posting this on a Snus forum. I'm sure others out here will agree that if you've ever tried snus, you'd never dip Skoal, or any other U.S. dip, again. The "snus" experience is ten-fold better than American dip.

    I can speak from experience on that one.



    • TheInsulator
      • Oct 2007
      • 65

      Yeah, I was using Skoal mint while i was waiting for my order of snus to arrive. Disgusting stuff!


      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        Steer clear of the Skoal out new Latvian friend!

        I think if I ran out of snus I would just smoke untill my next order came, I can't stand the smell of american dip, I can only imagine how bad it tastes. But thats why I keep a few extra tins of time Knox in the freezer... just in case I run out


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Ugh, Skoal. When I used to smoke, I'd dip Skoal only if I got sick and was unable to smoke. Consequently, my brain permanently associates the smell of Skoal Berry Blend with nausea and a hacking cough.

          I was never brave enough to try the Mint. I once took a whiff of the can my friend had and my eyes started watering. :lol:


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            I dunno but about 12 years ago I did a very short stint with Skoal, Kodiak and Red Man but have never had any of the bad effects people talk about on this forum. At most I'd called it "fun" and "uneventful".

            I guess in total it must've been 4 cans and 4 pouches spread over a couple of months.
            Usually me and surfer friends would dip some on the beach relaxing or outside a disco barefoot and still in swimming gear spitting on the sidewalk while all these spiffy-clothed people walked around us :lol:


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388


              I'm not absolutely sure, if they will send to Latvia, but it's the only shop, I've heard of, that ships dip and chew internationally.

              BTW, they also have snus!



              • alex
                • Jul 2007
                • 226

                Wow it seems like they carry all the swedish match cans but the prices are outrageous compared to buysnus, northerner or just ordering from swedish match direct. A roll from skoal would be nearly $70!!! :shock:


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Originally posted by alex
                  Wow it seems like they carry all the swedish match cans but the prices are outrageous compared to buysnus, northerner or just ordering from swedish match direct. A roll from skoal would be nearly $70!!! :shock:
                  Yeah, not that I want to do sales promotion for them. They clearly adjust their prices according to their exceptional market-position and they do not have the best reputation, regarding customer-service and shipping-times. Well, it's one of the oldest smokeless-tobacco-webshops, therefore it's often mentioned in german forums.



                  • richardmark
                    New Member
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 11

                    snuff internationally shipped

                    I used to order skoal and cope from
                    They don't display all the new flavours that UST produce but the major sellers I presume. Be prepared for the delivery to take 2 weeks minimum as it used to take this to the UK
                    Also remember you might pay additional shipping costs once your order is sent.
                    I asked them about this and they said that they did not ship outside the U.S alot and that when they took the package to the local post office they were often charged a few dollars more
                    I never complained as I was grateful that someone would ship to the UK and they said they only charged what they were charged
                    This co. is a small family firm in the midwest so I was also happy to support a small business they also always responded quickly to my emails regarding the status of my order
                    One final thing only hit the order button once even if you think the website has crashed this happended to me a few years ago and I ended up with about 5 rolls coming through which was at a time when I did not have money to throw away.

