Mah first Northerner order has arrived

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  • MojoQuestor
    • Sep 2009
    • 2344

    Mah first Northerner order has arrived

    This was ordered early in the morning on Friday, the 18th of September. It took a little longer than the three orders I've gotten from Buysnus, but I can live with it. Contents:

    1 Ettan loose
    1 Grov black
    1 Grov regular portion
    1 Gustavus portion (my first)
    1 Nick & Johnny
    1 Röda Lacket loose (my first)
    1 Skruf stark loose
    1 Skruf stark portion

    Also two snuffs:
    Fribourg & Treyer High Dry Toast
    Toque Original

    I've had a blast of the High Dry Toast. It's very nice. Enjoying some Ettan now; this was one of my first snuses, and it's been a while since I had any of the lös. It's kind of like coming back home again. I can't wait to try the Gustavus and the Röda Lacket. The Gus can is kind of cool.

    I didn't realize Northerner was using Swiss Post. I know Buysnus went through a phase with them, because I've read some of sage's posts about all that. But whatever, it's all the same to me, as everything arrived in good order and was decently packed.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Those 2 snuffs you got are 2 of my top favorites, probably top 5s. It looks like a good order all around :^)


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Yeah, Northerner switched to them- why they take an average of close to a week longer now than they once took. But cheaper, one way Northerner has been able to undersell Buysnus a bit on price.

      Again, I always have at least 20 cans, as long as I get it within a month I am good, no stress way. :wink:

      EDIT. Oops, I forgot. Nice order!! :lol: :lol:


      • Terminator1066
        • Sep 2009
        • 23

        I just got my first order from northerner took 9 days to the uk. Will be using northerner exclusively from now on. Gonna try fedex next time so i can track my order.


        • MojoQuestor
          • Sep 2009
          • 2344

          Thanks guys, yeah, most of these things are favorites, and the two new snuses I like pretty well. Definitely thumbs-up on the Gustavus, the Röda Lacket I need to check out some more.

          I haven't even tried nasal snuff in at least two decades, and that was only experimenting with who-knows-what. Both of these are going to be good, I can tell that much already.

          I happened to get a Getsnus order in today as well, so I doubled up on some of these. Such a pity. I'm torn between the urge to stock up and the need to cool my jets. Once the rest of the fleet comes in I'll be up to a little over a hundred cans. Far from the most impressive collection, I know, but still I open up the freezer sometimes and think "what the f* am I doing?"

          I just love this stuff. And this forum adds an extra dimension to the enjoyment. I dig it.


          • Redbeard
            • Sep 2009
            • 390

            Originally posted by MojoQuestor
            I just love this stuff. And this forum adds an extra dimension to the enjoyment. I dig it.
            Well put. My sentiments exactly.


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