Snus stores in STOCKHOLM

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  • mankiboy
    New Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 1

    Snus stores in STOCKHOLM

    So im going to stockholm next week and I was wondering if there are some snus stores, i don't mean kiosk or supermarkets, but a real "snus shop" ?

    And futher more, does anyone knows where I can get the cheapest thunder from stockholm?

    Thank you
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I heard V2 snus are not readily available in Swedish shops.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Welcome to SnusOn, btw.

      As for your question, I dunno, just wanted to extend a welcome to ya.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        If you're flying into Arlanda Airport, there is a duty-free snus store in terminal five.


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          The duty free place is your best bet most likely. However, because you need to show your ticket before they'll let you buy anything, they may refuse to sell Montecristo and other Cuban brands to you. However, if you go out to town and buy some, you have to pay VAT, or whatever they call it in Sweden. Technically, you can fill out a form for reimbursement on VAT at customs, but if you're planning on stocking up on brands that nobody will ship here, you may not want to do that.


          • chossy
            • Jul 2009
            • 242

            Snus at the airport is a bad idea, it´s not cheap, you might skip the VAT ( moms ) but its still not cheap. Have a nice trip.


            • Jean78
              • Apr 2009
              • 97

              I'm going to Stockholm next week and want to bring back home to Denmark.


              How much are snus at Arlanda compared to snus shops, kiosks and supermarkets in Stockholm?

              Are there any good places for good bargain snus hunting?

              I'll be thankful for any help.



              • gekim
                • Jan 2010
                • 21

                Originally posted by mankiboy
                And futher more, does anyone knows where I can get the cheapest thunder from stockholm?
                Forget about V2 products in Stockholm, 95% of shops don't have them, I've actually never seen V2 products in any shop in Stockholm.

                Originally posted by Jean78
                I'm going to Stockholm next week and want to bring back home to Denmark.


                How much are snus at Arlanda compared to snus shops, kiosks and supermarkets in Stockholm?

                Are there any good places for good bargain snus hunting?

                I'll be thankful for any help.

                If you go to city center to first shop that you see, you can get General OP for example for 350-370 SEK. If you walk around a bit more you can find it for 320-350 SEK.
                Arlanda: Most Generals are at 345-350 SEK. Not the biggest choice, mainly SM products (not all even) + Skruf.

                Last time I was on Arlanda T5 (1 month ago), the first shop (So called walk-through just behind security gates) was almost completely out of stock
                There's one more shop with snus there - it's mainly perfumes and stuff, really big one, and fridges are somewhere behind hard to spot (go to the direction of gates 60-75 as I remember), but they have bigger choice there than on walk-through shop.
                Arlanda is not the best deal if you travel to Denmark, as they will ask for a boarding pass at checkout and you will have to pay all taxes anyway


                • Jean78
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 97

                  Thanks, gekim...

                  It's nice to have local eyes hinsidan ;-)

                  I'll take walk in the city centre and try to find a cheap store to buy snus at. And if all fail I'll buy at Arlanda on my way home.

                  Let me know if you see a shop Gamla Stan with bargain snus this weekend or Monday next week.




                  • Gorau
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 21

                    Originally posted by gekim
                    Forget about V2 products in Stockholm, 95% of shops don't have them, I've actually never seen V2 products in any shop in Stockholm.
                    Not been to Stockholm but living in copenhagen i often visit Malmo and this is certainly the case there as well. It just seems that V2 is simply not that popular in Sweden.


                    • MJ26
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 333

                      Hi! Here some which have good selection.:

                      * AMK Tobak - Sibyllegatan.
                      * Sonjas Tobak - Vallhallavägen
                      * Nybrogatans Tobak - Nybrogatan
                      * Torsviks Tobak - Lidingö
                      * Alfa Filmkedjan - Märsta
                      * Iskanders Livs - Märsta
                      * JM Tobak - Jakobsberg
                      * Riddarspelet - Jakobsberg
                      * Ica Kvantum Viksjö - Järfälla
                      * Willys Veddesta - Järfälla
                      * Willys Märsta - Märsta
                      * Willys Lidingö - Lidingö
                      * Willys Arninge - Täby

                      The best places to buy snus in Stockholm is tobacco shops. There is much of them every side in the city.

                      I bought mine from the Centrum. Normal shops do usually sell only the main brands like Ettan, General, Grov, Catch


                      • gekim
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 21

                        Originally posted by Gorau
                        Originally posted by gekim
                        Forget about V2 products in Stockholm, 95% of shops don't have them, I've actually never seen V2 products in any shop in Stockholm.
                        Not been to Stockholm but living in copenhagen i often visit Malmo and this is certainly the case there as well. It just seems that V2 is simply not that popular in Sweden.
                        Yep, true. I think that Norway has a bigger selection in shops
                        Like General ES or Sterk White - hard to find these in Stockholm. I guess it's SM company politics, Norway is a bit better market for them (snus is much more expensive in NO than in SE).

                        And there's another case. Pepsi / Coca-cola example should be good. If you have a shop that has Coca-Cola branded fridges - you won't see Pepsi inside, if you have Pepsi branded fridge - you won't see Coca-Cola inside.
                        Many fridges in Sweden are branded/owned by Swedish Match so you can finish the story yourself


                        • Jean78
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 97

                          Thanks, MJ26

                          MMK Tobak, Sonjas Tobak and Nybrogatans Tobak looks promising - I'll go there Monday.

                          I'm not the biggest V2 fan so Stockholm is no loss for me ;-)



                          • MJ26
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 333

                            Originally posted by Jean78
                            Thanks, MJ26

                            MMK Tobak, Sonjas Tobak and Nybrogatans Tobak looks promising - I'll go there Monday.

                            I'm not the biggest V2 fan so Stockholm is no loss for me ;-)


                            Go check AMK tobak too and also Willys i've heard sells snus with good prices.


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