Very Pleased

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  • somebodysomeone88
    • Apr 2009
    • 43

    Very Pleased

    So I recently went through my Thunder Frosted withdrawl over a month long experience, mostly due to my stubborn nature and unwillingness to switch my tastes, and partly due to the fact that it's been out of stock everywhere for quite a while. Yesterday my intrigue as to the status on my order from getsnus, and why it hadn't shipped. After a short inquiry to their customer service I recieved a very speedy response to my questions. The one they call JillC notified me that while the product was in stock they had no record of billing, and no card on file for my account. A few short interactions later the problem was resolved. I was actually very pleased with the expidited service and very pleasant nature of this person. Overall the experience that could have been quite painful for me was boiled down to a very simple and good natured interaction. I'm very pleased with and because of the friendly nature of this customer service representitive have decided to transfer more of my business their way. Does anybody else have as happy of a story as I? Or was my one time dealing with them partly a fluke? Experiences?
  • MojoQuestor
    • Sep 2009
    • 2344

    I've only got one real Getsnus story, and I've mentioned it before, but I ordered the Gotlandssnus Sampler last month:

    2 – Gotlandssnus Flader (Green) Portion
    2 – Gotlandssnus Classic (Yellow) Portion
    1 – Gotlandssnus Anis (Grey) Portion

    When it arrived, the two Classics turned out to be lös instead of portion. There was also an extra half-roll of the Green :!:

    I guess that was their way of "apologizing". Of course, it turns out that the Gul (yellow) lös is some of the best-tasting snus on earth (to me). (The portions aren't bad, either; a kind snuson member traded me a few, and I've gotten some more since then.)

    Like texasmade said, I'll take a "screwup" like that every time.

    I do like how, when there's one can that turns out to be out of stock, they'll send the rest of the order and then mail that when it's in. That's happened for me twice. I don't order out of stock stuff on purpose, so they might not do it if it was something that was obviously out of stock when they placed the order. Still, it's nice not to have to wait and wait on a couple of rolls just because of one "curiosity can". Even so, I imagine a phone call would clear that up. JillC and the rest of the gang at Getsnus sound pretty nice, from everything I've read here.

    Glad you got your situation straightened out, and really glad you got your Thunder to save you from kanel hell


    • somebodysomeone88
      • Apr 2009
      • 43

      Haha, yes the Kanel hell is a horrid one. I'm just happy that I actually screwed up and that screw up resulted in having those extra cans of the stuff developing a frosty persona in my freezer. Had it not been for that brief failure of a venture into cinnamon territory I'd have been a very unpleasant Marine on a small installation where everybody can easily get on your nerves daily as it is.


      • ProudMarineDad
        • Aug 2009
        • 573

        Originally posted by MojoQuestor
        I've only got one real Getsnus story, and I've mentioned it before, but I ordered the Gotlandssnus Sampler last month:

        2 – Gotlandssnus Flader (Green) Portion
        2 – Gotlandssnus Classic (Yellow) Portion
        1 – Gotlandssnus Anis (Grey) Portion

        When it arrived, the two Classics turned out to be lös instead of portion. There was also an extra half-roll of the Green :!:

        I guess that was their way of "apologizing". Of course, it turns out that the Gul (yellow) lös is some of the best-tasting snus on earth (to me). (The portions aren't bad, either; a kind snuson member traded me a few, and I've gotten some more since then.)
        I am thinking about ordering the Gotlandssnus Sampler but it says 2-3 weeks which I think is due to the Green being on backorder because the other two are available now. I can't remember the post but didn't someone say that it isn't normally that long a wait? Is the Green good and is it worth the wait?


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          The Green is my favorite of the three.

          My Getsnus story has a Green in it coincidentally. They forgot my mystery can, and I emailed them just letting them know. They apologized and asked me what can I would want. I said the Got. Green. Everything was gravy.

          Also the website had issues verifying my age. After the 3rd or 4th time having to call to place an order, I was getting upset. Jill got with me and corrected the problem. Now I can order straight from the website. I give Getsnus over half of my business. If they carried LD, they would probably be the only place I used. Very fast shipping times too.


          • somebodysomeone88
            • Apr 2009
            • 43

            I've had a can of the gotland green, I actually did enjoy it. Though Thunder Frosted has taken up 100% of my usage habits when it's attainable. Your post reminded me, though, that Jill was also very quick to offer me a free can of my choosing as compensation for my trouble. I've decided to try the Thunder Frosted Mini's.


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