Swedish Match USA/swedishsnus.com

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  • markcat
    • Oct 2007
    • 50

    Swedish Match USA/swedishsnus.com

    Has anyone ordered from here http://www.swedishsnus.com/smna_us/? I ask for opinions on the deal here, even if you've never ordered from them. I'm a newbie, and am waiting on my first shipment from the Northerner. But this seems like a good deal for Swedish Match brands in roll quantities (and free shipping!). Thoughts?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I haven't ordered from them, but I think those are pretty good shipped prices. Check out www.buysnus.com also. They seem to be the forum favorites for roll purchases. You could put together an order with them and Swedish Match, and see how they compare. The Northerner is better to buy from for individual cans as their prices are a bit lower than Buysnus.


    • markcat
      • Oct 2007
      • 50

      Thanks! I suppose I do have to test the waters with each online store. This forum is moving me in the right direction though.


      • KentuckySnusser
        • May 2007
        • 109

        I've ordered from them several times now and I've never been disappointed with the delivery time or the freshness of the snus they send me. You can't beat it for rolls of Swedish Match products, the deal is simply too good to pass up.

        Some people have remarked that they have been charged a $5 customs handling fee from UPS after their order had arrived. So far, this seems to be the only caveat to ordering snus in this way. Personally, I've been lucky enough to never have been charged (knock on wood).

        Once I settle down from all of the snus sampling I get by ordering tins at Northerner, I'm going to use the sweidshsnus.com service as much as possible to save money in the long run and obtain some damned fine fresh snus in the process.

        Can't recommend it highly enough and, aside from the "6th roll at 1/2 off" concept at buysnus.com, I don't know why anyone would order SM rolls any other way. You save more in shipping costs from 5 rolls than the 1/2 off of the roll they would give you, plus, you save on shipping from that roll as well!

        Check it out:

        Let's say you're ordering 6 rolls of General White portions over time:

        Price / roll = $29.05
        Shipping/ roll = $9.34

        Total Price / roll= $38.39

        Total Price / roll * 5= $191.95
        1/2 price roll + Shipping = ($14.53 + $9.34) $23.87
        General White 6 Rolls = $215.82

        Price / roll = $35
        General White 6 Rolls = $210
        *and you receive each shipment quicker than if you were to order from buysnus*


        • markcat
          • Oct 2007
          • 50

          Yeah, I had a feeling that Swedish Match's site was probably the way to go. Thanks for the comparison between Swedish Match and buysnus.com. Unless I absolutely fall in love with a brand outside the Swedish Match realm, I can't see myself not regularly using the SM site.


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            I want to know why Swedish Match won't ship to Oregon. Both Northerner and Buy Snus have no problems doing so. Says "due to state regulations." If that were true, wouldn't the other websites also not be able to ship to my state?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              They may not be as interested in petty legalities :wink: Swedish Match is a good bit larger, and they have an image to uphold.


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                yeah, it could be something as minor as a technicality like not being able to prove that the buyer is of proper age, as defined by some set of regulatory standards in the language of Oregon law :?


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Ah, I see. No worries though. As long as Northerner and Buy Snus don't start adhering to said technicalities, you won't hear me bitching. :wink:


                  • Rowsdower
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 16

                    If you want a roll of a SM product, then swedishsnus.com is definitely the way to go. No shipping charges and it arrives extremely quick. 3 days is the norm for me. Plus everytime I've ordered from them, they've thrown a tryout can of something in. I got a can of N&J los with my roll of Roda that arrived today.

                    The 5 dollar UPS charge has caught me a couple of times, it seems hit and miss, but to me it's a minor inconvenience to pay to get fresh snus directly from the manufacturer.

                    Nothing agains Buysnus at all though, their customer service is top notch and if it's Skruf or a V2 product you want they are definitely the right choice. I wish they would carry Gotlandssnus though.


                    • markcat
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 50

                      The fast shipping plus freebie can sound very appealing.


                      • scrh1
                        New Member
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 6

                        Ordered from them on Thursday....sent via trackable ups and scheduled for Monday delivery....Not too bad as the roll price is good and shipping is free /included. If you like the products they sell, and want rolls, then I think this may be the way to go. we'll see how fresh the log of Nick and Johnny is when I get it on Monday! Next order will be a roll of onyx I think....although a little pricey...I think I'll love it. Time to stock up for the holidays... -scrh1


                        • markcat
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 50

                          From what I understand, the snus will be remarkably fresh, as it's direct from the manufacturer, no middleman. I'm planning to order a roll of Ettan loose this way. Definitely the most economical way if you live in the States.


                          • riff
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 22

                            Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                            I want to know why Swedish Match won't ship to Oregon. Both Northerner and Buy Snus have no problems doing so. Says "due to state regulations." If that were true, wouldn't the other websites also not be able to ship to my state?
                            Might be due to agreements regarding the sale of Camel snus! I would guess SM doesn't ship to Texas either...


                            • markcat
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 50

                              This is on the site:

                              RESTRICTED SALES
                              Sales of Swedish snus by Swedishsnus.com are not allowed in Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Oregon and Rhode Island due to state regulations.

                              So, Texas seems OK.


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