it did take a couple of days longer then the previous method of shipping for me, which seemed like a week because i ran out i'll just have to order a few days ealier next time
I have actually emailed about this, since my orders are taking longer also. I pointed them to this thread so they could see that I wasn't alone. This is their response;
Thank you for the information, we have been told by Swiss post that they are sending like the Swedish post but in that case it should not been any delays.
We are now evaluating Swiss post work and are now sending with the Swedish post office since the 2 of November, and we might continue to do so. Every delays are important to hear of when we compare the both companies.
I got this email today from BuySnus. I'm sure everyone else did too. This is just a portion of the email. I also added a note about Kardus that was in the same email since a lot of you were wondering about it this year.
BuySnus News
- Swedish Post is back
- Kardus Superior Blend
- Winner of the General USB memory stick
Swedish Post is back
We have now during two weeks shipped with Swiss post instead of the Swedish post. Swiss post promised better handling and precision. The evaluation period has now ended and we are back with the Swedish post to evaluate Swiss post. Have you got your order delivered with Swiss post? If so how was it? Do you prefer Swiss post instead of the Swedish post? Please tell us, we will take everything in consideration.
Kardus Superior Blend
There will unfortunately NOT be any Kardus Superior Blend this year, the producer have decided not to produce them. There is on the other hand a new snus from the producer V2 Tobacco that is cut instead of grained the same way as Kardus, the brand is Offroad Long Cut.
Good god. The Swiss Post worked fine the first time I used it. It arrived in about 7-8 days, I can't exactly remember. But my stuff was shipped on November 1st. Saturday was the 10th and still nothing. Now it's Veterans Day and the mail doesn't come today. If it doesn't arrive tomorrow, I'm going to be pissed off something fierce.
If it doesn't come tomorrow, should I bitch at Buy Snus? Could it have gotten lost or is it just the post being incredibly slow?
This is by far the longest it has ever taken for one of my shipments to arrive.
FYI, got this from BuySnus today:
New much lower Shipping rates
When it didn't work out at all with Swiss post and we have had some delays in the shipments to US we would like to compensate you all. We have therefore made a major cut on the shipping cost with the Swedish post. The new shipping cost is temporary and will last the rest of the year. Two roll of General Portion with shipping for only $67, order more and get it even cheaper! ...and do not forget our 6th roll concept. Put the snus in the shopping cart and make sure to choose the currency and area at the left hand side and you will be amazed by the low total price!
Good god. The Swiss Post worked fine the first time I used it. It arrived in about 7-8 days, I can't exactly remember. But my stuff was shipped on November 1st. Saturday was the 10th and still nothing. Now it's Veterans Day and the mail doesn't come today. If it doesn't arrive tomorrow, I'm going to be pissed off something fierce.
If it doesn't come tomorrow, should I bitch at Buy Snus? Could it have gotten lost or is it just the post being incredibly slow?
This is by far the longest it has ever taken for one of my shipments to arrive.
yup! I'm still waiting for my order. :cry:
FYI, got this from BuySnus today:
New much lower Shipping rates
When it didn't work out at all with Swiss post and we have had some delays in the shipments to US we would like to compensate you all. We have therefore made a major cut on the shipping cost with the Swedish post. The new shipping cost is temporary and will last the rest of the year. Two roll of General Portion with shipping for only $67, order more and get it even cheaper! ...and do not forget our 6th roll concept. Put the snus in the shopping cart and make sure to choose the currency and area at the left hand side and you will be amazed by the low total price!
This is a great deal; I just ordered 10 cans and ended up being charged only 6 USD shipping for the entire order. Nice.
Northerner shipped my all my orders in boxes....2 tins of Ettan on the first order; trial pack on the second; and 2 rolls of GPF and RL...all in boxes.
My snus FINALLY got here. I have a big pris of Nick and Johnny in right now. Bliss. I practically jumped for joy when I saw the package in my mail box.
Well, I really hate to go public with this and I have more than one time defended Northerner against other members of this forum, who simply had bad luck...