The post people here are just slow??? :lol: :lol:
Why CLUB SNUS rocks big time....
Originally posted by Jlt012I just went to clubsnus and I dont even see any other brands besides discreet, general, klondike, and nordic ice?
Yah dude he has the other shit i listed but he's kinda slow to get it up on the site. He's local to me so I always sing his praises but he's working really hard to get the good stuff. Apparently other members here get theirs quickly... I guess I just suck and being in CA shit takes ages to get here. So I guess this is only cool for those of us on the west coast lol.
Originally posted by snupyDon't make posts like this, when you know good and damn well Clubsnus has that stainless los snusbox I want for only $32.
Haha. I love clubsnus too, I used to only buy from there untill Jonathon opened up shop, but jonathon's got some good prices on ice tools, tins and the like.
Plus im not much into los nowadays which is odd considering i switched to snus from dip.
Edit: plus for 100$ he gave me 32 cans of thunder frosted/orriginal, plus like a dozen samples of general. And in 2 days no other company can beat that for delivery to my part of Cali.
Originally posted by Roomy last order from getsnus shipped on a Tuesday, arrived on Thursday, USPS. I couldn't believe it. Seattle is pretty damn far from Bath, PA. 7-8 days to Hollywood is crazy. Sgreger1, do you call 'em up to request USPS? This 2-day delivery must have been a fluke but USPS is way faster.
My transaction with was one of the best I have ever had with any company. Great customer service, lightning fast shipping and free samples! I am hoping he gets mini portions soon (like Granit). I live in California, ordered late Thursday night and got the order Saturday morning. You just can't beat that!
I started talking with Jonathan privately the day he announced Clubsnus. I knew then, I have been doing this so long, I read people really, really well, I knew he was the real deal. It so pleases me to read more and more folks giving him the chance, discovering for themselves just how good he is.
I just placed a five can order from them. Had to. Too many good things have been said. I also sent a list of brands I'd like to see.
If Clubsnus can stock my regulars (and I have faith it will happen), provide 5 and 10 roll pricing, and ship to Illinois faster than Getsnus, I'll make them my sole supplier. But the only way that's going to happen is if we all give Clubsnus some business, so I figured hey, what the hell, I'll chip in.