Swedish Match is launching a new website on the 10th of this month. Maybe they will offer a variety pack.
Swedish Match website
I hope the new website will ship to E.U.rope too.
Swedish Match seems to be the only producer and webshop-operator, that's so overly "politically correct" to even support the E.U. snus ban in a way.
I guess it should be clear for everyone and all the more for a snus-producer, that the snus ban itself is politically incorrect and only worth to be fought.
It's a bit of wishful thinking, of course.
I hope they start stocking the Grov. Maxis. I can't really understand why they didn't before. Buysnus doesn't have them either. Not too much of an issue since I order more through northerner. Mostly because they carry Gotlands and they always have the order at my door in 5 days. I have only done a couple of orders through buysnus but it took 2-3 extra days. Might just be the swiss post change ups. I have an order with them for a roll of Kronan, so we'll see if it comes faster this time.
Originally posted by KindrdI hope they start stocking the Grov. Maxis.
I have no other informations, but I guess you should better hurry to stock up, if you like the brand.
I do not think they are going to ship to EU soon .
They even don't want to ship Prismaster - what is a bit surprising.
Swedish Match redesigned website to show European citzens something more that Onico nicotine free snus. That is the way they create demand.
They manufacture snus so even if customer buys from another website SM wins anyway
I like such Guerilla Marketing approach...
But maybe I'm wrong and last BAT's lobbying efforts will change something in EU policy.
Well I guess I'm done with ordering from swedishsnus.com. They lowered the prices per roll, but now they charge shipping. So a roll of Roda which used to cost around 32 USD with no shipping now is going to cost me 54 USD after shipping. I might as well order from buysnus.com since they have the 6th roll concept.
Originally posted by Craig de TeringAww c'mon guys. What's a variety pack contain? 8 cans?
That's about $4.13 a can.
Lasts longer and still cheaper than cigs right?
The lowest price per can we Euro-sufferers can get is about $4.40 (US) for Offroad to $5.70 or more for SM brands.
Yeah, i don't think we have the luxury of complaining too much about prices. I'm just thankful if my order arrives. I'm not going to use northerner.com anymore. My last order was lost. It's been 16 days and it's still not here. I don't blame northerner for it though. i'm sure they're not at fault but i used REK mail for the first and last time. It never got here. I used buysnus.com recently and my order arrived in record time (4 business days) It was a very welcomed surprise because i was out of snus, dipping skoal and very bummed and pissed that my northerner order never arrived. Now i have a freezer full of general and i'm happy as a clam
You know, it is a BIG myth that Europeans pay less for american goods over here.
I challenge ANYONE to name a product and then have its price named by someone living over here.
As a huge fan of American V8 engine components (manifolds, heads, blocks, forged cranks, rods, headers, you-name-it) I can tell you guys first hand that we pay THE SAME $-PRICE IN EUROS when we receive stuff over here. Insane import rates and 20% sales taxes ain't to be dismissed!
(All the more reason to vote for Ron Paul me thinks. He'll make it a priority to abolish the IRS for you. GODFUDGIN'DAMN! If I talk about his ideas over here people think I'm clinically insane. Centuries of rule by monarchs have left an impression that there's no such thing as "tax-less" countries. The IRS is an ILLEGAL entity according to the constitution. Repeal the 16th!)
Read this if you dare:
Once YOU do that the rest of the world will start questioning their gov'ts why we have taxes (which always get stuck in bureaucracies and therefor feed them to become even bigger).