How long on buysnus orders?

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  • pwnzoar
    • Nov 2009
    • 36

    How long on buysnus orders?

    Hey guys just made my first order on back on monday night.
    I know I was a little over zealous to expected it today, but does anyone know an average time for delivery? I saw the websites 3-7 days, just wanted to know if that can be confirmed by ya'll.
  • ProudMarineDad
    • Aug 2009
    • 573

    Re: How long on buysnus orders?

    Originally posted by pwnzoar
    Hey guys just made my first order on back on monday night.
    I know I was a little over zealous to expected it today, but does anyone know an average time for delivery? I saw the websites 3-7 days, just wanted to know if that can be confirmed by ya'll.
    First of all, go Paladins. I live within 5 miles of Furman. I think it took about 7 or 8 days for me to get my order from

    You do know that Boda Pipes has some General Snus and Outland Knife and Cigar at Haywood Mall is supposed to start carrying it as well.

    Edited: I saw you mentioned a cigar store on one of your other threads. Was it Boda?


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Tomorrow perhaps, otherwise by Monday with 95% probability.


      • thatguyjeff
        • Jun 2008
        • 103

        Mine arrive very consistently at the 5 business day mark via Swedish post to St. Paul.


        • pwnzoar
          • Nov 2009
          • 36

          yeah marinedad I was talking about boda. Pretty decent cigar shop, but yeah that was where I got my first pack of general. Really enjoyed it but wanted to try something new so ordered some from buysnus

          and yeah

          GO PALADINS!


          • ProudMarineDad
            • Aug 2009
            • 573

            Only problem with Boda is that I hardly ever go down S Pleasantburg any more. I will if the one at the mall doesn't hurry up and get theirs.


            • beja
              • Jun 2009
              • 164

              I normally have my orders within 7 business days. However, on my most recent order, I placed the order Thursday morning, and had it on Tuesday. I couldn't believe it! I pulled into the driveway and saw a package on my porch. I got all excited, but thought there was no way it could be my order. I was very happy that night. :lol:

              Edit: I should mention that this was using the cheapest shipping option as well. Hell, I've ordered stuff from the next state over, via UPS, and paid twice as much and waited twice as long for my order.


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