did northerner forget your N&J black?

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  • Redbeard
    • Sep 2009
    • 390

    I filled out the customer support form on the website regarding my can last Friday, IIRC.

    This is the response I received on Monday.

    We are sorry that you did not get your nick and johnny black portion. It was a misstakefrom our side. I have placed a new order for this snus and it will be shipped to you as soon as possable. Free of charge of course.

    Kind regards,


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      I didn't get a free can either BUT I placed my order on Nov. 2nd, I read somewhere the special ended Nov. 1st??? When I ordered, the site still had the advertisement up for the free can & free shipping. I'm not complaining though, just happy to get the free shipping.


      • TBD
        • Jul 2008
        • 817

        At least you all could place an order during the special. F'ing processing company denied my card. I missed out on about $20 worth of free snus and shipping.
        Frank was polite about it and apologized even though it wasn't his or Northerner's fault. Still sucks ass tho' :evil:


        • rkh3
          • Nov 2009
          • 110

          I have ordered from getsnus and northener. So far getsnus wins. Much faster shipping, they answer e-mails, and the free tin.
          Northener has a better selection but it takes 7-10 days to receive it in MA (from their US warehouse), getsnus 2-3. Ignoring e-mails is inexcusable northener.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Watch Clubsnus. Their selection is still growing but they are already starting to carry stuff Getsnus just seems to refuse to carry. And 2 days to get my order from San Francisco. Clubsnus uses priority mail, faster for me then Getsnus even though Getsnus is 2000 miles closer.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              I got the N&J Black, and a can of Thunder Wintergreen in my last order.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                I got my Christmas snus. The one with the girl on the cover.

                It is AWESOME!!

                I got my N&J Black in the order I placed.

                The Christmas snus was out of stock. I'm glad it showed up. I will have to order more if I want it to last until the Holidays.



                • pris
                  • Mar 2025

                  Mine wasn't sent with my order by they apologised and sent me a tin when I e-mailed them.


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Originally posted by pris
                    Mine wasn't sent with my order by they apologised and sent me a tin when I e-mailed them.
                    Same here.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      You all are NOT going to believe how northerner screwed up my 3 orders. Everything went wrong. As far as a free tin goes......what free tin? I'm just hoping that the snus I ordered actually shows up. Yea Frank had Aina field the complaints from SnusOn. But after the first day or so she never even open her PMs. I PMed her, waited a week and she still hadn't checked her PMs. Then I contacted them thru the northerner site and someone actually came here and read my PM. Yepper they sent two of my orders..........but sent some los instead of portions, sent 2 tins of an item I ordered one tin of, and sent 1 tin of what I ordered 2 of. There are other problems too that I hope can be hammered out. I have a list of what I actually ordered, what they list on their site on my account is different, the invoice that comes with the product states something else, and I recieved snus that is different. When Ania tried to send me a replacement order I copied and pasted what was in my shopping cart and sent it to her........and she still sent me the wrong snus.

                      Northerner blew it big time.

                      Ya think I'll actually get the free tins that I was supposed to get? Probably NOT.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • Redbeard
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 390

                        Damn, PP. I was gonna post that I got my free N&J Black today, but now all I wanna post is: Sorry, dude. That sucks.


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          Re: did northerner forget your N&J black?

                          Originally posted by daruckis
                          just curious how many people didnt get it, seems like quite a few have been saying that. i didnt get mine, but to be fair they did have an insane week of orders. but they are apparently sending me a free gotland julesnus, for some feedback i dont remember giving them. must have been a long time ago.

                          i remember now, it was for suggesting they sell gellivare. just had to post once i remembered.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Originally posted by justintempler
                            Originally posted by pris
                            Mine wasn't sent with my order by they apologised and sent me a tin when I e-mailed them.
                            Same here.
                            Northerner is true to their word. 8)

                            Received my Free N&J Black today. 11 days Swiss Post.


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Originally posted by Redbeard
                              Damn, PP. I was gonna post that I got my free N&J Black today, but now all I wanna post is: Sorry, dude. That sucks.
                              now thats funny. lol, I don't need the pity. Thanks. I did get one tin and that stuff is pretty good. I'll be ordering a roll.

                              Well I just got my mail.
                              I actually got everything I ordered except the Nord/Julesnus. They sent The Gots instead, thats ok. I got 1 free tin of N&J Black from the four orders, thats ok too. Northerner sent alot of snus fixing my order and they said to keep the mistakes, thats ok too. I just opened another package and found the tin of Loda Racket portions that I ordered, thats ok. However, I see Frank sent me a half a roll of Loda Racket portions. That FREAKIN GREAT. I hope I like it. I pretty much knew, in the end, that all would be fixed. I think they got overwelmed with orders but I couldn't believe how many issues I had. I never had a problem with any orders, from any supplier, untill now. They fixed this quite well imo and I am a very happy camper now and appreciate the xtra tins, Thanks Frank.

                              I probably wouldn't have even mentioned any problem in this thread if I only had one thing go wrong. But it was getting almost funny to see what would happen next and to see how it would be fixed. Northerner did a fine job.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                              • Redbeard
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 390

                                Good hear everything got sorted out. As has been mentioned here before, it seems that, though they may get overwhelmed from time to time, we seem to have a good group of merchants serving our little community.


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