Cheap Snus - On-line US Retailer

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  • bsd777
    • Nov 2009
    • 261

    Cheap Snus - On-line US Retailer

    I'm new to this forum, so I'm not as up to speed as some of you are. I've used American snuff for a while and recently learned about Swedish snus. I'm mostly interested in harm reduction. I've been purchasing US snuff from an online retailer for over a year and recently began purchasing Klondike from them. Again I'm new here, so I didn't know Klondike sucked, so go easy on me. Anyway it seems the most commonly mentioned retailers on this site are clubsnus, buysnus and northerner so I just had to say, while their selection of snus sucks (they do sell some General products) has much better prices than the previously mentioned sites. They do charge $11 shipping for up to 60 cans and they have very good service. I do not work for or receive a commission from Genuine but I am a heppy customer and I figure if some of you start buying General products or other snus from them, maybe they'll start offering more brands?
    Does anyone know if the TSNA figures for Klondike are known?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn :^)

    The American brands keep ingredients and technical specs under tight wraps. I've never seen any TSNA figures for Klondike.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome to Snuson bsd777

      Unfortunately, lxskllr is correct. no American company has ever released that information. reason the only America I will use is Triumph, as that is actually made in Sweden, under Swedish law, etc.


      • bsd777
        • Nov 2009
        • 261

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Welcome to Snuson bsd777

        Unfortunately, lxskllr is correct. no American company has ever released that information. reason the only America I will use is Triumph, as that is actually made in Sweden, under Swedish law, etc.
        Originally posted by sagedil
        Yes, Tom has spoken before about it here. Exactly the same as Sweden, except the lab coats are a different color he says.

        The exact quote...

        Originally posted by tobacco tom
        The only difference in my snus from the Swedish process and mine is we have different colored lab coats , I bilt the factory to Swedish standers
        I'm just trying to understand what is known. Discreet and Klondike both claim to use the Swedish process. Can they be believed? Do either list ingredients? The final question for me is TSNAs. It would be nice if the manufacturers released these numbers, but third parties have provided these numbers before. I have seen numbers for Skoal and other US snuff. Bottom line for me. It would be nice to have TSNA numbers, but it's more important to KNOW the Swedish process is used. TSNAs vary among Swedish manufacturers but they are all MUCH lower than any American snuff.


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          I looked at that website, and I can't really see myself ordering from it. They do have cheaper prices, but General is the only thing on the page that I like, and I really only like the General Ekstra Stark lös. I'd have to place orders from another store anywise. And if you're ordering six rolls, why not just go to buysnus and get one half off?


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090


            A lot of it is marketing hype.

            The old process was bacterial fermentation that gave tobacco it's characteristic flavor but unfortunately TSNAs form during fermentaion.

            The new process uses tobacco that has been cased, (the Swedish way is water and salt) and the mixture is heated below boiling temperature for up to 2 days. This causes a forced aging in the tobacco and pasteurizes it at the same time, killing off the microbes that cause TSNA formation.

            Most of the older fermented tobacco used tobacco that was cured in a closed barn exposed to smoke to give it a distinctive smokey flavor. The problem with curing tobacco with smoke is it leads to TSNA formation.

            If they still wnat that smoke cured tobacco taste, the Swedish way of doing things is to use aircured tobacco and to use a smoke flavoring. so you get the taste of smoke cured tobacco without the TSNAs. That's the same smoke flavor that they use to give bbq and steaks a smoked taste but without the smoke.


            • bsd777
              • Nov 2009
              • 261

              Originally posted by shikitohno
              I looked at that website, and I can't really see myself ordering from it. They do have cheaper prices, but General is the only thing on the page that I like, and I really only like the General Ekstra Stark lös. I'd have to place orders from another store anywise. And if you're ordering six rolls, why not just go to buysnus and get one half off?
              6 rolls of General loose would cost $171 at Genuine vs $238 at buysnus. I didn't see how to get 1/2 off the 6th roll, this would lessen the difference, but wouldn't they have to GIVE you the sixth roll to make it even close. As I said the selection sucks, but if someone uses one of the 5 types of General that they stock, they could save a lot of $$. And if Genuine where to see sales of snus increase, they would stock more snus. Genuine are good people I've been ordering US snuff, and later Klondike, from them for a while. Everything has been fresh and I generally receive my orders in under 5 days. They apparently work with much smaller margins than others, I'd like to see their business and selection improve. I hope someone finds my info helpful.


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                Originally posted by bsd777

                6 rolls of General loose would cost $171 at Genuine ...
                $28.00 x 6 + free shipping over $50.00 = $168.00


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Originally posted by bsd777
                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Welcome to Snuson bsd777

                  Unfortunately, lxskllr is correct. no American company has ever released that information. reason the only America I will use is Triumph, as that is actually made in Sweden, under Swedish law, etc.
                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Yes, Tom has spoken before about it here. Exactly the same as Sweden, except the lab coats are a different color he says.

                  The exact quote...

                  Originally posted by tobacco tom
                  The only difference in my snus from the Swedish process and mine is we have different colored lab coats , I bilt the factory to Swedish standers
                  I'm just trying to understand what is known. Discreet and Klondike both claim to use the Swedish process. Can they be believed? Do either list ingredients? The final question for me is TSNAs. It would be nice if the manufacturers released these numbers, but third parties have provided these numbers before. I have seen numbers for Skoal and other US snuff. Bottom line for me. It would be nice to have TSNA numbers, but it's more important to KNOW the Swedish process is used. TSNAs vary among Swedish manufacturers but they are all MUCH lower than any American snuff.
                  bsd777, my bad, I completely forgot about Tom and Discreet last might. Yes, I use Discreet too. Yes, I trust Tom completely. I have spent much time personally talking with him. As for Klondike using the exact Swedish way too??? Possibly. Tell you what, I will believe that too when the owner of Kondike takes the time to talk to me too.


                  • bsd777
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 261

                    Originally posted by justintempler
                    $28.00 x 6 + free shipping over $50.00 = $168.00
                    Looks like we have a winner. Thanks. I will look into GetSnus and may place a smaller order with them. I'd like to keep doing business with Genuine, as they've been good to me. I just have to talk them into increasing the variety of their offerings.


                    • bsd777
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 261

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      bsd777, my bad, I completely forgot about Tom and Discreet last might. Yes, I use Discreet too. Yes, I trust Tom completely. I have spent much time personally talking with him. As for Klondike using the exact Swedish way too??? Possibly. Tell you what, I will believe that too when the owner of Kondike takes the time to talk to me too.
                      I hope they all take the time to explain exactly what they are selling. I'll let you know what response, if any, I receive from Nordic American regarding the Klondike production process and TSNAs



                      • shikitohno
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 1156

                        [quote="bsd777"6 rolls of General loose would cost $171 at Genuine vs $238 at buysnus. I didn't see how to get 1/2 off the 6th roll, this would lessen the difference, but wouldn't they have to GIVE you the sixth roll to make it even close. As I said the selection sucks, but if someone uses one of the 5 types of General that they stock, they could save a lot of $$. And if Genuine where to see sales of snus increase, they would stock more snus. Genuine are good people I've been ordering US snuff, and later Klondike, from them for a while. Everything has been fresh and I generally receive my orders in under 5 days. They apparently work with much smaller margins than others, I'd like to see their business and selection improve. I hope someone finds my info helpful.[/quote]

                        The only general I use is the Ekstra Stark lös though. Even if they had it, they don't stock any of my favourites, so I'd have to place another order somewhere else anywise. I'll pay for the convenience of getting it all in one place, and enjoy the swag I get from buying so much from Buysnus at once.


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