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  • Fredrik_Northerner
    Just me
    • Aug 2009
    • 126 launch

    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to pop in and let you know that we've just launched our brand new site, We would love to get some feedback on it from you guys. Design (all though it's a little late to be re-designing the whole site :wink, pricing (the pricing is centered around BIG discounts on quantity purchases) , structure/layout, the payment process (if you decide your in the mood to order some snus)...

    Oh, for you german speaking people out there, the german translation on the information pages isn't done yet, that's basically just place holder text, so don't give us too much crap about that :wink:

    This is really a soft launch and we'll be adding a lot of very cool features in the coming weeks.

  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030




    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      Is this shipping from Sweden, or the U.S.?


      • clubsnus
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2009
        • 142

        #4 Soft Launch

        Welcome Fredrick, I took a look at the site and love the look and feel. Now I know this is a soft launch but I think it looks great. I am excited to see what is to come.


        • Paul
          • Dec 2009
          • 364

          it's cheaper than buysnus, at least on shipping fees... will try


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            I already PM'd Fredrik with some feedback while thread was under lockdown and received a PM in return. 8)


            • adm
              • Oct 2009
              • 240

              Re: launch

              Originally posted by FredrikS
              Hi everyone!

              Just wanted to pop in and let you know that we've just launched our brand new site, We would love to get some feedback on it from you guys. Design (all though it's a little late to be re-designing the whole site :wink, pricing (the pricing is centered around BIG discounts on quantity purchases) , structure/layout, the payment process (if you decide your in the mood to order some snus)...

              Oh, for you german speaking people out there, the german translation on the information pages isn't done yet, that's basically just place holder text, so don't give us too much crap about that :wink:

              This is really a soft launch and we'll be adding a lot of very cool features in the coming weeks.


              Link re-instated. Sorry, didn't realise this was from our good friends at The Northerner
              Well.....the site looks nice and all.......but the product range looks exactly like Northerner's and I notice that the bottom of each page says "© 2009 Northerner Scandinavia AB. " so are you essentially putting up another shop front for Northerner, and if so, why should we buy you instead of direct from Northerner?

              Not a dig - I just want to understand the reasoning and mechanism. Who ultimately has responsibility if my snus gets lost in the mail for example?


              • clubsnus
                Banned Users
                • Aug 2009
                • 142

                The site is owned by the northerner. Fredrik is the Marketing director for them in Sweden. Just for your info. I think the benefit of ordering from this site it because they have a US based warehouse and they can possibly offer the same products, but just being shipped out of the US and not Sweden.

                We spoke in the past and that is what I learned from him.


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  I came here to ask the same thing, I saw the Northerner info at the bottom as well. Anyway, thanks Johnathon for answering my question before I had to ask it.


                  • adm
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 240

                    Ah....that makes sense.....

                    So for me in the UK, I might as well just stick with Northerner.....

                    However - there could possibly be benefits to me buying snus from the USA as opposed to Europe....I presume shipments from the US wouldn't attract the EU tobacco tax or 25% VAT of Sweden.

                    So could I buy snus from and only pay the product cost, state sales tax and shipping cost? Obviously I'd have to take the risk that if the package was stopped by Customs I'd then need to cough up the Tobacco Tax and VAT.


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      My understanding is they don't want to canabalize their existing Northerner customer base. There will be differences in pricing and will be more geared towards sales. (and specials?)

                      It reminds me of the Proctor and Gamble marketing plan. Introduce 15 lines of soap all owned by you so your competition is 1 out of 16 instead of 1 out of 2. The more versions of your product that there are the less chance your competition has.


                      • Fredrik_Northerner
                        Just me
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 126

                        Interesting discussion about spam vs announcements. Being somewhat biased I'll refrain from commenting just now;-)

                        And as far as Northerner vs We do have a very different pricing structure than on Northerner, with a lot lower prices on rolls and other quantity orders. I have a price comparison spread sheet somewhere around here which I'll post a little later on. It's pretty interesting reading;-)

                        We will be shipping orders from the swedish warehouse for the next few weeks, but after that, US customers will get their orders shipped from the US and EU customers will get their orders shipped from Sweden (similar to what we do at Northerner).

                        The e-store system for is also entirely different than that of Northerner. Different checkout, different database setup all together... Lots of behind-the-scenes stuff that differs.

                        Thanks for all the input!


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          Will all your offerings be available from the US warehouse? I've been interested in trying the Offroad Original Strong Portion, but have been reluctant to order overseas as I am not wanting to make a big order.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by tom502
                            Will all your offerings be available from the US warehouse? I've been interested in trying the Offroad Original Strong Portion, but have been reluctant to order overseas as I am not wanting to make a big order.

                            Jonathon sent me a couple cans of it when I made my last order. I gotta say I hate offroad but it wasn't half bad. It was strong, which I liked, and had a good tobaccoey taste, which is a nice break from their over flavored sweet shit.


                            • Christi
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 2104

                              Originally posted by FredrikS

                              We will be shipping orders from the swedish warehouse for the next few weeks, but after that, US customers will get their orders shipped from the US and EU customers will get their orders shipped from Sweden (similar to what we do at Northerner).
                              So after a few weeks everything listed on the site will come directly from the US warehouse? Just want to make sure I understand. I don't like to wait on swiss post for 10 days so I may give this a try.

