if delivery times worry you, use UPS, and pay the $25!
I know I'm going to sound like a dick now but you know as per my update in the Snus.com thread I originally opened to bitch about not being able to get my LS as supposedly advertised at the time, that in the end Snus.com did ship my order expediently and via UPS saver. This was with their standard shipping of a US $8 something although they do add that stupid VAT tax of another $2...
Yea I posted this notation in this "Northerner" thread as per our discovery that Snus.com is related to them. Oh and my order was shipped in a Northerner logo'd box. hehe
Conclusion: If your a little put out at Northerner for slow delivery, ect... I recommend you give Snus.com a try just for kicks. 5 Actual days shipping from Sweden to Pennsylvania @ standard delivery charge & tiny VAT fee... = Not bad.
There, am I making up for slamming them about LS? I have a guilty conscious now. ops:
if delivery times worry you, use UPS, and pay the $25!
I really didn't mean to slam northerner, I have never ordered from them. And if they have great products that the other sites with better and free delivery does not have, then thats really great. But if I am ordering something and I can get it in a day or 2 days, and free shipping, well, thats a no brainer.
Is the product from Northerner any fresher than that of the other sites we use to buy from? Because that could be a reason to use them as well. Although 3 weeks unrefrigerated isn't the best thing for snus is it?
Is the product from Northerner any fresher than that of the other sites we use to buy from? Because that could be a reason to use them as well. Although 3 weeks unrefrigerated isn't the best thing for snus is it?
In defense of Northerner and the other Swedish shops as well, I think you will find the freshness factor to always be a plus. If you are in a hurry and in the US, use clubsnus or getsnus. If you are looking for product that isn't available at these vendors, then just order ahead and expect a longer wait.
They all have their +s and -s. It's all in the planning. :wink:
For those in the US, why would you order from Northerner? I don't mean that as a bash, but just a question. Is it because u are getting something from Northerner than no one else has? It seems getsnus.com, buysnus.com, and clubsnus.com all have awesome delivery times in the US, and it seems Northerner takes weeks, even if everything goes smoothly. So besides exclusive products, why would anyone in the US order from them with those kinds of wait times, and the problems mentioned in this thread?
OK, so where to start, where to start.
Getsnus and Clubsnus carry SO much less than the Swedish retailers, they really don't count. I LOVE clubsnus and will order anything I can from them, but they dill don't have 90% of what I use, Getsnus doesn't have 80% of what I use.
So really, Sweden is the only way to go. At one time, there was no difference in times between Buysnus and Northerner, then Northerner switched to Swiss post, which does typically add a few days. BUT.... Swiss post is cheaper, and Northerner, at least for a long tie, had significantly cheaper prices than Buysnus.
WAY better bonus program than Buysnus. Maybe not quite as good as it once was, but can still choose what snus to get with it.Frank from Northerner posts here. Buysnus does not, although they do read at least
Honestly, the only folks who give a damn about shipping times are newbies, and I do understand a bit. Use snus long enough, you will learn to do what us seasoned vets have done, build up a stash of snus. I NEVER order with less than 20 cans on hand, normally that is closer to at least 40. So why in the he** would I care if an order took 7 days, 12 days, 14 days. I don't. I am not gonna run out, the world doesn't end if it takes an extra day. It is just normally, not an issue.
And yes, exceptions to that. In a fit of frustration at not having any snus I liked any more, and wanting to give General a try again, just made an order with Clubsnus cause I knew I would have it in a few days. But in 3 years of using snus, I maybe have only had 2, no more than 3 orders that time was an issue.
I have used everyone, like everyone, will use everyone again (except Getsnus, owned by Swedish Match, hate their business practices, hoping Jonathon and Clubsnus one day drives them into the grave.) But ALL of them will get you your snus, and more important, have fixed problems when they happened
I have used everyone, like everyone, will use everyone again (except Getsnus, owned by Swedish Match, hate their business practices, hoping Jonathon and Clubsnus one day drives them into the grave.) But ALL of them will get you your snus, and more important, have fixed problems when they happened
can you tell me more about that?
Here in europe it takes tops 5 days from northener (wth fedex) and buysnus (th swedish post), so there's no big deal, i could order a roll every other week and keep them coming fresh.
Simple. Getsnus owned by Swedish Match, although they try to hide behind a company owned by Swedish match. All the bitching we do about what Getsnus doesn't carry is because SM won't Let them carry it. Also hate their forums, hate the rules of the forums that specifically disallow mentioning any competing sites. So newbie that doesn't know any better, can't tell them where to go to buy what they want, can't even tell them about Snuson
Hey sagedil, now I know why I didn't see what you were speaking of when you mentioned about northerner having way more selection. I tend to browse right to the strong portions, and what I see on northerner in that category I see almost all of it on getsnus.com.
But I am browsing the regular portion and the mini's, and now see what you are talking about. They have a ton of selection. I am not yet a los guy so I haven't browsed those selections yet. But I do see the much wider variety in the regular and mini area's of the site.
A very large selection. I try and order at least one new can with every order, and still haven't tried them all. Like Sage said, build up a stash, then you don't have to worry about shipping. I have a Northerner order out now, I just kinda forgot about them and it's a surprise when they show up. Clubsnus and Getsnus keeps me stocked up, and Northerner keeps me trying new things.
Hey sagedil, now I know why I didn't see what you were speaking of when you mentioned about northerner having way more selection. I tend to browse right to the strong portions, and what I see on northerner in that category I see almost all of it on getsnus.com.
But I am browsing the regular portion and the mini's, and now see what you are talking about. They have a ton of selection. I am not yet a los guy so I haven't browsed those selections yet. But I do see the much wider variety in the regular and mini area's of the site.
Yup. Buysnus and Northerner carry everything. Occasionally, one or the other might get something new a week or two early, but basically they are the same.
At least in the last year, Buysnus orders get to me between 1 -3 days sooner than Northerner. But not enough that I would care. So purchasing decisions based on price alone. Always check, sometimes the differences can be quite extreme. I have saved $20 on an $80 order before buying from one instead of the other.
For those in the US, why would you order from Northerner? I don't mean that as a bash, but just a question. Is it because u are getting something from Northerner than no one else has? It seems getsnus.com, buysnus.com, and clubsnus.com all have awesome delivery times in the US, and it seems Northerner takes weeks, even if everything goes smoothly. So besides exclusive products, why would anyone in the US order from them with those kinds of wait times, and the problems mentioned in this thread?
My order that prompted me to post this was an exclusive offer on the OR/CV...otherwise I will, from now on, use Getsnus, or Clubsnus.