I have ordered my snus from northerner for quite awhile before the us ware house it always took 5 days from time i place order to get from sweden to san diego ca.I really enjoy the odens and it dosent even ship from the us warehouse for over 2 weeks.I wanted to see if anyone else has this problem so far i wish there wasnt a usa warehouse because it was faster from sweden and now i dont have that choice.I think there is something wrong with that.
shipping time from northerner us warehouse
shipping time
I personally have been placing some orders through the northerner and it seems to me that recently they have been running very slow and are behind on the shipping. I still have not received the order that I placed about 2 weeks ago. I am not saying anything bad about them but personally I am in the same boat you are.
Lets keep our fingers crossed they get this all resolved and we get out snus very soon.
How is San Diego treating you. That is where I grew up and its my hometown.
Re: shipping time
Originally posted by clubsnusI personally have been placing some orders through the northerner and it seems to me that recently they have been running very slow and are behind on the shipping. I still have not received the order that I placed about 2 weeks ago. I am not saying anything bad about them but personally I am in the same boat you are.
Lets keep our fingers crossed they get this all resolved and we get out snus very soon.
How is San Diego treating you. That is where I grew up and its my hometown.
I can't understand why you people complain to SnusOn when your order is delayed. Contact the supplier.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Welcome to Snuson christhesnuser.
As Jonathon mentioned, there really do seem to be some gremlins that have recently snuck into Northerner's system. A bunch of reports of varipous small problems. But I trust Northerner to get it all sorted, in the mean time, you really do just need to be patient.
I think PP's frustration comes from the fact that so many folks just seem to be trying to cut it so close. They wait until they are almost out to reorder and then freak when the occasional delay crops up. And there is simply NO reason for this.
I never order with less than 20 cans of snus on hand. And typically, it is almost twice that for me. So what the he** do I care if it takes an extra week. i don't. Us long termers here have been saying to do that a real long time. Mostly just so we don't have to hear when folks are panicking.
But...yes...Northerner has had a few issues lately that seem to be slowing some things up. Be patient, or try a different vendor for a change. I just had a shipment from Sweden via Buy Snus take 4 days. I almost fell out of my chair when it came so fast. Swedish post really iust just that much better than Swiss post. Still, 80% of my orders still come through Northerner, at least until Jonathon fully stocks up
Originally posted by sagedilI think PP's frustration comes from the fact that so many folks just seem to be trying to cut it so close. They wait until they are almost out to reorder and then freak when the occasional delay crops up. And there is simply NO reason for this.
Had to.
Thanks for helping to explain guys. Its the fact that they panic and post here and there is NOTHING that we can do. Every freakin day someone complains about some problem with a supplier. I put up two stickies, one in the nubee thread and one in the online store thread about not posting if your shipment is late. That notice is literally 1 inch away from the "new topic" button. And still at least one person everyday, since I posted them, ignored it and posted anyway.
The suppliers that we use all have problems every once in a while but I have never seen any of the screw a customer. BE PATIENT and wait for 2 weeks and the contact them....not us.
We can't help you, Email the supplier.
Also, it doesn't look good for the suppliers to see all these negative posts and it isn't even their fault. It the shipper, usually swiss post or customs.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by chadizzy1Originally posted by sagedilI think PP's frustration comes from the fact that so many folks just seem to be trying to cut it so close. They wait until they are almost out to reorder and then freak when the occasional delay crops up. And there is simply NO reason for this.
Had to.
Well, they're all in stock, although what you ordered may have been out at the time. OP Kanel and Original Extra Stark ship from Sweden though, so if you ordered those that could be why. The Swiss are good at making chocolate and watches, but postal schedules are not their forte. I also don't understand if you mean it didn't get shipped for two weeks (as in it was just sitting in the warehouse), or if it shipped two weeks ago and you're just antsy because it hasn't arrived yet. If it's the second case and you didn't order either of the two that ship from Sweden, that's the postal system for you. For a US warehouse order, I'll spring for UPS. It doesn't have to go through customs, which is part of why I don't like using them for Swedish orders (they tend to get tagged at customs and taxed to hell, from what I hear), and you've got a tracking number.
Once it's shipped, there's nothing the Northerner can do if you opted for an untracked shipping method. If it was just sitting in the warehouse, perhaps it was out of stock. Even if they just didn't ship it and it was sitting there, it's no big deal for me. I've got fifty some odd cans, I can wait it out. I suggest listening to sage, and always ordering well before you need to. Sure, I want to try whatever new snus I've ordered as soon as I can, but I can survive until it gets here without running out.