Where to Buy Camel Snus??

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  • pianopop9
    New Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 7


    Thanks! This may be a dumb question but what is the little compartment on the top of each tin of swedish snus for?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Re: re:

      Originally posted by pianopop9
      Thanks! This may be a dumb question but what is the little compartment on the top of each tin of swedish snus for?
      That's a little "ashtray" to put used pouches in. I hardly ever use it, but when you need one it's a godsend.


      • Sacrilicious
        • Nov 2007
        • 118

        I know I'm probably just restating something that's been said a hundred times, but.. As an American whose first exposure to snus was the Camel product I have to say it's worthless. It's expensive and tastes like crappy dry tobacco with a dash of saccharine. Currently in the process of stocking up my fridge and freezer with Skruf, N & J, Diplomat and General, so I will (hopefully) never have to resort to that stuff in a pinch..


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          But one day you will, it ALWAYS happens. And when you do, you will be damn happy that Camel's around.

          Course, if you are lucky, you live close enough to where Swedish Match has a distributer, you wouldn't have to stoop to came. None here in North Carolina, but Richmond is only 2 1/2 hours away. For me, I think, I can make due with the Camel


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I really do like the Camel snus. Not for an everyday thing, but once in awhile a pouch is good. I honestly don't know how how someone can not like it. It tastes like candy with a small nicotine hit. If you're undecided about whether you want candy or tobacco, you can grab some Camel and have both :P

            I especially like the Frost snus. It has that modern powerful mint taste, with a little bit of vanilla in there too. The flavor really lasts a long time also, though that flavor doesn't have any taste of tobacco as near as I can tell :wink:

            I think if you take it on it's own terms, it's not too bad a product. It's not snus though, and for every day use, Swedish snus wins hands down.


            • darkwing
              • Oct 2007
              • 415

              It took me a while to get used to the distinctive taste and smell of the Swedish products too. But after a short time, it became one of life's great pleasures. Embrace it!


              • Sacrilicious
                • Nov 2007
                • 118

                I think if I ever run out I'll go out and get some of those Copenhagen pouches again.. They're also around 6 USD a tin, but I felt like I was getting more bang for my buck than with the Camel Snus. I was never a dipper (don't like the spitting part) but those sure packed a kick! Made me feel real gross and tough! :twisted:


                • databat
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 66

                  Cope runs my blood pressure up, even if it's in the pouch form. I suspect it has something to do with fire cured tobacco. Even though snus has added salt, it's actually lowered my blood pressure to where it's suppose to be. I'd take camel snus over cope pouches for the health benefits. Cope does pack a punch though. It has the highest nicotine delivery out of any other american brand.

                  However, I'm getting a really good buzz from Gotlandssnus Julesnus. Could be because it's a bigger pouch than the camel snus though. I still got a buzz from the camel snus, it just didn't last as long. When I used cope long cut, I never got a buzz unless I was trying to quit and laid off of it for a day. From what I understand nicotine stays in the body for 24 hours though. So my Swedish snus buzz might not be from nicotine at all. It could be from the fact that it tastes so darn good and the quality is so high, my body is going.. "WTFBBQ!!! With cheese! Wooohoo!"


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