Where to Buy Camel Snus??

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  • pianopop9
    New Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 7

    Where to Buy Camel Snus??

    I have seen all the other online stores recomended on this site but no where do I see one that offers Camel Snus online? I am in the US. I saw it at a gas station and didn't take advantage and now I am kicking myself (it was several hundreds of miles from where I live).

  • Kindrd
    • Oct 2007
    • 266

    I don't think it is available online. It is just being test marketed in certain areas. I haven't got to try it yet either.


    • PseudoSwede
      • Sep 2007
      • 71


      if i may be so bold as to ask...

      why would you want to buy the camel dung, er, snus, when you can order the real snus from one of the many on-line vendors.

      i'm not being a smarta**, i'm just suggesting your money would be better spent buying the "good stuff" versus the american stuff.


      • pianopop9
        New Member
        • Nov 2007
        • 7


        i totally hear you...i have always used skoal pouches. i wanted to try the camel as a cheap way to try snus.


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Camel is actually more expensive than the Swedish stuff. Here in Portland, Oregon, it costs roughly 6 bucks per can and you only get 20 dry white mini portions. You can get 24 large portions of the real stuff for almost half the price online, not including shipping. Swedish is the way to go.


          • pianopop9
            New Member
            • Nov 2007
            • 7


            Hello - well I went into a convenience store in PA that actually had camel snus! it was my first experience...it says it is spitless...I am used to skoal long-cut...and am a little worried about swallowing the juice! can't that cause problems in your stomach as well as your mouth? I swallowed once and it burned my throat a bit.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Re: re:

              Originally posted by pianopop9
              ...and am a little worried about swallowing the juice! can't that cause problems in your stomach as well as your mouth? I swallowed once and it burned my throat a bit.
              I guess a lot of it depends on how sensitive you are. I can't tolerate swallowing traditional American brands at all, but snus doesn't bother me a bit. Sometimes a portion will run a little, and you'll get a bunch of juice all at once. If that affects you, move the portion farther up front, and higher in your gum line. That should slow down the flow. Swallowing shouldn't cause any health problems. If you have ulcers or something, I guess it could negatively affect that, but otherwise you should be fine.


              • pianopop9
                New Member
                • Nov 2007
                • 7


                i think that is my problem...i am used to long cut tobacco where you constantly squeeze juice out with your cheek...sounds like snus is not quite the same. but how can tobacco juice not add the risk of cancer to your stomach?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Re: re:

                  Originally posted by pianopop9
                  but how can tobacco juice not add the risk of cancer to your stomach?
                  The production of the tobacco is different with the Swedish brands, than with the American brands. It's the processing that creates most of tobaccos hazards. I'm not an expert, and I haven't read about it in awhile, but I'll give an explanation a try. The American brands use fermented tobacco primarily. This apparently creates high levels of TSNAs(Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines) which is what makes the tobacco particularly bad. The Swedes otoh use a process that is kind of like pasteurization to treat the unfermented tobacco. This gives the tobacco a much shorter shelf life, but doesn't have as many harmful ingredients.

                  The worst thing I've read about snus is that it may double the chance of pancreatic cancer, as compared to non users. Were still talking small numbers here though. If I remember right it goes from 20 cases per 150,000 to about 40 per 150,000. I can live with those odds, and it's still much better than smoking. There's been no link to oral or stomach cancer in all of the tests made. It's been examined by the tobacco industry, as well as governmental, and independent organizations. I feel pretty confident in the validity of the various findings. If you search around the forums here, there's some good links to studies that have been made on snus.


                  • pianopop9
                    New Member
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7


                    thank so much for this very helpful explanation! It is much appreciated! Do you find any issues with swallowing the juices (or saliva) created by the snus products?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I haven't had any ill effects from swallowing the tobacco juice. When I first started with snus, I would get a feeling of hunger after awhile of snusing. I would feel like I was starving even if I had eaten not too long previously. I haven't gotten that in awhile, and tbh I kind of miss it. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, almost like eating a bunch of hot peppers(love em)


                      • jqlynch
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 132

                        About the only time I've had any trouble is when I was ill recently and my tendency towards acid reflux flared up to immense proportions. Just drinking a soda made my esophagus burn, and when I'd use snus, I'd have a tendency to hiccup from the extra burn.

                        Now that I'm better, I'm fine. For that matter, when I was sick, I took Zantac to combat the acid problem and I was fine while that was in effect, too.


                        • Soft Morning, City!
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 772

                          No problems from swallowing the juice. That hunger feeling happens sometimes, but it's pretty infrequent. It hasn't happened to me in quite some time.

                          I use primarily loose now and swallowing bits of the tobacco itself is commonplace when using loose (at least for me). It's never made me sick.


                          • pianopop9
                            New Member
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7


                            it is just getting used to it i guess...the camel tastes GREAT! I also purchased a large portion sampler from buysnus.com. i can tell the difference immediately in that the american tobaccos seem sweet whereas the swedish is more salty.

                            initially the smell and taste of the swedish style obviously bears more of a traditional tobacco taste which i am having a VERY hard time getting used to. i have gotten so used to the american tobaccos that really cover up the tobacco taste (which i can see is really defeating the purpose other than getting your nicotine fix).

                            Is it safe to swallow the juices from all swedish snus? Is the idea of snus that it is all spitless?

                            Thanks again for all your help and input!


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Yup, all of it can be swallowed. You may have more of a need to control running with the Swedish snus'. They'll have more nicotine, and salt as you've found, and it could end up being a bit much all at once. If you stick with the Swedish makes, you'll get used to the strength, and running may become less of a problem. I'll actually encourage a heavy snus flow on occasion. I find I like the big flavor all at once LoL.

