Anyone get a package with postage due?

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  • redheadedmax
    • Feb 2010
    • 84

    Anyone get a package with postage due?

    I got my free samples from Northerner along with a slip stating that my order is at the post office and that I owe $2.00 and some change in postage. I know I should wait to find out what's going on tomorrow when I go to pick it up, but I'm curious to find out if this is happens a lot with them. I'm planning on another order this weekend.
  • MrAbstracto
    • Dec 2008
    • 389

    Ive never heard of this happening...


    • bmwgsa
      • Jul 2008
      • 248

      I just got a bill from UPS from $10 from winning something off snusauction....


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        Yea my one and only order from cost me around an ADDITIONAL SURPRISE $11 2 weeks after the fact, billed via UPS customs/brokerage services...


        • redheadedmax
          • Feb 2010
          • 84

          Well, I guess the postage was calculated wrong and I had to pay the difference.. anyways I got my order and the Ettan los is awesome! :P


          • Snusmun
            • Feb 2010
            • 359

            That is truly bizarre. Never heard of that happening unless illegal drugs were involved and they were looking to arrest someone. Maybe they thought your snus was something else?


            • redheadedmax
              • Feb 2010
              • 84

              Originally posted by Snusmun
              That is truly bizarre. Never heard of that happening unless illegal drugs were involved and they were looking to arrest someone. Maybe they thought your snus was something else?
              I was thinking something like that too! lol I don't know I'm paranoid I guess.


              • clubsnus
                Banned Users
                • Aug 2009
                • 142

                Postage Due

                The reason you are getting bills is not because of the legality of the products you ordered, but when you get a package of Tobacco from a foreign country it has to go through US customs and they have an inspection process. There is a brokerage company, generally the shipping company that has to pay a fee to the customs for the order that is brought in. So they in turn pass that fee on to you.

                I get them all the time for bringing in snus from other countries. Its just the cost of doing business with over seas companies. Now not all orders are passing through this process. Normally its for large amounts that this happens but it sounds like for some reason your order was stopped and it went through the process of customs.

                Keep in mind in the next couple of days clubsnus will be offering Ettan and many others so you don't have to order and wait for an extended period of time for your snus from international companies.


                • Tristik
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 654

                  I assumed that fee was for state taxes. Since you don't pay any when you order it, they probably single out orders here and there to collect their state taxes? Never happened to before, but it's a possibility.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    dont ever use ups, man. they always go through customs.


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