ATTN: Northerner, Buysnus, and other Swedish online stores

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  • redheadedmax
    • Feb 2010
    • 84

    Originally posted by Karanya
    Originally posted by redheadedmax
    This morning the old guy at the post office commented on how I order so much "snuff". I gave him a dirty look and walked out with my packages. Maybe it's because it's a small town post office, but thinking of how he seemed to be paying attention to my deliveries kinda pissed me off.
    I wonder sometimes what the postman thinks when he delivers my stuff. I get packages from Sweden, Germany, India, Hong Kong, China, the Ukraine, etc. on a regular basis.

    I'd be a little worried but I seem to have a different postman/woman every day.

    I'm just worried that he'll be paying special attention to my packages once PACT kicks in.. not that he hasn't been already it seems.


    • Liandri
      • Jul 2009
      • 604

      You excuse is so long winded I'm being blown away. It is customs fraud. It is illegal. And will be a serious felony when this passes. I've gotten "Shady" things from alllllllllll over the world in my long life with all sorts of weird crap all over the box. one thing I realized was A: Customs was always in full english and B: There was a code. And C: Just because its shady, doesn't mean it was illegal.

      @ Retailers: Just follow the rules and law. Don't risk your ass for something like this. But if there is a way for you to, within' the law, fully send/support/share your product, then people will not only support you but favor you.


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631

        Cannabis seeds are shipped every day into this country from overseas seed banks and they are shipped discreetly and almost always make it to their destination (Don't ask me how i Know this, lol). I am sure snus could ship discreetly as well. And when Cannabis seeds are confiscated, the person waiting for them does not suffer any penalty except for losing his package and receiving a letter from Homeland security explaining why the package was detained, and an address if they wish to contest the seizsure. I don't think any of them are ever contested.


        • clubsnus
          Banned Users
          • Aug 2009
          • 142

          ATTN: Northerner, Buysnus, and other Swedish online stores

          Just so you know and my thoughts on this, we as retailers online are required by law to follow all the guide lines set out in this PACT ACT. Keep in mind that if you order through a foriegn source and they use USPS they are required to follow those guidelines. Now whether or not they do so is up to them.

          Keep in mind you still can get your snus using alternative shipping methods. We at clubsnus are going to switch carriers which may in turn help with better tracking and faster shipping times.

          I just think its unreasonable to think that other companies are going to try and be sneaky and cheat the system. The fines and penalties that are imposed if they get caught are not worth the risk. But who knows what others will do. Keep in mind if they do change carriers its only going to increase the cost of shipping by a couple dollars. In my mind the extra dollar or two to ensure my package gets through customs without being opened or held back is worth it to me. And the reassurance of knowing I am doing business with a reputable company that is follow the law.

          Once again the sky is not falling and you will still be able to get your snus online and in the same manner you have in the past.


          • Mazur
            • May 2007
            • 159

            I can send you snus as fertilizer, to promote your plant growth.
            But don't blame me if your precious plant will die


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              I agree that there is no reason to cheet the system. however I also agree that it is perfectly fine to use all the rope the system allows you. Thus if snus is considered a food product by the swedish gov then why not list it as such on the custom form if the law in the country from which it is being shipped allows it?

              In the end I think that those who live in high tax areas are going to have to hook up with a family member, friend, or forum member in another low tax state to play middle man. For example if Oregon’s tax is 100% it might be worth it to Roo to have me receive his order and ship it to him (the extra leg of shipping and the SC tax of 7% might still be far less than he would pay to have it shipped straight to him)
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Karanya
                • Oct 2009
                • 402

                Originally posted by Liandri
                You excuse is so long winded I'm being blown away. It is customs fraud. It is illegal. And will be a serious felony when this passes. I've gotten "Shady" things from alllllllllll over the world in my long life with all sorts of weird crap all over the box. one thing I realized was A: Customs was always in full english and B: There was a code. And C: Just because its shady, doesn't mean it was illegal
                How exactly is using a more innocuous term to describe the contents of a box fraud or illegal? Also, none of the packages I've received in the last week have any kind of "customs code" on them (don't have any older examples, they're all in the trash). They do have a number next to the declaration, but that's the claimed value, not some kind of code for the product type.

                The package I received a few days ago from the Ukraine had the customs declaration typed in Russian and it went through fine. The form itself was English. This is why I assume it could be written in Swedish without causing a problem.

                There's a big difference between stamping "TOBACCO! TOBACCO! TOBACCO!" all over a package and simply writing "snus" in the customs declaration. The second example is more discreet.

                What I'm suggesting is to make things a bit *more* discreet by omitting logos and possibly changing the phrasing on the customs declaration, while it remains accurate. This is definitely NOT fraud, nor illegal.



                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by Karanya
                  Originally posted by Liandri
                  You excuse is so long winded I'm being blown away. It is customs fraud. It is illegal. And will be a serious felony when this passes. I've gotten "Shady" things from alllllllllll over the world in my long life with all sorts of weird crap all over the box. one thing I realized was A: Customs was always in full english and B: There was a code. And C: Just because its shady, doesn't mean it was illegal
                  How exactly is using a more innocuous term to describe the contents of a box fraud or illegal? Also, none of the packages I've received in the last week have any kind of "customs code" on them (don't have any older examples, they're all in the trash). They do have a number next to the declaration, but that's the claimed value, not some kind of code for the product type.

                  The package I received a few days ago from the Ukraine had the customs declaration typed in Russian and it went through fine. The form itself was English. This is why I assume it could be written in Swedish without causing a problem.

                  There's a big difference between stamping "TOBACCO! TOBACCO! TOBACCO!" all over a package and simply writing "snus" in the customs declaration. The second example is more discreet.

                  What I'm suggesting is to make things a bit *more* discreet by omitting logos and possibly changing the phrasing on the customs declaration, while it remains accurate. This is definitely NOT fraud, nor illegal.

                  I think that Liandri hit on an important point It has to do with the customs code that must be listed on the package. This, not the discription is how the package content, is officially designated.

                  This is a quote from Roderick (Toque Snuff) from another thread. It addresses this very issue

                  European Companies are fully compliant (with PACT) if we attach a customs declaration CN 22, the appropriate tax code and, in our case state that the contents are ‘NASAL SNUFF TOBACCO’ which we already do. I have spoken to a number of US and UK Govt offices and they say we have nothing to worry about; they are only after the tobacco smugglers. As long as we declare fully our tax liabilities, they can't stop us mailing legitimate orders to our law abiding customers.
                  This is what the British Gov requires.

                  And I bet it is what the Swedish gov requires as well (each being in the EU which has aimed at standardizing trade among it's members). Thus Karanya I agree, if there is any leniency allowed by the official designation and code, then by all means take it. But I think in the end, Liandri is right on this one.

                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Karanya
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 402

                    It sounds like he's referring to a tax code or something? Hmm.. gotta take a look at one of these packages and see if I can find the "code" being referred to.

                    (edit) Nope, nothing. CN22 is the standard customs form, which they all have. No other codes on any of the packages I've received. Just a description of the contents and its value.



                    • clubsnus
                      Banned Users
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 142

                      Customs Declaration

                      There is a lot of chatter about what you would want them to do. I am in contact with many people in the industry and I will tell you this. They are going to be in full compliance and they are fully aware of what they have to do.

                      I think that sending an email or making suggestions to them as to how they should adjust to this new law that is NOT in place yet, will be up to them. They are going to do what ever they have to do to protect them selves from the law and avoid any legal issues with the US.

                      I just don't see why this is even an issue. You as before are still going to be able to order snus and use a private delivery service. From what I understand and have been informed of they are going to just change the carrier to avoid such hassles.

                      In stead of trying to be tricky and get around the law or avoid any inspections, why not just do it the legit way and that way there is not an issue and your package will arrive without problems. But if and I seriously doubt they will, but if they decide to still use the USPS for delivery it runs the risk of you not getting your snus and that will create more trouble than its worth for the retailer.

                      Lets just do what is asked and not have any of the issues. Why are people always trying to get around things and cheat the system. There is a reason for this ACT being passed. Its to collect the taxes that the states are owed on the Tobacco sales. Which YOU should have been paying anyways when you file each year. Yes you were always supposed to be paying it. So just get over the fact that this MAY happen and make the necessary adjustments. What is so hard about that?


                      • NorSnuser
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 153

                        Re: Customs Declaration

                        Originally posted by clubsnus
                        There is a reason for this ACT being passed. Its to collect the taxes that the states are owed on the Tobacco sales. Which YOU should have been paying anyways when you file each year. Yes you were always supposed to be paying it. So just get over the fact that this MAY happen and make the necessary adjustments. What is so hard about that?
                        I see your points, but the above quote emphasizes how unfair this taxation is. People order billions (~250-300 billion) of dollars worth of merchandise on the internet and DO NOT pay their state sales taxes at the time of sale. This is a discriminatory mail order tax being imposed under the guise of keeping tobacco out of the hands of minors. This is a precedent setting law if it passes. It will be the first time the Federal government has mandated that state taxes be collected for any mail order sales in which the vendor doesn't have a presence in the state from which one is ordering.

                        But, rest assured, the government already has internet commerce in their sights and it will probably only be a matter of time before we pay taxes on all mail order merchandise at the time of sale.



                        • RedMacGregor
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 554

                          the end is closer than you think.. I've got a friend who got a bill from the state for sales tax on a few thousand dollars worth of stuff he bought from


                          • clubsnus
                            Banned Users
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 142

                            The Sky is Falling

                            Ok Ok This is my last post about this. I am tired of the dooms day naysayers on here. Yes you are right about Amazon. I live in CA and I am aware of the legal issues they are dealing with against Amazon. I deal with it too, since we are headquartered out of California.

                            I am not a fan of taxation either, but what are you or anyone else going to do about it? Nothing. So why don't we just chill out let time pass and when we know more of the TRUTH we can act then.

                            Enough of this ranting about half truths and opinions about this. I would rather talk about what we do know rather than worry about what MIGHT happen.

                            I mean if you are constantly worry about what might happen you will waste you life away and its not worth it. Lets just buy our snus online until something changes. Then as educated adults we can react then and make the necessary changes to get our snus.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              Re: The Sky is Falling

                              Originally posted by clubsnus
                              I mean if you are constantly worry about what might happen you will waste you life away and its not worth it. Lets just buy our snus online until something changes. Then as educated adults we can react then and make the necessary changes to get our snus.


                              we have to think about it. the suppliers will be affected as well. some might possibly lose business if prices get outrageous for some people. they are already making plans and changes to try and accomadate the situation and help us out as well as them. nothing has changed YET. it isn't as bad as we thought it would be. no it isnt great we have to pay more for our snus, but not even 2 months ago we were worrying about not being able to get it at all. there is still a light shining down on us and this great product, it hasn't been snatched away from us completely. if anything we can send money to the people that can get it cheapest and have them order it for us if they would be willing.


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                Like Jonathan reputable online supplier will try to skirt the law. wouldn't make any sense at all to even try.
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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