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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
    Any takers on what I should do, should I lose this personal bet ? Life's been boring and stressful lately, so I figure I'll either have my snus to look forward to tomorrow, or something outlandish to do if there are any suggestions!

    *runs around screaming in boredom*
    Get the Gotandssnus ram and my name tattooed on your back if it doesn't come :^P


    • Smarvy
      • Nov 2007
      • 86

      I think you should eat a cigarette. That will have the added benefit of confirming your desire to stop smoking.


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        Originally posted by Smarvy
        I think you should eat a cigarette. That will have the added benefit of confirming your desire to stop smoking.
        Done. If it's not here by this evening, I'll totally eat a cigarette.


        • TropicalBob
          • Feb 2008
          • 316

          Don't EAT it. Roll it and bake it and park it. Without the carcinogenic paper, of course. Do this in the privacy of your bathroom. You might need the facilities.


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            HA! No cigarette eating or anything of the sort for me!

            *dances around, hugging package*


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
              HA! No cigarette eating or anything of the sort for me!

              *dances around, hugging package*

              I wanted to see the tattoo :^P


              • Smarvy
                • Nov 2007
                • 86

                Damnit, now I have to go throw skinned animal at the kids at the bus stop on my way to work. Lucky thing I cut up the neighbors cat just in case last night.


                • Shrewd
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 118

                  I've put in another order at buysnus today and I had a nice surprise. I ordered 13 different cans (even a mini just to bring me up to 0g left until next shipping increase ) and then when I checked out I got a "congratulations you've earned a free can of snus!" Apparently I'm going to be shipped a "random" can of snus for free. I'm pretty stoked about that, especially since they're going to have to pay a rather hefty increase in shipping to give it to me. Also, it's not like I've ordered a LOT of cans total from them, maybe 30 or so, and already I've got a free snus . I have to say that buysnus is an awesome store, I've been very pleased with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking northerner, I just haven't ordered from them.

                  Also, I ordered a can of knox los (my first los can) and a prismaster. I figure it doesn't get any cheaper than that to try los snus. I've read a lot of info on these forums about how to use the los snus, we'll see if any of it sunk in .

                  I figure I'll start by using a prismaster to get a feel for it, but I'd like to get the art form of hand baking down someday. Although I'm a gadget sort, so I'll probably end up buying an icetool eventually. We'll see how it goes. I'll be experimenting late at night after my wife goes to bed .


                  • MelangeMan
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 139

                    Buysnus is awesome. I can't believe I get a package from Sweden, in regular mail, faster than a package from Amazon in my own dang country.


                    • Harry
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 213

                      I second the Amazon comment. Absolutely ridiculous.

                      I ordered 40 cans with a bunch of Romeo and Montecristo involved, just as a test. When it got to the shopping cart, the cuban stuff was removed bringing the total to less than 40, but the hat was still there. Also, they threw in a couple of cans for no reason.

                      This is the way to do business.


                      • MelangeMan
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 139

                        Is anyone able to access the Snus Stories on Buysnus? The cursor changes when I roll over the links, but clicking does nothing. I don't have popups blocked for the site or anything.


                        • mjfst
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 15

                          "Buysnus is awesome. I can't believe I get a package from Sweden, in regular mail, faster than a package from Amazon in my own dang country."

                          Agreed. I do a lot of online shopping and was very surprised how fast the package came from Swedish Post. And yet a package from 5 hours away in the same state can take 5 days. :roll:


                          • CWC
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 114

                            Ok, quick question: Am I the only one that has stopped getting free stuff with my orders from Price, shipping, and customer services still puts them on top with me, but I have not had any offers on the last two orders? At first they were sending me pens and I did get an offer for a free can of snus, I sent them a email thanking them and asking if they sold any of the promotional suff. I received a reply quickly that they did not, but I would be recieving an extra surprise in my next order. I got a cool hat that I wear with pride. However, like I said no offers when I check out on the next two orders? Feel kinda weird emailing and asking where's my free stuff Have they stopped or did I just piss off the magic free fairy? Perhapse something was lost in translation on one of my emails?


                            • Harry
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 213

                              They go through phases with their different offerings. Sometimes they have stuff, sometimes not.

                              Are you sure you're buying enough to warrant a giveaway?


                              • CWC
                                • Mar 2008
                                • 114

                                Thanks Harry, I usually buy at least a roll an order, so I should be buying enough. Both of my last two orders were almost back to back (placed an order then remembered I forgot something & placed another). So probably just happened to hit one of those dry phases. Can’t really complain much though, they have been excellent in getting my orders to me. Just got a little paranoid when I went to check out and my free fix wasn't there. I'll keep my fingers crossed for next time.

                                On a side note (I actually sent them an email on this) one of the things I like about is that they ship in envelops. The first couple of orders I placed for Snus were with Northerner and they were shipped to me in boxes. Orders from both took about the same amount of time to get to my post office. However, with the boxes I get an orange slip of paper telling me I have to go to the post office to pick up (this means I have to wait until Saturday to get my Snus, if I have to work that Saturday it will sit in a mail bin for two weeks before I can pick it up) With the envelopes from they are waiting in my mail box when I get home. Just one more reason I love using, if you live in a rural area, or have a mail man that refuses to leave your packages in the driveway like your previous mail man did for years with out a problem, a package that fits in a regular mail box is nice.


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