The Great Canadian Snus Tax Experiment! *SUCCESS*

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  • lowfiwhiteguy
    Banned Users
    • Jan 2010
    • 14

    The Great Canadian Snus Tax Experiment! *SUCCESS*


    Gentlemen, we have success. All snus arrived, duty free as suspected, plus one bonus Phantom snus for fun. Northerner are fantastic.

    I'll be back to post photos for evidence and to start up a thread about whether the Canadians on here would like to share in this good fortune [while it lasts!]

    More to follow. Cheers.



    Hi SnusOn, it's me again. You may remember me from threads such as:

    That was my first foray into the world of snus, and I absolutely loved the stuff. If you followed that thread, you'd have learned that over the course of a week or two I successfully received 7 cans of snus in a few shipments with absolutely no tax due. I bought them from

    So folks, it's time for me to place my second order!


    Experiment? WTF is this all about, then?

    Let me tell you:

    When I made my first snus purchase from America, I was pretty apprehensive about customs tariffs after reading the numerous horror stories from folks who had bought less than a half-dozen cans and got absolutely raped with exorbitant customs duties. It's not fun being left nearly two weeks in suspense, and even moreso if you're trying to kick a fag habit. This stress is probably worse on our hearts than the nicotine itself, and I aim to help the situation out with this endeavor!

    My good fortune with the last order has emboldened me quite a bit. A few weeks ago, I was at a party. While there, I popped a Röda Lacket and a fellow comes over and says to me "Hey! You've got snus!"

    This is a big deal in NFLD because NOBODY uses it here, and our small population is mostly the older generation of immigrated Irish and Britons and therefore have no knowledge of this stuff. Anyway this guy said that he loves the stuff, and has on several occasions ordered upwards of 6-10 cans at a time and has never been charged duty on them!
    This left me to wondering...

    Is my province of Newfoundland a secret snus tax haven north of the border????

    It's quite possible, since after coming into Canada across Québec's border, the actual sorting and dirty work of opening and assessing the contents of packages not immediately suspicious to the agency is done locally in the province. So there is a chance that since snus is not scheduled and literally NOBODY in Newfoundland orders the stuff, the handful who do get away tax-free every time.

    To test this theory, I made my second Northerner order on 6 April 2010 as follows:

    3 x Skruf Xtra Strong Lös
    2 x Odens Xtra Stark Original
    2 x Odens Xtra Stark Kanel
    2 x Thunder Frosted Extra Stark Portion
    1 x General Ekstra Sterk

    Total: $46 CAD shipping included.

    You may think I'm asking for an unbelievably savage Canada Customs-style beatdown but I deliberately ordered this 10-can, single-shipment mix of lös and portioned snus for a reason. I determined that, if snus orders coming into Newfoundland are EVER opened, this would be one of those.

    I am fully prepared, and expect to get charged approx. $150 to $225 CAD for this shipment, as per the stipulations on imported tobacco my provincial government has in place in conjunction with Federal tobacco tax rates.

    If there is mad money demanded from me when I receive my shipment I'll scan my tariff forms. We'll discuss the amounts, and if it's not over say, $125 dollars or so, I'll actually pay it and then document the process of challenging my customs charges in another experiment similar to this one.

    However, If this all goes to hell and I do indeed get punished and owe several hundred dollars on the stuff I'm not going to pay it, however. This is purely to try to awaken the dormant CBSA leviathan in my province. If successful, not only do I get a shitload of amazing product, but....

    I intend to help out my fellow Canadians!

    BUT HOW?!

    If this works out I'd be willing to work out personal (on the telephone etc. for legitimacy) deals with Canadians looking to make larger snus purchases in our wonderful country and ship them to them domestically, free of charge. Get your orders sent to me and I'll send them to you, basically.

    This is all just ideas, but, since we are a pretty tight-knit community particularily on this website I think this has potential!

    This is all speculation at this point of course, but if my experiment runs its course with success then we could begin to look at this possibility more seriously.

    Seriously. There is just no bloody good reason to pay these abusive tariffs.

    So, join me in this journey, and help us all stick it to the man!
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Interesting hypothesis. I hope it works out for you :^)


    • heapbag
      • Dec 2009
      • 102

      Re: The Great Canadian Snus Tax Experiment!

      Originally posted by lowfiwhiteguy

      I intend to help out my fellow Canadians!

      BUT HOW?!

      If this works out I'd be willing to work out personal (on the telephone etc. for legitimacy) deals with Canadians looking to make larger snus purchases in our wonderful country and ship them to them domestically, free of charge. Get your orders sent to me and I'll send them to you, basically.

      This is all just ideas, but, since we are a pretty tight-knit community particularily on this website I think this has potential!

      This is all speculation at this point of course, but if my experiment runs its course with success then we could begin to look at this possibility more seriously.

      Seriously. There is just no bloody good reason to pay these abusive tariffs.

      So, join me in this journey, and help us all stick it to the man!
      Bless you LFWG. If your experiment proves you correct I thank-you for your generousity in helping out your fellow Canadians. Newfoundlanders are the salt of the earth I say.

      I hope for your sake (and mine!) that it works out for you.

      Not to give bad mojo but I worry about you going to the well with a larger bucket. The government might be big, stupid and wasteful but they inevitably sniff out tax revenue.

      Hopefully I'm wrong in my worrying, its just that it sounds too good to be true.


      • lowfiwhiteguy
        Banned Users
        • Jan 2010
        • 14

        Re: The Great Canadian Snus Tax Experiment!

        Not to give bad mojo but I worry about you going to the well with a larger bucket. The government might be big, stupid and wasteful but they inevitably sniff out tax revenue.

        Hopefully I'm wrong in my worrying, its just that it sounds too good to be true.
        I see exactly what you're saying and I was of a same mind. But I really want to try this and see what happens, particularily after hearing from a third party that he's never had any issues.

        We'll see what happens I guess.


        • Psilocybin
          • Mar 2010
          • 52

          I also hope it works out for your sake and mine


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            nice. i approve of all man-sticking.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by daruckis
              nice. i approve of all man-sticking.


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