Registered Mail

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  • lota lota
    New Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 9

    Registered Mail

    I've been ordering from The Northerner for several years and just recently they started sending my orders registered mail. This means I have to drive all the way across town to the post office and sign for my order. They used to just drop it off, which is what I would like them to do.

    Does not ship their orders registered? On this basis alone I will make the switch from Northerner as I barely have enough time in my lunch hour to get to the post office and back.
  • krugerfred
    Banned Users
    • Feb 2007
    • 31

    tax free

    They send it registered in order to sell it taxfree to non EU customers, with the REK number they can prove to the Swedish tax authority that it's sent outside EU, maybe buysnus has solved it another way? :?:


    • lota lota
      New Member
      • Dec 2007
      • 9

      Interesting Krugerfred, I hadn't thought of the tax angle with the REK. I figured it was something required by USPS on my side.

      I did make an order with and will see how they do it. The registered mail is a real inconvenience for me.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Buynus sends it regular mail. Is always waiting for me in my mailbox and I am always grinning when I see it.


        • lota lota
          New Member
          • Dec 2007
          • 9

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Buynus sends it regular mail.
          Good to know! They shipped last night so gladly I'll see it early next week and won't have to visit the Post Office. I did receive my Northerner order today and had to sign and write a bunch of stuff into the electronic terminal in order to pick it up. Fortunately, it didn't seem too dried out after spending 3 days in the heated Post Office.


          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            The last couple of orders from Northerner really were a pain in the ass. I think I made like 5 trips to pick up two packages. They can never find them at the Post Office. I hate regestered mail. One of the reasons Buysnus has moved up on my list.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              Interesting about the registered mail to skirt the tax issue. I just placed my first ever snus order with Northerner a week or so ago and at checkout they added a $6 tobacco tax. Does buysnus add this "Tax"? or is this just a means for them so bump the cost of the order up several dollars?


              • krugerfred
                Banned Users
                • Feb 2007
                • 31

                An email reply was sent to me and has stopped with registered mail last week


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Originally posted by Xobeloot
                  Interesting about the registered mail to skirt the tax issue. I just placed my first ever snus order with Northerner a week or so ago and at checkout they added a $6 tobacco tax. Does buysnus add this "Tax"? or is this just a means for them so bump the cost of the order up several dollars?
                  Buysnus does not add this tax. The tax is B$, since you are not in the EU, you are NOT subject to any taxes from them and are not taxes at this end as well. Sounds like they ae just taking money from you.


                  • Kindrd
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 266

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    Originally posted by Xobeloot
                    Interesting about the registered mail to skirt the tax issue. I just placed my first ever snus order with Northerner a week or so ago and at checkout they added a $6 tobacco tax. Does buysnus add this "Tax"? or is this just a means for them so bump the cost of the order up several dollars?
                    Buysnus does not add this tax. The tax is B$, since you are not in the EU, you are NOT subject to any taxes from them and are not taxes at this end as well. Sounds like they ae just taking money from you.
                    It does seem that Northerner has lifted this tax and allows post shipping again.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Well, I have attempted to contact a few times but have yet to get a response. I will be using from here on out.

                      I'll take the $6 hit, gains a new customer. Just dropped an $80 order on them. Northerners loss.

                      Thank you for the info. As a new snuser, I prefer to deal with a company that isnt going to shaft me out of money I would have otherwise spent willingly.



                      • PrisMaster
                        • May 2007
                        • 208

                        I seen it says you live in MN like i do and i have chose to always order from buysnus from now on. Mainly because it ends up being a few bucks cheaper and they seem to ship a lot faster. My last order was placed thursday and received on tuesday. And about your questions, i have never had to go get my package and its always been shipped to my house and just left in my mailbox. No signing or anything. You should be just fine with buysnus. Also i did not use there ups shipping service but just there regular shipping service. Good luck.

                        p.s. - where are you located in MN? Im in northern MN near Duluth


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Like I understand it from common sense and from reading other member's posts, including krugerfred's, Northerner uses registered mail to get the tobacco-tax-money back from the Swedish tax authorities. With regular mail, they seemingly don't have the chance to do so.

                          Northerner certainly is no big im- and export company, but a rather small firm, which presumably has no special arrangements with the government, regarding taxes.

                          I have no problem with American members, stating, that they feel ripped off by Northerner, even if I don't think, that they relly get ripped off. I guess, they just have to pay the taxes. Northerner has to pay, depending on the shipment-option, they choose.

                          From an European point of view, I can only say, that the tax increase was aroud €0.60 per can of lössnus, but Buysnus now charges €5,56 instead of €4.02 per can for European customers (for some brands), which is a difference of €1,54. Count in the inflation and there still is a huge gap.

                          I'm assuming, that European Buysnus-customers are paying the taxes for American customers, who choose regular mail as their shipment-option in addition to the taxes, they have to pay anyway.

                          I'm actually sort of feeling ripped off by Buysnus at the moment.

                          I must say, that I love both, Buysnus and Northerner and both have gotten around the same proportion of my business, until now (Buysnus mostly for rolls and Northerner mostly for single cans), but when I see, that Buysnus takes my money to pay for the taxes, Americans normally would have to pay for using unregistered mail, then I can only say "goodbye Buysnus".

                          Well, again, I really love both companies and I really would like to see, that both sort out their tax-problems and both stay competitive for American as well as for European customers, but at the moment, it looks like American customers will have to choose Buysnus and European customers will have to choose Northerner, just for price-reasons. My next order will be in february, so I will just choose the vendor, who then has the best prices. As I said, I relly like both and next time, I will also check some other vendors in Sweden and Denmark.

                          To sum it up, well I'm neither working for Buysnus nor Northerner nor any other snus-vendor, but I don't like if anyone speaks about getting ripped off from one or the other vendor. Buysnus and Northerner just seem to have a different kind of calculation, nothing more. Northerner's calculation seems to be more depending on the real business, while Buysnus simply seems to prefer American customers.

                          But again, I don't really feel ripped off by any of these vendors, I'll simply compare the prices and choose the cheapest.



                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            chainsnuser, you bring up ome interesting points. Perhaps it is OK for Northerner to be the company that is best for my European friends, and Buysnus to be the best for my fiends on this side of the pond. Perhaps different business models? But in the end, all I want is for BOTH of them to be successful. I want to make sure we have as many choices as possible and want anyone that is working on bringing this wonderful thing called snus to the needy masses.

                            But what you said makes me see things a bit differently. I know Buysnus seems to be getting the good "press" these days on the forums. But maybe it really is a difference in perspective. Clearly for you, Buysnus is not the best deal. For me, it may be. But that does not make one "better" than another. Just different for different folks.

                            I have done business with Northerner, but Buysnus has always been slightly faster. Buysnus messed up with their Swiss Post experiment. Northerner messed up with their registered mail experiment. But BOTH seemed to learn their lessons. That is what makes a company stand out. They learned and fixed it.

                            In the future, I am going to try and be a bit more careful and not critisize one over the other as much. they both are good companies that bring me one of my favorite treats in the world. That is never a bad thing.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              You do make good points chainsnuser, and I do aggree with you. It just would have been nice if Northerner would respond to the several e-mails I have sent explaining the charge to me.

                              Even if they responded with something stating "We charge the added tax so that we can keep the costs down for our EU customers as well as continue to provide the service to our American customers" I would be content. The lack of response is primarily what bothers me. Not the money.

                              Either which way, I see your points.



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