Let's get a Scotch thread in the People forum. Laphroig and Tasilker would be my choices for peat. Dahlwinnie with Prima Fint is also a must try
At the moment my personal favorite combination is Gellivare with a glass of Lagavulin 16yo, it's peaty/earthy/salty tones really match the tobacco well.
I bet Dalwinnie will be nice with one of the slightly sweeter snuses to compliment it's honey characteristics.
:lol: shit, yeah, you can't go wrong with the Lagavulin 16! A bit pricey for a regular knocking around scotch, but well worth it for when you really want something divine 8)
Ok I received both a can of both Landstroms and Gellivare, I was really looking forward to both, but after trying them I'll stick with Swedish Match los snus for now. I think the Landstroms was ok, if I did not have anything else around, but I may just toss the Gellivare.
The Gellivare was extremely gritty, even after adding a little water. I had a hell of a time getting a pinch in my lip, and it was still like sand after several minutes.
Does anyone know if they use a different flavoring for this snus that is not in most? I have really bad allergies hay fever, grasses, pollen, ect. and they were acting up shortly after trying this snus I have never had that reaction with any snus before.
Unfortunately, there were no ingredients listed on the tin, also did not have an expiration date. Is it possible I got something that has been sitting on the shelf too long? Anyone else had a bad experience with Gellivare?
I really like Gellivare and to a lesser extent Landstroms too. Gellivare has taken its place as one of my favorites along with Gotlands gray and Yellow and Ettan. Gellivare has a great flavor and a nice kick, all of the tins I have gotten of it seemed kind of dry, but a few drops of distilled water fixed that.
I've had allergy type reactions to the Landstroms a few times. Not a big deal for me. I suspect it was the freshness of the product. Now that it has been opened I don't get any reactions from it. Do you see how the light reflects off the Gellavare sparkling like diamonds. This stuff is awesome!
I was wondering why I get so relaxed in the evenings after a large pris of Skruf, so decided to do a little search on Bergamot and this is what I found....