Fastest shipping after order ever!!

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Fastest shipping after order ever!!

    OK, i guess Buysnus is trying to make up for some of their technical difficulties of late. Put my order in, got an immediate confirmation back at 10:20 AM, then got an e-mail that it had been shipped back at 10:24 AM.

    4 minutes from confirmation to shipping!!!! Gotta love Buysnus right now.

    Can Northerner match this?? I don't think so.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Buysnus really is great! They usually ship within a few hours, if you order in the morning or early next morning, if you order in the evening (regarding Central European Time, of course).

    But in your case, Sagedil, I guess someone at Buysnus by mistake hit the "send-shipment-confirmation-button" instead of the "inform-the-shipping-department-button".

    But well, it's certainly not impossible to ship an order within 4 minutes, so I'm not sure.



    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Bite your tongue chainsnuser

      Now I am gonna be stressing that they forgot to actually send it to the actual order folks.

      Or, on another theory. I ordered the last hour before prices increased. Maybe they had to rush mine out the door before prices changed. Maybe i hope. Other than the ill fated shipping co. change, Buysnus has been bullet-proof for me so I gotta just assume they were real fast today.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Bite your tongue chainsnuser
        I didn't mean to frighten you :wink:. I hope you have enough snus left, so it won't hurt you, if the new snus comes one day later, than expected.



        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I'm not great, but better off then I have been on some of my last orders. I have 1/2 of tin of Goat Rape, a bit more then 1 tin of LD, and half a tin of that God awful, cheap a#$ Phantom crap, plus 2 1/2 tins of camel that I bought of a friend for $4. Plus, I have three loose in the freezer. Worst case, I will start using a lot more loose this weekend.

          When Buysnus made their ill fated move to Swiss post, I had to endure a week and a half of using Camel. Last time I bought a pack of cigarettes.


          • PrisMaster
            • May 2007
            • 208

            i had an excellent experience with buysnus this last week my self. I placed the order last Thursday and it usually takes at least a week to get to me in Minnesota, USA. I received my order on Tuesday. I was very pleased. I plan on sticking with buysnus from now on since there prices for me are at least 3-5 cheaper after shipping then and the free tin after you buy a roll is nice. I actually received 2 free tins which was great. I placed an order for 10 different kinds of los snus and received a free Gustavus los, which i have been wanting to try and almost put a tin in this last order anyways and also a free Offroad original (can't remember if its portion or los, but i hope los), which is another one i almost placed in my order to try. I am very excited and going to stick with buysnus from now on.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Just to followup, I received my order today. I can see the package of snus in my mailbox as I come home. Truly one of the happiest sights in the world.

              I have to finish the three tins I have open right now. I didn't buy any rolls this time. So each one I got is different. I can't wait!!! Especially to try the Gotlandssnus. I got one of each. green, grey, yellow, and the Christmas. I have never tried any of these, but with all the raving comments I have read, I can't wait.


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