So, I have been a huge fan of since my very first order of snus about 7 months ago. And have just had nothing but seriously great great great experiences with them. Any problems I have, just they replace, for free! Free fridgemate, replacement General Bulletproof can, and out of all my orders, I just missed one can, which they of course shipped for free to me. They have been absolutely great, and I would wait an extra week to get my orders from Buysnus than convert to Northerner. I am not sure why, but Northerner just, idk, there is something about it that just scares me. It literally scares me, I hate doing anything on that site. I like Buysnus 10 for 7 deal, not 10 get two free. The point system on Buysnus is great! 5 points gets you a roll half off. Well, considering even if my referrals buy a roll, I get a point for that too! About once a month I get a roll half off JUST from people I referred ordering. Its PERFECT! I even made business cards for this place. But I am nervous after PACT Act, I wont have the money to pay the crazy charge to ship UPS from Sweden.. If they had a US warehouse, that would be perfect. I'd love it.
Ugh. Guys, I am stressin here.
Ugh. Guys, I am stressin here.