Northerner/GetSnus: ODEN'S - Please Advise

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Northerner/GetSnus: ODEN'S - Please Advise

    Frank or Fredrik: I've been waiting a couple weeks on 6 rolls of Oden's ES Portion. I dropped a lot of coin on that and a bunch of other snus too. My GetSnus order is still waiting to be shipped until Oden's is back in stock. Can you please provide an estimate as to when you expect to get some more Odens? My concern is that you won't get any more before the June deadline, in which case I need to request a refund and try to get some elsewhere while I still can.

    Please advise.

    Thanks, Roo
  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    I just want my "Snus is the Shit" shirt so I can go walk around the local Walmart and b cool!

    /Sorry didn't mean to hijack your thread.

    Can we get some confirmation as to the obtainability of Oden's brand Snus by us lowly American's once our PACT legislation goes into effect?


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      I'm not counting on it being available after June, more worried BEFORE June 20-whatever, got a bunch on back-order and I will order a shitload more on the 16th if GetSnus has it.


      • PipenSnus
        • Apr 2010
        • 1038

        As of a week ago, they still had some Oden's products, because I just got 2 rolls of Oden's Classic Kanel from them last Monday. But I didn't order any of the ES, so I can't speak to that issue.


        • Big L
          • Aug 2009
          • 151

          I recently ordered 10 rolls of Odens ES los from Getsnus and got them within 2 days. That probably doesn't help if you want portions. You could always stock up on los and make your own portions with some empty tea bags or coffee filters.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            ^ I already have a decent stockpile of the lös, and a few more on the way with this order. I do need more though. The portions are my go-to all-day snus at work and such. Good to know the lös is plentiful though, thanks Big L.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Most people are saying you can just order them from Sweden with no problem, post Pact.


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